
Chapter 17 : Debt

In a quiet corner of the cafe, Sarah's voice trembled slightly as she recounted the events that had led to her current financial struggle. Her gaze was fixed on her coffee cup, her fingers tracing patterns on the surface.

"You know how it went right... After the divorce, I was... lost," she began, her voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and vulnerability. "I had my children to take care of, and suddenly I was on my own. I needed money to provide for them, to give them a stable life." She paused, her emotions swirling.

Yevan listened attentively, his expression was of understanding. He had known Sarah for quite some times, and hearing her share her struggles only deepened his sympathy for her.

"I was desperate, Mr. Yevan," Sarah continued, her voice softening. "I didn't know what to do. Bills were piling up, and I felt like I was drowning. That's when I heard about... other ways to get money."

Yevan's brow furrowed in concern, sensing where her story was leading. "You mean the loan shark?" he asked gently.

Sarah nodded, her eyes welling up with tears that she fought to hold back. "Yes, the loan shark. I knew it was risky, but I felt like I had no other choice. I thought I could repay the money gradually, but... it got worse."

Her voice faltered, the weight of her decisions and the consequences she faced evident in her demeanor. Yevan reached out and placed a reassuring smile on hers, offering a supportive presence.

"I ended up borrowing more than I could handle," Sarah admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "And now, they're demanding payment, and the interest... it's become an impossible cycle."

Yevan's expression turned resolute, his eyes meeting Sarah's with determination. "We're going to find a way out of this, Sarah. We will try to do what we can first."

Tears slipped down Sarah's cheeks, a mixture of gratitude and relief. She had carried this burden in silence for so long, and having Yevan by her side made her feel less alone.

"Thank you, Mr. Yevan," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I never imagined someone would be willing to help me like this."

Yevan offered a reassuring smile, as he looked at the bustling area around him. "You're not alone, Sarah. I will see what we can do about this. Don't give up and despair."

Back then, Yevan had known her from some circumtances, and later on came to know that Sarah needed a job. One day, when Yevan had mentioned that he was looking for a secretary for his business, he saw a glimmer of hope in Sarah's eyes. Without any hesitation, he had extended his offer to her, explaining that he needed someone reliable to assist him.

Yevan knew that she was in dire need of money so what came to his mind at that time was to give that job to her.

And then came the matter of money. Yevan had lent her a substantial amount, enough to ease her immediate financial burdens. He had done so with a genuine heart, knowing the weight of the debts she carried and the uncertainty that loomed over her future. He had lent her the money without any interest, assuring her that she could repay it whenever she was in a better position to do so.

He had never seen it as a loan, but rather as a gesture of support, a lifeline to help her regain her footing. He knew that Sarah's well-being was worth far more than any amount of money. He had hoped that by offering her a job and a helping hand, he could provide her with some stability and a chance to build a better life for herself and her children.

Yevan also thought in his mind that it was fine if Sarah didn't even pay back her debt. Cause being able to be in his position was better than to be in her position, so he was grateful for that and did what he can help to her as a person who was taught to be a good person.

Yevan turned to Sarah, his expression thoughtful yet determined. "Sarah, I know that sometimes asking for help can be difficult, especially when it comes to financial matters. But I want you to know that I'm here to support you. I want to help you with your debt. But to do that, I need to know the exact amount of money you need. Can you please tell me how much you owe?"

Sarah hesitated for a moment, her eyes downcast as she seemed to wrestle with the weight of her situation. Finally, she took a deep breath and looked up at Yevan. "It's a substantial amount, Mr. Yevan. The total debt, including the interest, has grown to $50,000."

Yevan nodded, absorbing the number. It was indeed a significant sum. For other people, they would be reluctant to even lend this kind of money toward someone who was not from their own family. Nah, they would probably not even lend it to their own family members. It was reasonable because this sum was not small at all after all.

But he was honestly not surprised by it. He had been fortunate enough to accumulate resources through his business ventures, and he saw this as an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in Sarah's life.

Yevan's conviction to help Sarah was brought with good intention, despite the potential reluctance or skepticism from others. He understood that financial struggles could be isolating and that many people might hesitate to extend a helping hand. But for Yevan, empathy and compassion were guiding principles in his life.

He had seen firsthand the impact of difficult circumstances on individuals and families, and he believed that lending a hand in times of need was not only a responsibility but a privilege. The idea of standing by and watching someone he cared about struggle was simply a hard option to ignore.

Yevan was curious about the individuals who had lent money to Sarah. He wanted to understand the context and background of the people she had dealt with. Gathering information about the lenders could help him assess the situation more effectively and explore potential solutions.

"Sarah, can you tell me more about the people who provided you with the loan?" Yevan asked. "I'd like to understand their background and the terms of the loan. It might give us a clearer picture of the situation and what we're dealing with."

Sarah's expression shifted to a more serious one as she began to explain. "The people I borrowed money from are part of a lending group that's known to be quite aggressive. They were fast to lend the money to us, but then I came to realized later on that they operate in a way that makes it difficult for borrowers to pay back the loans on time. And if you miss a payment, the interest just keeps piling up, making it even harder to get out of debt."

Yevan nodded, absorbing the information. He knew that dealing with loan sharks or aggressive lenders could quickly escalate into a vicious cycle of debt. "I see. That sounds like a challenging situation. Is there any documentation or agreement regarding the loan terms?"

Sarah sighed, her frustration evident. "Honestly, the terms weren't very clear, and I was desperate at the time. I didn't fully understand the implications. But they took some of my personal belongings as collateral, including some sentimental items I regret losing."

Yevan frowned, concerned about the collateral and the lack of transparency in the lending arrangement. "It sounds like they took advantage of your vulnerable situation. We'll need to look into the legal aspects of this and see if there's any recourse we can take to address these issues."

Sarah's eyes brightened with a glimmer of hope. "Do you think there's a way to negotiate with them or even find a legal solution?"

Yevan nodded with determination. "We'll explore all possible avenues, Sarah. It's important to prioritize your well-being and ensure that we can find a resolution that's fair and equitable."

Sarah looked at Yevan with gratitude, her eyes shimmering with emotion. He was truly a blessing in her life. She had seen how people can turn their backs in difficult times, but he was different. His kindness and willingness to help, it was something that she will always remember.