Nectar Star Fruit

Chapter 10 :

As the unique rarity fruit lay on the ground, the onlookers couldn't believe their eyes. Such items were treasures that most players only dreamed of acquiring. They held the potential to grant incredible benefits and advantages, making them highly sought after.

"Did you see that? That was a unique rarity fruit!" one player exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"It's like finding a rare gem in a pile of pebbles," another added, awe evident in his tone.

Trevor and the others exchanged amazed glances. The young man, had thrown away something of immense value to save himself from the 3 Horns Bear. It was an act of desperation and sacrificial that had paid off in an unexpected way.

"I can't believe he just tossed away a unique rarity fruit like that," Marcus said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Lyra nodded in agreement. "Those are incredibly hard to come by, especially in this segment..."

Trevor, who had been observing the scene with a mix of astonishment and calculation, finally spoke up. "That fruit... it must be the thing that had been attracting the bear."

His underlings considered Trevor's words. It made sense; the unique rarity fruit wasn't just valuable in terms of virtual currency—because naturally, they had unique and powerful effects that players could use to their advantage.

The weight of Aiden's sacrifice hung in the air. They had witnessed a desperate act driven by necessity—a young man willing to part with a valuable and rare item to save his own life...

"It's clear now," Lyra said, her voice tinged with sympathy. "The bear must have been after that unique rarity fruit."

Curiosity piqued, Rylan and the group bent down to examine the unique rarity fruit that Aiden had thrown to the 3 Horns Bear. The fruit's vibrant colors and unusual shape hinted at its extraordinary nature.

As they accessed the fruit's status panel, their expressions shifted from surprise to astonishment. The Nectar Star Fruit held within it a pair of effects that were both intriguing and valuable.


Nectar Star Fruit

Rarity: Unique

Description: A rare fruit with an otherworldly glow, known for its the stunning merit from eating it. Consuming this fruit bestows unique blessings upon the user.


1. Obtaining an active skill, Vitalizing Aura: Temporarily increases maximum health points by 20% for 30 minutes.

2. Hidden until obtained.


As they read the effects of the Nectar Star Fruit, the onlookers were left speechless. It was as if the fruit held the very essence of celestial power, offering a range of potent benefits that could tip the balance in any battle.

Especially for tanks. Getting maximum health points increased by 20% for 30 minutes was like a gift sent by the emperor after helping him raise to power. Tank was a crucial role, either in boss or in PVP.

In boss, the higher your tanks had, the higher the chance for the team to tackle the dungeon or field event. So it was not exaggerated that the tanks who saw the fruits literally drool over the fruit. With this fruit, their journey as tanks would be smooth sailing, becoming an expert would be easier too.

But naturally, the other classes were practically dazed too. They too would be more than happy to get 1 more valuable skill into their arsenals. Naturally, they were more than eager to get despite the need to compete with the tanks.

But that was not all as there was still another hidden effect that would be obtained after eating the fruit. If that hidden effect was as valuable as the health boost, it could be a game-changer. A player who possessed such a fruit could become a sought-after ally no matter where, they were sure of it.

As Trevor and his group marveled at the remarkable Nectar Star Fruit, a rustling sound caught their attention. Their gazes shifted to the source of the noise, only to find the injured 3 Horns Bear slowly approaching the fruit.

The bear's massive form towered over the fruit, its three horns gleaming ominously. Despite its injuries, the creature's eyes were fixed on the colorful prize before it, its instincts drawn to the promise of nourishment and power.

The onlookers held their breath, tension filling the air as the bear loomed over the Nectar Star Fruit. If the bear eat that fruit, that would really be such a waste of a treasure!

But the 3 Horns Bear was stronger than any of them, and they didn't have any way to fight back the bear if they really intended to compete with the bear.

Trevor and his group exchanged bemused glances. The Nectar Star Fruit still lay untouched, its vibrant colors contrasting with the natural surroundings.

It's a shame that the bear got away with the fruit...

Indeed, it could have been a valuable resource for us...


Actually, we might still have a chance...?

They realized something crucial as their thinking reached this point. Something simple yet they forgot about it because of the tense atmosphere.

Death isn't permanent. We can revive!

Who would have thought that dying could be part of the strategy?

The situation had taken an unexpected turn, and now they had a plan that involved a calculated risk.

They chatted quickly in the group about this idea. Lyra nodded. "Let's make sure we're well-prepared before we confront the bear."

With their plan in motion, the group took a moment to strategize and ensure they were ready for the upcoming challenge. The realization that death was not the end in this virtual world had given them a new perspective, allowing them to consider options they might have previously dismissed.

As Trevor and his group discussed their new strategy, their attention turned to Rylan. Their initial excitement about the fruit had caused them to overlook the fact that Rylan, an outsider, might also have his eyes on the valuable prize.

Trevor's brows furrowed as he glanced around, searching for any sign of Rylan. "We can't let him get his hands on that fruit. It's too valuable to be wasted on an outsider."

Lyra nodded in agreement. "We should have thought about this earlier."

Marcus chimed in, his expression determined. "We need to find him and make sure he's out of the picture."

As they began to consider various ways to deal with the situation, they realized something unsettling. Rylan was nowhere to be found. The spot where he had stood moments ago was now empty.

Trevor's eyes narrowed as he scanned the area. "Where did he go?"

Lyra's lips tightened. "He must have slipped away when we were focused on the bear and the fruit."

Marcus sighed in frustration. "We let him escape."

Trevor's gaze flickered with irritation, a sense of missed opportunity gnawing at him. "He's crafty, I'll give him that."

It dawned on them that Rylan had likely seized the opportunity to depart while they were distracted by the bear's presence. They had been so engrossed in their plan that they had failed to notice his departure.

"Well, we need to focus on the task at hand," Trevor said, his tone resolute. "Let's proceed with our plan to retrieve the fruit."

Lyra nodded, determination in her eyes. "Agreed. We can't let our guard down again."

With their attention refocused, Trevor and his group prepared to put their strategy into action. The unexpected turn of events had reminded them of the need to be vigilant and adaptable in the digital realm.

As they prepared to set out to face the 3 Horns Bear and reclaim the valuable Nectar Star Fruit, Trevor couldn't help but admire Rylan's resourcefulness.

Trevor's gaze shifted toward the spot where Rylan had been standing moments ago. His expression turned calculating as he considered the implications of the situation. He had been wary of an outsider like Rylan gaining access to the precious fruit, but it seemed their opportunity had slipped away.

"We need to find him," Trevor declared, his voice determined. "He can't be far."

Marcus chimed in, his eyes narrowing with resolve. "He might have retreated, thinking he could escape unnoticed."

Trevor's lips tightened into a thin line. "We can't afford to let him slip through our fingers. We must find him before he becomes a problem."

Lyra's eyes scanned their surroundings, a frown marring her features. "We can't afford to dwell on this. She saw that the bear was about to take the fruit away.

Trevor had a solemn mixed with helpless expression as he nodded his head.

As the bear's attention remained fixated on the Nectar Star Fruit, Trevor and his group seized the opportunity to take action. With a shared determination, they knew that this was their chance to reclaim the unique rarity fruit that held such tantalizing potential.

Trevor's voice cut through the tense air. "We can't let that bear escape with the fruit. It's now or never."

Lyra nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Let's distract the bear and create an opening."

Marcus drew his weapon, his stance firm. "We need to work together and keep the bear occupied."

Their gazes turned sharp as they looked at the bear, and propelled into action.