Brushing the Skin

Chapter 11 : Brushing the Skin

Their plan was simple but carried a sense of urgency. They had to keep the bear engaged while ensuring that it wouldn't consume the fruit that held the key to its unique properties.

As the bear continued to hover near the fruit, its enigmatic behavior preventing it from immediately devouring the precious item. Trevor, Lyra, Marcus, and their companions sprang into action. With a flurry of coordinated attacks, spells, and maneuvers, they unleashed a barrage of assaults on the bear.

Magic spells crackled through the air, striking the bear with arcs of lightning and bursts of fire. Weapons clashed against thick fur and hardened hide, while the forest resounded with the roars of combat.

Trevor's eyes gleamed with determination as he directed his underlings in a calculated assault. "Don't let up! Keep it distracted!"

Lyra's precision and agility were on full display as she weaved between the bear's massive swipes, landing strikes that wore down its defenses. "Stay focused! We're close to our objective!"

Marcus's strength and resilience were evident as he engaged the bear head-on, deflecting its powerful blows with expert precision. "Hold the line! We can't afford any mistakes!"

The battle raged on, each strike, spell, and movement contributing to the intense effort to prevent the bear from escaping with the Nectar Star Fruit. The forest became a chaotic battlefield, with the bear's formidable strength countered by the determination of Trevor and his group.

Seconds felt like hours as the attacks reached a crescendo. The bear's initial curiosity had long waned, replaced by frustration and fury. Its massive frame trembled under the relentless onslaught, but it refused to yield.

Just as the situation appeared dire, a collective surge of energy coursed through Trevor's group. Their attacks intensified, their movements synchronized, and their focus sharpened. It was a final push, a calculated gambit to overwhelm the bear before it could react as they used scrolls and formations to enhance their powers.

And then, as if in a burst of clarity, the bear's eyes widened with realization. It finally comprehended the danger it was in, and the threat posed by the skilled fighters before it.

Naturally not the danger of its life, but the danger for the fruit.

The forest trembled as the bear's rage surged, a formidable force of nature awakened by the unrelenting assault it faced. With a chilling roar that reverberated through the air, the bear summoned an arsenal of devastating skills, unleashing them with a terrifying and deadly precision.

The 3 Horns Bear unleashed Terraquake Slam, where the bear slammed its massive paws into the ground, causing a shockwave that disrupted the terrain. The skill dealt area damage and stunned its enemies caught in the shockwave.

Then the bear continued with Thunderous Charge, as the bear charged forward with incredible speed, generating a burst of lightning around it. The attack Inflicted heavy damage to its enemies in its path. Around half of the players that faced the attack had died while the rest got paralyzed and injured.

Trevor and his allies were faced with a new reality—a reality where the bear's wrath knew no bounds, and its skills were harbingers of destruction. As each skill was activated, the forest floor became a battlefield littered with turmoil and danger.

The bear unleased another skill called Molten Barrage, where the bear channeled its inner fire, releasing a barrage of molten projectiles that rain down on its enemies. Each projectile explodeed upon impact, dealing fire damage and igniting the ground. Lyra's eyes widened as she narrowly avoided a cascade of boulders that the bear had hurled with unparalleled strength. "Watch out!"

Marcus gritted his teeth as he blocked a wave of searing flames that threatened to engulf him. "We underestimated its capabilities!"

Trevor's mind raced as he assessed the situation. The bear's unleashed skills were beyond anything they had encountered thus far. Each attack was ruthless, merciless, and deadly. He knew that their only chance of survival lay in a strategic retreat.

But would they really be going to throw away this chance even though the chance was miniscule?

As the group scrambled to regroup and establish a defensive line, the bear's wrath showed no signs of abating. Lightning crackled through the air, striking with pinpoint accuracy. Gouts of flame erupted from the ground, scorching the earth. The forest itself seemed to come alive, with roots and vines lashing out like vipers.

Their movements were dictated by the urgent need to evade and counter the bear's onslaught. Each step was measured, each dodge a dance with danger. But despite their efforts, the bear's skills were relentless, forcing them into a defensive stance.

