The True value

Chapter 13 : The True Value

"Where did that bastard go?!" Trevor asked out loud. His face was very ugly as he realized that he had messed up once again.

He looked left and right, front and back, up and down, any direction as he could. But there was no sign of it. There was no sight. It was as if the spearman had gone out of thin air...

Trevor knew that some classes had this kind of skill, especially for the advanced class of Assassins. But wasn't his class a spearman? They were not specialized in this kind of ability!

Let alone spearman, he believed that those advanced assassins couldn't leave or vanish as easily and quickly like this. He had no idea how Straight had achieved this.

"Or maybe because I was distracted from the ongoing massacre of the bear..."

Regret sprung up inside of his heart. If only he had more determination to risk it and fight Straight, he would probably be in a better position than he was right now. He was only distratcted for a few moments, but the situation was reversible. The spearman has gone at all...

Trevor looked at the surviving member of his allies. It was just a single person, and it was none other than Lyra. Her health points were not even 1/10 of its maximum health. He was witnessing the last struggle of the last ally of his helplessly, and hopelessly.

With a final, valiant effort, Lyra faced the bear head-on. She managed to land a few strikes against the beast, her skills a testament to her prowess as a ranger. But in the end, the bear's strength proved overwhelming, and a mighty blow from its massive paw sent her crashing to the ground.

As Lyra's life force waned, her gaze landed on Trevor from across the battlefield. In that moment, based on the atmosphere of him, she realized that they had truly shoot their own feet. The forest's chaos seemed to recede, replaced by a poignant silence that hung heavy in the air as her body formed into light particles, washed away by the winds...

Trevor's lips tightened into a grim grin, laughing maniacally. His heart was heavy with the loss of his allies. The battle had exacted a steep price, and their sacrifice served as a stark reminder of the bear's formidable power.

F***, not that bear power, it was that f****r's fault!

The bear roared once again as it believed that the fruit was still in the possession of the man in front of it. It pounced angrily and full of power, creating a loud boom just from the impact of its momentum.

Was it because they had intended to rob the opportunity of Straight that they ended up like this?

"S*** ! I don't believe-"


The bear hacked its paw mercilessly toward Trevor. Trevor avoided it at last seconds as he had decided to try to escape from this madness. He was in despair just now, but now that death was looming over him, his strength suddenly came back once again.

But the bear's power was unyielding, its attacks relentless and overwhelming. Despite his efforts, Trevor found himself struggling to keep up, his stamina waning as the battle took its toll.

In a moment of desperation, Trevor attempted to evade a particularly fierce swipe from the bear. However, his movement was slightly off, and the bear's massive claw caught him in a glancing blow. The impact sent him tumbling to the ground, his body battered and bruised. Gasping for breath, he struggled to regain his footing, pain coursing through his limbs.

As Trevor rose to his feet, he locked eyes with the towering 3 Horns Bear. Its ferocious gaze held a primal intensity, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.


With a defiant roar, Trevor charged forward once more, his determination unwavering. But the bear's retaliation was swift and merciless. Its massive paw descended in a crushing blow, and Trevor's vision blurred as its force exploded across his body. The force of the impact was overwhelming, and as darkness encroached on his senses, he knew that his time had come.


In the aftermath of the battle, the forest seemed to hold its breath, the echoes of the conflict fading into silence. As the dust settled, the forest began to reclaim its tranquility, the battle's tumultuous energy dissipating into the atmosphere.


Only that occasionally, the roars of an angry bear resounded every now and then...

A tear of space was formed as a man suddenly popped out from it. Far from the chaos of the battle, Rylan, now still in his second name of Straight, reappeared with a sense of relief.

He had employed the unique ability of his Weaver class, Warp Step, to teleport himself away from the perilous scene.


Warp Step: Twist the threads of reality, instantly teleporting to a nearby location to gain a tactical advantage. Mana Consumption: 80. Cooldown: 5 seconds.


He had employed the skills a few times now, so he was sure that the bear could only forget for chasing him.

He had a very excited expression on his face as he stepped onto the ground.

The fruit, the Nectar Star Fruit, shimmered with an otherworldly radiance. Straight's gaze fixed upon it, his eyes reflecting a mixture of awe and reverence. This small, unassuming fruit had been the cause of turmoil, conflict, and sacrifice. Its very existence probably held the power to change the fate of a player!

Straight's fingers tightened around the fruit. He had obtained what he came for. His gaze remained fixed on the Nectar Star Fruit as its vitalizing aura pulsing with untapped potential.


Nectar Star Fruit

Rarity: Unique

Description: A rare fruit with an otherworldly glow, known for its the stunning merit from eating it. Consuming this fruit bestows unique blessings upon the user.


1. Obtaining an active skill, Vitalizing Aura: Temporarily increases maximum health points by 20% for 30 minutes.

2. (Unlocked) Enable a beast or a pet to evolve.


The second ability was finally unlocked after he had met its requirement, which was simply just by obtaining it.

Now, it became clear—the Nectar Star Fruit possessed a second hidden ability, one that went beyond its initial skill. This hidden potential was tied to the concept of evolution, a power that could facilitate the growth and advancement of a pet, a familiar, or a beast. The fruit had the capacity to catalyze a process of metamorphosis, unlocking more potential and propelling a creature's capabilities to new heights.

As this revelation settled within Rylan's mind, he couldn't help but be awed by the fruit's significance. It was more than a mere item; it was a catalyst for change, a conduit for evolution!

"Truly fit to the rarity of Unique! As expected of a Unique item! Gahahaha!"

Rylan laughed out loud not caring whether there was anyone that could hear him or not. If anyone heard him laughing like this, they would probably think that Straight was remembering something cringe.

A newfound understanding began to crystallize in Rylan's mind too, one that illuminated the mystery behind the 3 Horns Bear's formidable presence. Now he understood on the reason for the creature's unique and powerful attributes.

The 2 Horns Bear, a chief-ranked entity, had already transcended the boundaries of the Commander rank, elevating itself to a position of distinction and might.

The 3 Horns Bear, then, represented an even greater leap in evolution—a leap that defied conventional expectations. The very fact that it bore three horns indicated a level of power that surpassed the ordinary, conferring upon it attributes and abilities that set it apart. The bear's rank might have remained at the Commander level, but its potential for growth was anything but ordinary.

Despite only having commander level, the 3 Horns bear was able to surpass the Chief ranked 2 Horns Bear. That truly spoke about the value of the Nectar Star Fruit itself.

It was no wonder that the 3 Horns Bear got so angry after the fruit was stolen...

After laughing until he was satisfied, Rylan stood in quiet contemplation with the Nectar Star Fruit still cradled in his hand. Despite the fruit's potent hidden ability, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The power to facilitate evolution was a profound gift—one that could shape the destiny of a companion, a creature, or even a pet. Yet, the realization brought him face-to-face with a stark truth: he currently had no recipient for this transformative energy.

"Haaa... What a shame..."

He was now thinking of what to do next. Obtaining this fruit would really be helpful toward his pet if he ever had one. Gaining pet early one might be better cause then they could start to level up and be stronger at the same time.

But as Rylan was still in a low level area, he was sure that there was not many if not at all in the terms of better option for pet.

Rylan then decided to put the matter aside as he started to walk while changing to the original appearance of Rylan, instead of Straight.