
Chapter 18 : Feelings

"Sarah, I think it would be beneficial for us to go through the documents together," Yevan suggested. "If there's any fine print or hidden clauses, we'll need to identify them. Additionally, having a clear record of the terms will help us formulate a strategy moving forward."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "You're right, Mr. Yevan. I'll gather all the relevant documents and anything else that might be related to the loan. This way, we can have a comprehensive overview of the situation."

Yevan and Sarah discussed their plan of action further, and it was decided that they would reconvene the following day to go over the important documents and gather more information about the loan situation. Yevan wanted to get a clearer understanding of the terms, the collateral involved, and any legal implications that might arise from the arrangement.

Yevan smiled reassuringly. "Great. We'll work together to find a solution that works for you. Remember, Sarah, you're not alone in this. We'll approach this step by step and explore every option available."

Sarah's expression softened with gratitude. "Thank you, Mr. Yevan. I don't know what I would have done without your help. I feel more hopeful now that we have a plan."

Yevan's eyes reflected his sincerity. "It's important to support one another, especially in challenging times. I'm here to assist you every step of the way."

Sarah nodded her head with a smile on her face. It really felt great being able to count on a man. Even though, she was not her husband or anything. At least not yet...

Sarah shook her head as she smiled with a silly expression on her face.


The two of them finished their drink and snacks as they concluded their discussion. Yevan turned to Sarah and gently asked, "Sarah, where are you headed now?"

Sarah hesitated for a moment before answering, "I'm heading home, Yevan."

Yevan nodded thoughtfully. "Would you mind if I accompany you? It's getting late, and I'd like to make sure you get home safely."

A faint blush colored Sarah's cheeks, but she managed a small smile. "Oh, that's very kind of you, Mr. Yevan. I appreciate your concern."

Yevan's expression remained warm and reassuring. "It's no trouble at all, Sarah. Sometimes, having someone to talk to or simply to accompany you can make a difference."

Sarah's gratitude was evident in her eyes as she replied, "Thank you, Mr. Yevan. I'd be grateful for your company."

With that, Yevan and Sarah made their way toward Sarah's home. Yevan's thoughtful gesture of offering his presence provided a sense of comfort to Sarah, knowing that she wasn't facing her challenges alone. As they walked together, they engaged in casual conversation, sharing stories and insights that helped to lighten the mood.

As Yevan and Sarah continued their conversation on the way to her home, Sarah found herself increasingly impressed by Yevan's qualities. His resourcefulness, kindness, and the way he managed his business all left a strong impression on her. She couldn't help but admire him for his success and his ability to handle various situations with grace.

She had come to know him as her boss, and now, seeing his success in various aspects of life, her admiration for him grew even stronger. She glanced around the car, noticing the attention to detail and the comfortable ambiance it provided.

While the car moved comfortably, Sarah's thoughts wandered, and she couldn't help but consider Yevan in a different light. She admired his generosity and how he used his position to help her when she was in need. His genuine concern for her well-being touched her deeply, and she found herself feeling a connection that went beyond a simple employer-employee relationship.

Sarah found herself considering Yevan's exceptional qualities that extended beyond their professional interactions. He had not only offered her a job when she needed it the most, but he had also shown genuine concern for her well-being. His willingness to help her in her time of need made her feel a deep sense of gratitude.

She stole occasional glances at Yevan, who was focused on the road ahead. Sarah's thoughts began to drift towards the possibility of a deeper connection with Yevan. Her heart fluttered at the idea of having him as a partner. She couldn't help but wonder if there was potential for something more between them, beyond their professional relationship. Yet, she also felt a sense of hesitation, unsure of how to approach such feelings.

Sarah reflected on her own circumstances and realized that she had been through a lot in her life. Her past marriage and financial struggles had left her feeling vulnerable and uncertain about her future. Yevan's presence, however, seemed to bring a sense of stability and comfort that she hadn't experienced in a long time.

As they neared her home, Sarah found herself at a crossroads of emotions. She appreciated Yevan's companionship and kindness, but she was also aware of the complexities that might come with exploring a romantic connection.

Sarah's internal struggle grew more pronounced. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unworthiness in the face of Yevan's success and seemingly unattainable stature. She gazed out of the car window, lost in her thoughts as the passing scenery blurred into a mix of doubts and hopes.

Sarah was well-aware of her own beauty, even after the hardships she had faced. Her youthful charm hadn't faded with time, and her features still held the same allure that had once captured her late husband's heart. However, she couldn't shake off the feeling that her life experiences, including her widowhood and financial struggles, somehow put her at a disadvantage in comparison to Yevan's accomplishments.

She reminisced about her past, the premature loss of her husband left her to face the challenges of life on her own. Now in her late 20s, she sometimes felt like time was slipping away, and the societal pressure to fit certain expectations further fueled her doubts.

Marrying him would surely bring me contentment, safety, stability...

But, who am I?

He surely would choose those girls who are younger than me right...

As they arrived at her home, Sarah's conflicting emotions remained unresolved. She thanked Yevan for the ride, her voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. She stepped out of the car, her heart heavy with unspoken thoughts and desires. Watching Yevan drive away, she couldn't help but wonder if her feelings were reciprocated, and if there was a chance for her to bridge the gap between their worlds.

Inside her house, Sarah sat down, grappling with her inner turmoil. The notion of a potential relationship with Yevan felt both exciting and daunting. She questioned whether she could truly be someone worthy of his attention, and whether their different life circumstances could ever align. In the end, her heart remained undecided, torn between her feelings for him and her own self-doubts.


With their plan in place, Yevan and Sarah parted ways for the day. Yevan knew that navigating these financial difficulties required careful consideration and strategic thinking. He was committed to using his resources and expertise to guide Sarah toward a resolution that would alleviate her burden and ensure her financial well-being.

After dropping Sarah off at her home, Yevan returned to his own place, a comfortable space he had built for himself. He entered his home with a sense of calm, his mind still processing the events of the day. The interactions with Sarah had stirred a mix of emotions within him, and he needed some time to unwind and clear his thoughts.

Feeling the need to release some tension, Yevan decided to engage in a light workout routine. He had set up a small area in his home dedicated to exercise, equipped with the necessary equipment to maintain his physical fitness. As he worked his muscles and focused on the rhythmic motions, his mind gradually shifted away from the complexities of the day.

The rhythmic pattern of his breathing and the physical exertion helped Yevan find a sense of tranquility. It was during these moments that he often found clarity and a renewed perspective on various matters. His thoughts drifted back to Sarah and their conversation earlier. He was blind if he thought that Sarah was not beautiful and all. He was not an eunuch. There were rising emotions and urge running on his body.

He looked at the window and saw the sky had turned dark. He exhaled a mouthful of air to calm his mind down.

'... I think it's about time for me to get a wife.'

Completing his workout, Yevan felt a satisfying fatigue in his muscles. He decided to indulge in a brief nap, allowing his body and mind to fully relax. He settled into a comfortable spot, closing his eyes as sleep began to embrace him.