Turn in the Quest?

Chapter 14 : Turn in the Quest?

As Rylan held the Nectar Star Fruit in his hand, a sense of gratitude and wonder filled his thoughts. The culmination of events that had led him to this moment was nothing short of extraordinary. Was it mere chance, a twist of fate, or was there something more at play? The answer remained elusive, yet he couldn't help but consider the implications.

The Ring of Wonder, a fragmented artifact with an enigmatic history, had indeed bestown upon him a huge sum of lucks that seemed almost too serendipitous to be coincidental.

A whooping 70 lucks...

As far as he knew, lucks were important in having higher chance in terms of drop from treasure chests, killing monsters, finishing quests, and such. Luck would also make the player had higher chance in achieving critical strikes, which meant more damage done to enemies. Not only that, luck would also make player have higher chance to miss damage received from enemies' attacks, which really helped in terms of survivability.

That was why luck was frightening and highly sought after.

Could this piece of equipment truly hold such power? Could its luck attributes have guided the sequence of events that had ultimately led him to possess this unique fruit? Or more like, the chance to get this fruit?

Isn't this freaking OP then?

He shuddered as his thought reached this point. He knew that this might not be the case, after all he didn't have any proof. Even if that was the case, he thought that the chance happening might be once in a while, occasionally giving him the opportunity of it. He really need to check and see whether it was the case or not.

After all, coincidence happens, but if it happens for thrice, one would normally think that there might be something about it.

But he really couldn't help but become excited. A grin appeared on his mouth as he kept walking toward his destination.

Arriving at the town's center, Rylan's eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of the old man named Aiden. It didn't take long before he spotted the familiar figure, standing near a marketplace stall and conversing with another NPC. Rylan's demeanor appeared to be calm and composed as he stride toward the old man.

As he neared Aiden, he cleared his throat to capture the old man's attention.

"Excuse me," Rylan began, his voice respectful. "Are you Aiden? The one who was searching for his son in the Restless Forests?"

Aiden turned his gaze toward Rylan, his eyes widening slightly as if he recognized something in the young man's demeanor. "Yes, that's me," he replied casually. "But who are you, if I may ask?"

Rylan's attention was drawn to a figure resting beneath a tree a short distance away for a moment as he heard the question of the old man. The figure was young, and even from this distance, Rylan could see the exhaustion etched into the lines of the person's face. A small smile tugged at his lips as he recognized the worn-out adventurer as none other than Arden, Aiden's son.

Rylan cleared his throat gently, his desire to clarify the situation evident in his expression. "Actually, I encountered Arden in the forest when he was being chased by the 3 Horns Bear. I managed to divert the bear's attention and ensure Arden's safety."

Aiden's eyes widened in surprise, his gaze shifting between Rylan and his son, who was still dozing. "You mean to say that you were the one who protected him from that beast?"

Rylan nodded, a modest smile gracing his lips. "Yes, that's correct. I'm glad I could help him get away from danger."

Aiden's expression transformed from surprise to a mix of relief and gratitude. "My gratitude knows no bounds, then," he said, his voice carrying sincere appreciation. "You've saved my son's life, and I am indebted to you."

Rylan's smile widened, touched by Aiden's heartfelt response. "I'm just glad I was able to assist when it mattered most. It was the least I could do."

Aiden looked up from his son's slumber and met Rylan's gaze, his eyes holding a mixture of gratitude and disappointment.

"Thank you for your efforts," Aiden said, his voice carrying a heavy sigh. "But it seems my son has returned on his own. The quest has lost its purpose now."

Rylan's brows furrowed slightly as he absorbed Aiden's words. He honestly expected this turn of events. His face didn't lose its friendly visage as he offered a sympathetic smile.

"I'm glad to see Arden back safely," Rylan said, his voice carrying genuine concern. "It's unfortunate that the quest couldn't be completed as intended."

Aiden's shoulders slumped as he nodded, his gaze shifting between Rylan and his son. "Indeed, I was hoping that this journey would strengthen our bond once more. But it seems fate had other plans."

Rylan's gaze slowed as he looked at Aiden's downcast expression. He could sense the old man's disappointment, the weight of unfulfilled sense. Yet, even in this moment, Aiden's gratitude for his efforts remained evident.

