
Chapter 15 : Business

As Rylan gazed at the intricately designed staff in his hands, he couldn't help but reflect on his choice. The decision to opt for the equipment instead of coins was not solely based on his preference for tangible rewards, but also on a deeper understanding of the game's mechanics, especially in terms of his advantage.

The big reason why he unhesitatingly chose the equipment was because he knew that luck can influence the reward of a mission that he got. Especially for the non explicit reward.

He had knowledge that luck played a significant role in the outcomes of drops and quests, especially when it came to rewards that were not explicitly stated.

He had a big fat 70 luck, how could he not take advantage ot it?


Name : Moonlit Crescent Staff

Rarity: Rare

Level Requirement: 30 - 50

Attack Power: +45

Magic Power: +65

Critical Strike Chance: +10%

Spell Penetration: +15

Spellcasting Speed: +15%

Mana Regeneration: +10% per minute

Durability: 250/250

Special Effect:

1. Lunar Resonance: Each successful spellcast grants a 5% chance to activate Lunar Resonance, increasing magic power by 30% for the next spell. Cooldown: 20 seconds.

2. Celestial Surge: Channel the energy of the moon to unleash a surge of magic, dealing 150% of spell power to a single target. Can be used once per day.

3. Lunar Resonance - When casting a spell under the moonlight, there is a chance of triggering an additional magical effect based on the moon's phase.

As Rylan studied the status panel of the Moonlit Crescent Staff, a sense of satisfaction washed over him.

Bronze rarity!

In terms of the known rank of the normal rarity, it ranked 4, below Platinum, Gold, Silver, which after Bronze followed by Iron, Stone, Wood, Sand. He was still level 30 at the moment, where Bronze ranked weapons were rare to find.

While the staff fell under the Bronze rarity, its attributes were quite promising. The combination of increased attack and magic power, along with critical strike chance and spell penetration, made it a versatile weapon for his Battle Mage class.

Crescent Moonlit Staff being a niche weapon that was best to be used in the night had its pros and cons. But he was always welcome to get a plethora collection of weapons.

Just like how he defeated Weakened Celestial Watcher where he needed to sacrifice a lot of weapon just to defeat it. That fight truly give an example of why having a collection of weapons were pretty important for an expert like him.

With a smile, Rylan turned to Aiden, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you once again, Mr. Aiden. I believe this staff will serve me well in my journey."

Aiden's smile mirrored Rylan's enthusiasm. "I have no doubt about that. Remember, young one, your path is shaped by both your choices and your heart, nah, mind... or you can say both that guide them. Anyway, may your adventure be filled with remarkable moments."

Rylan only nodded at Aiden's words as he continue to walk away. As he walked, he realized that he needed to log off now since it had been a while since he last logged out. Without thinking much, he took an appropriate location to log off and the proceeded to do it.


As Rylan leaned back in his chair, his eyes shifted from the screen to the real world around him. The soft glow of the virtual world faded, replaced by the gentle illumination of his room. A sigh escaped his lips as he stretched his arms, feeling a satisfying fatigue settle in his muscles.

The intricate fantasy of the virtual MMORPG world had held him captive for hours, but now reality beckoned. With a practiced motion, he disengaged from the gaming cabinet. The haptic interface, once pulsating with the sensations of battle, grew quiet beneath his touch.

Rylan came out of the gaming cabinet as he yawned a little bit.

Rubbing his eyes, Rylan contemplated the lingering sensation of magic and adventure that still tingled in his fingertips. The journey of Rylan Vener, the Battle Mage and Weaver, had been thrilling and full of surprises. His thoughts wandered to the unique class he had acquired, the challenges he had overcome, and the mysteries he had yet to unveil.

But now, as the digital realm receded, he was reminded of the world beyond the virtual horizon. The stories, skills, and experiences he had gained within the game were a part of him, shaping his perspectives and influencing his choices. Yet, there were also responsibilities and connections that awaited him outside the immersive 'new' world.

"Alright, time to touch some grasses I guess..." Rylan's voice trailed off as he came out from his gaming room.


In a pretty big and impressive house, though not to the level of a super luxurious mansion, Rylan was seen coming out from it. He appeared to dress neatly and casually, with long trousers and a sunglasses on his head.

"It's pretty hot not gonna lie, but I guess I really need to check them." Rylan proceeded to enter an SUV car and gone off pretty quickly.

The warm sun embraced Rylan as he getting further from his home, a refreshing departure from the dimly lit virtual world he had been immersed in just moments ago. His destination was a business venture that existed entirely outside the confines of the digital realm – a fish distribution store that bore his name.