Trevor's mind raced as he considered their options. They had to find a way to weaken the bear's onslaught and gain the upper hand. But how could they counter such an overwhelming display of power?

"We need to coordinate our attacks!" Trevor called out, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Focus on exploiting its weaknesses! I will use an ace scroll now!" Trevor said as a frown appeared on his face.

He was honestly reluctant to use an ace scroll, but it seemed he didn't have any option. Just like the name, an ace scroll was like a trump card that one could possess. Scrolls in battles have many variant, some could deal damages, some could restrict movement, some could weaken the attributes, etc.

With a heavy heart and a sense of urgency, Trevor reached into his inventory and retrieved the treasured Grounded Sealing Scroll. This was a move of desperation, a last-resort option that he had hoped to avoid. The scroll represented a potent trump card, capable of shifting the tide of battle when wielded at the right moment. A bright light showed up as he unfolded the scroll.


Grounded Sealing Scroll: Effect: Unleashes a powerful seal that weakens the target's defenses, slows their movement, and restricts their movement for 5 seconds. Effective against enemies below level 50. Cooldown: 24 hours.


As he unrolled the scroll, a surge of energy enveloped him, and the air around him seemed to crackle with magical power. The scroll's magic was potent and ancient, a force that had been sealed away until now. Trevor knew that using this scroll would come at a cost, but in the face of the 3 Horns Bear's overwhelming strength, he had no other choice.

With determination burning in his eyes, Trevor activated the scroll's power, channeling the magic into the battle. The air shimmered with ethereal light as the seal took effect, weakening the bear's defenses and slowing its movements. The magic of the scroll had an additional effect as well—it restricted the bear's movement, rendering it immobile for a precious five seconds.

It was a moment of leverage, a chance to turn the tide in their favor. As the Grounded Sealing Scroll's magic took hold, Trevor and his allies renewed their assault, striking with renewed vigor and determination. The bear's roars echoed through the forest, but even its formidable strength could not fully resist the power of the seal.

Luckily for the bear, even though the scroll should've been more than enough to restrict monster below 50 for 5 seconds, because if its unique power, the bear felt that it was able to resist the restricting power from the scroll and was able to move after 3 seconds only.

But unluckily for the bear, 3 seconds was an enough time for Trevor to get a hold of the fruit. Trevor took advantage of the chance hurriedly as he propelled toward the fruit.

Time seemed to slow down as the effects of the Grounded Sealing Scroll took hold. Trevor had just three seconds—the briefest of moments—to seize the opportunity and claim the unique rarity fruit that lay near the immobilized 3 Horns Bear. In these tense seconds, the forest's ambient sounds seemed muted, and all attention was fixed on Trevor and the bear.

1 second passed...

With a surge of adrenaline, Trevor moved. His muscles responded with urgency, and he lunged toward the fruit. The seconds seemed to stretch into an eternity as he closed the gap between himself and the prize.

2 seconds passed...

Trevor's fingers brushed against the smooth surface of the Nectar Star Fruit. Time seemed to stand still as his hand closed around it, and he felt a mixture of relief and triumph. The fruit was his, a tangible reward for his decisive action.

3 seconds passed...


The bear was enraged more than ever. The bear utilized Raging Rampage as the bear entered a state of frenzy, increasing its attack speed and damage output. Its attacks became more erratic and unpredictable, making it difficult for Trevor and his allies to predict its moves.

The bear continued with Inferno Roar, where the bear let out a deafening roar, summoning flames that erupt from the ground in a fiery explosion. The towering flames Inflicted burn damage that applied damage over time and reduces the movement speed of its enemies.


Trevor shouted out loud with dread, but a proud smile was plastered on its mouth. The fruit was his after all! He had finally obtained the fruit after much difficulty. He still remembered the feeling where his fingers brushed against the skin of the fruit and if he had more courage, he would probably admit out loud that the feeling of the skin was even smoother than the feeling of a woman...


Trevor laughed madly when his thinking became a bit silly.

Maybe the adrenaline... I don't know, but damn...

The feeling of the skin...

Brushing the skin...




Hold up...