"I understand," Rylan said, his tone gentle. "Sometimes, quests in this world can be as unpredictable as life itself. But it's heartening to see that Arden is safe."

Aiden's gaze lifted, meeting Rylan's with a mixture of appreciation and resignation. "Indeed. Perhaps the purpose of this journey was different than I initially thought. Arden's return is a small victory in its own way."

Rylan nodded, his own perspective shifting as he listened to Aiden's words. Quests in this virtual world often mirrored the complexity of human experiences – they could lead to unexpected outcomes and lessons. With a reassuring smile, Rylan stepped back.

Aiden's eyes twinkled with a mix of curiosity and contemplation. He turned his gaze to his still-dozing son, Arden, and then back to Rylan. "Arden, my boy," he called gently, his voice carrying a fatherly warmth. "Could you tell me what happened in the forest when you were being chased by the bear?"

Arden's eyes fluttered open, and he looked at his father with a bit of confusion. "Huh? Oh, right. Well, there was this guy who came out of nowhere and distracted the bear. He fought it off and then told me to run away. He even helped me find a safe path back here."

Arden then turned toward Rylan and he seemed to be surprised, "Dad, this man was the guy who kinda helped me."

Aiden's brows raised in surprise, and he turned to Rylan with a newfound sense of respect. "So, it seems my son's account matches your words, young man."

Rylan nodded with a small smile. "Yes, sir. I'm just glad I could help Arden out of a dangerous situation."

Aiden's expression grew thoughtful before he spoke again, this time directing his words to his son. "Arden, it seems that this young man here played a crucial role in ensuring your safety."

Arden looked a bit embarrassed, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, Dad, he really did. If it weren't for him, I might not have made it back here in one piece."

With a nod of satisfaction, Aiden turned back to Rylan. "You have our gratitude, and I believe some form of recompense is in order."

Rylan's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't expected any kind of reward for his actions, but he respected Aiden's gesture. "I appreciate the sentiment, but please, it was my pleasure to help."

Even though Rylan knew that his help was not much, it seemed his help still counted. he naturally was more than glad about this.

Aiden chuckled softly. "Young man, it's only fair. You saved my son from harm. Consider it a token of our gratitude."


[Quest : Saving the Son of Aiden, changed to Helping the Son of Aiden]

The old man Aiden urgently need help to save his son from the danger. The quest has a duration of 1 day.

Reward : 5 Gold and an equipment, changed to 5 Gold or an equipment.

Quest is finished! Please choose the reward as you turn in the quest!

Do you want to turn the quest in?


Rylan didn't think much as he chose the equipment unhesitatingly. It was true that gold in this area was very rare, and it was a lot for people in his level. But he knew that he could get gold more later on, while this unknown equipment piqued his interest.

Aiden looked at Rylan with a warm smile, clearly pleased with his choice. "Ah, a wise decision indeed. Equipment holds more value in the long run than mere coins sometimes. Allow me a moment," he said, rummaging through his bag.

Finally, Aiden pulled out a wrapped package, carefully handing it to Rylan. The package felt slightly heavy, indicating that the item within might have some substance to it. Rylan's curiosity piqued as he unwrapped the package, revealing a beautifully crafted staff.

Rylan's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the staff. Its design was intricate, with delicate carvings running along its length. The gem at its tip sparkled with a faint, ethereal glow. He held it in his hands, feeling the power resonate within the staff.

Aiden's eyes crinkled with a smile as he observed Rylan's reaction. "That, my young friend, is the promised equipment. A staff forged by a skilled artisan, meant to aid mages on their journeys."

Rylan's gaze shifted from the staff to Aiden, gratitude evident in his expression. "Thank you, Mr. Aiden. I appreciate this reward of yours..."

Aiden extended a hand toward Rylan, his weathered face softening with a grateful smile. "Once again, thank you, young man. You may not have completed the quest as intended, but your actions have had a profound impact on my son's well-being."

Rylan shook Aiden's hand warmly, a sense of fulfillment settling within him. "It was an honor to help. If there's ever anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to ask."

He did expect that the equipment that he would get would not be amazing or anything, but this staff that he received truly surprised him...