Come Here You

Chapter 12 : Come Here You


As the chaos of the battle continued to unfold, a sinking feeling gripped Trevor's heart. Amid the tumultuous struggle between players and the 3 Horns Bear, a realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. The moment he had thought was a triumph was, in fact, a near miss!

His fingers had only grazed the surface of the Nectar Star Fruit. The prize he had so desperately reached for was still lying there, tantalizingly close yet frustratingly out of reach. In the frenzy of the situation, Trevor had underestimated the brevity of those crucial seconds.

He was sure that he had gotten the fruit, even though he was moving quickly, he naturally had calculated his speed and trajectory.

Was the fruit weight in hundred of pounds? Was that the reason why he was not able to pick it up, and underestimated it's heaviness?

... Nah, that young man, son of Aiden, could bring it with him easily, just like how one would get a hold of normal fruit.

Then what was the reason?

Amidst the despair, his eyes suddenly landed on a man that he thought had gone, far from this place. His eyes widened in surprise and amazement as he didn't know how this could happen.

The man was none other than Rylan, who was using the identity of Straight!

The fruit that had been just out of Trevor's reach was now being held in place by a figure he had not expected to see. The same man who had disappeared from the scene had reappeared at the most pivotal moment, clutching the precious Nectar Star Fruit in his hand. Trevor's shock was palpable, his mind struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

Trevor's bloodshot eyes bore into Straight with an intensity that was both threatening and unnerving. The battle around them seemed to fade into the background as the two figures stood locked in a silent confrontation. The tension in the air was high as ever, charged with unspoken challenges and unsaid words.

"Hand over the fruit," Trevor's voice was cold, his tone laced with a veiled threat. The Nectar Star Fruit was still clutched tightly in Straight's hand, a symbol of victory snatched from the jaws of defeat. Trevor's pride had been wounded by this turn of events, and his desire to possess the valuable treasure was unyielding.

Straight, for his part, met Trevor's gaze with a calm demeanor. He had taken the initiative and seized the moment, and he was not blind to the retaliation that Trevor might pose. The forest's ambient sounds seemed to fade away as the weight of the situation settled over them.

"Why should I?" Straight's response was measured, his voice carrying a hint of defiance. He held the fruit as though it were a prize earned through his own wit and effort, and he was not eager to relinquish it. The stakes had shifted, and he found himself in a position of power.

Trevor's eyes flickered with a mix of frustration and anger. The battle had escalated beyond the physical clash of skills, as if becoming a psychological and strategic duel between two opponents in terms of who got more guts. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath as the standoff continued, the outcome uncertain.

With each passing seconds, or more like, miliseconds, the tension grew, and the air crackled with the unspoken challenge between Trevor and Straight. As the sun's rays filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor, the fate of the unique rarity fruit and the individuals vying for it hung in the balance.


Alas, time did not wait for one as the bear continued its rampage toward the daring humans. The bear once again unleashed plethora of skills as it pounced toward the location of the fruit with more vigor.

Trevor's allies stood as a barrier between the enraged 3 Horns Bear and the direction of the coveted Nectar Star Fruit. The forest resounded with the clash of skills and the frenetic movements of players determined to thwart the bear's advance. But despite their efforts, the immense power and ferocity of the bear proved formidable.

The situation grew increasingly dire. The bear's attacks were ruthless, tearing through the ranks of players with devastating efficiency. The battlefield became a maelstrom of chaos, as the bear's relentless assault claimed lives in its wake. The ground itself seemed to tremble under the force of the battle, and the air was thick with tension and fear.

"Do you really want *BAANG* ..... make an enemy out of me?" Trevor asked with a heavy voice, accompanied by a loud explosion as the background. It was true that Straight was an expert, but he didn't believe that he would lose out much to him. He could farm and get better equipment later on too.

After all, he had the backing of his company too. Even if Straight was from Red Lotus, he would not take a step back. His guild and company was not a pushover. The winner was still not decided, how could he be afraid?

Trevor's allies fought valiantly, their skills and determination pushed to the limit as they struggled to hold the line against the bear's onslaught. But the bear's rage and power were unmatched, and despite their best efforts, lives were reaped with each passing moment. The forest's natural tranquility had been replaced by the cacophony of battle, a desperate struggle for survival against an overwhelming force.

"Well dang, why don't you *BOOM* everytime someone got some treasures *KRAASHK*"

Even though Trevor couldn't hear clearly what Straight was saying, he could understand the gist out of it. Especially by looking at the seemingly mocking expression on Straight's face. If he could, he really want to say more things to him, but he knew that time was of essence.

A mixture of frustration, anger, and determination were mixed and welled up within him. He had come so close, and the cost of missing this opportunity was painfully clear. The Nectar Star Fruit was a unique rarity item, a treasure that held the potential to bring significant benefits to its bearer. And now, through a split-second misjudgment, it remained beyond his grasp.

Trevor's gaze remained fixed on the fruit, his thoughts churning as he contemplated his next move. The battle raged on around him, but his attention was focused on the prize that had slipped through his fingers. No, it was not a battle, it was a one sided massacre as the Bear roared toward his direction, massacring Trevor's allies who stood in the path of its way.

The taste of near-victory only intensified his resolve, driving him to find a way to retrieve the Nectar Star Fruit before it was too late.

Amid the chaotic battlefield, Lyra and Marcus fought with a desperation born of the dire circumstances. Their once-confident demeanor had given way to a grim determination as they exerted every ounce of their skill and strength to halt the bear's relentless advance. Sweat mingled with dirt on their brows as they exchanged worried glances, silently acknowledging the overwhelming odds they faced.

"Boss, we can't... hold on much longer," Marcus panted, his voice strained as he communicated his distress to Trevor. The burden of their task had taken a toll on him, and he could feel his strength waning with each passing moment. Lyra, by his side, nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and exhaustion.

They couldn't see the situation clearly on Trevor's side, but they knew that something must've gone wrong. They saw a man appeared but they couldn't see more in detail as the bear didn't give them the chance to.

Ever since Trevor had shouted 'hold up', they didn't dare to relax again. They were very happy when Trevor had shouted to retreat, thinking that Trevor had acquired the fruit. But alas, their relieved mood was short lived.

Trevor's jaw tightened as he assessed the situation, his gaze flickering between the bear and his struggling allies. He could see the desperation in their eyes, a mirror of his own frustration and helplessness. The reality of the bear's power and their own limitations had become all too clear, and the weight of their impending defeat hung heavily in the air.

As the battle raged on, the toll on their victims became evident. Marcus, pushed to his limits, found himself unable to dodge a powerful swipe from the bear. The impact sent him sprawling to the ground, his body limp and unmoving. Lyra, her face etched with horror, redoubled her efforts to fend off the bear's attacks. But the odds were insurmountable, and it wasn't long before her defenses faltered.

As the seconds once again ticked away, the realization settled in. The battle for the Nectar Star Fruit had taken on new dimensions, and Trevor found himself faced with a choice—accept defeat, or find a way to challenge the unexpected turn of events. The forest's canopy cast dappled shadows over the scene, and the air was charged with tension as the confrontation between Straight and Trevor played out against the backdrop of the ongoing battle.

"F*** it, come here you-" As Trevor had finally decided to risk it all even if he will die and lost some items and experiences, he found out that the perpetrator behind of all this mess had suddenly vanished out of thin air.