Years ago, Rylan had embarked on a journey of a different kind – the world of entrepreneurship. It was during his school days that the spark of his business acumen ignited. Armed with a passion for quality and a keen eye for opportunities, he established the foundation of what would become "Finest Fish Emporium" company.

His youthful enthusiasm drove him to explore local markets, learn from experienced fishmongers, and gather insights from his own family's culinary traditions.

The early days were far from glamorous – they were filled with trials, errors, and countless lessons learned. Rylan dedicated his spare time to building connections with suppliers, perfecting his understanding of different fish species, and experimenting with innovative ways to present his offerings. He often found himself torn between his virtual adventures and his pursuit of business excellence.

He really couldn't help it, after all, the gaming world had become the new world as they said.

As years rolled by, Rylan's dedication began to bear fruit. His business evolved from a modest street-side stall to a well-known establishment that prided itself on quality, variety, and customer satisfaction. The experience he gained through countless interactions with suppliers, chefs, and customers only fueled his passion further. He had developed an intuition for the ebb and flow of the seafood market, a skill honed through years of dedication.

Rylan's commitment to both his other interest and his business was a testament to his disciplined nature. Balancing school assignments, gaming quests, and the responsibilities of running a store showcased his ability to manage multiple aspects of his life effectively. It was this very discipline that allowed him to find harmony between his virtual pursuits and his real-world aspirations.

Now, as he stood in his well-established fish emporium, reflecting on the journey that had led him to this point, Rylan felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. The years of hard work, late nights, and continuous learning had culminated in a thriving business that not only provided for him but also connected him with a community of customers who shared his appreciation for the finer things in life.

Stepping into the unassuming office that served as the heart of his fish distribution business, Rylan was greeted by a chorus of friendly voices. The space might not have been vast, nor the team extensive, but the camaraderie and efficiency that permeated the room were immeasurable.

The atmosphere was bustling, as employees huddled around desks covered with paperwork, phones ringing intermittently, and the constant hum of productivity filling the air. Rylan's presence elicited smiles and nods from his dedicated team members, each of whom played a crucial role in the operation's success.

With genuine warmth, he exchanged greetings and brief conversations with his employees. They were a diverse group, each contributing their unique talents to various aspects of the business – from sourcing and quality control to customer relations and logistics. It was clear that Rylan had fostered a sense of unity and purpose among them, transcending the limitations of the office's size.

As he navigated through the office, Rylan couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. The journey from a humble street-side stall to this bustling workspace had been an arduous one, but the relationships he had formed along the way were priceless. He knew each employee by name and had witnessed their growth, just as they had witnessed his.

Amidst the organized chaos of the office, Rylan engaged in discussions with his team members, each conversation a snapshot of the business's pulse.

"Boss, we've received a new shipment of Redfin Trout from the coastal farms," one of the employees informed him, a tablet in hand displaying real-time inventory levels. "Our stock is looking healthy, and the quality checks are all good to go."

"Excellent," Rylan responded with a nod. "Let's ensure that the distribution to our clients is timely and seamless. And make sure we're keeping an eye on the pricing trends – we want to remain competitive."

Moving on, he approached a desk where two employees were huddled over a map of the city. They were discussing optimal delivery routes and scheduling for the week.

"Sarah, how's the route optimization coming along?" Rylan inquired, leaning in to examine the map.

Sarah looked up, a smile tugging at her lips. "We've managed to refine the routes for this week's deliveries, Rylan. By grouping deliveries by location and optimizing travel times, we're expecting to improve our efficiency by about 15%. It should also help us reduce fuel costs."

"That's fantastic news," Rylan praised. "Efficiency is key – it not only benefits us but also ensures our clients get their orders promptly. Keep up the good work."

As he continued his rounds, Rylan engaged in similar discussions about sourcing, customer feedback, and marketing initiatives. He listened intently to suggestions and insights from his team members, acknowledging their expertise and valuing their contributions. The conversations were punctuated with laughter, camaraderie, and the shared sense of purpose that defined their work environment.

In the corner of the office, a whiteboard displayed goals for the quarter – targets for expansion, client acquisition, and new product lines. Rylan's gaze lingered on the whiteboard, a reminder of the vision he had set for the business.

"Remember, we're not just selling fish; we're delivering quality and building relationships," he addressed the room, his voice carrying a sense of determination. "Our clients trust us to provide the best, and it's on us to exceed their expectations. Let's keep pushing the boundaries and raising the bar."

As Rylan was giving some advices, he suddenly noticed that Sarah seemed to be having a downcast look on her face.