
Chapter 26 : Outcome

Draegon's voice cut through the air as he declared an end to the battle. In a display of power, he unleashed his trump card, a skill known as "Light Retribution." This ultimate ability was a Paladin-exclusive skill that drew upon the very essence of light energy to deliver a devastating blow to his opponents.

As the skill activated, an aura of radiant light enveloped Draegon, intensifying until he seemed almost like a figure of light's wrath incarnate. His armor shimmered with an otherworldly brilliance, and his weapon gleamed with a renewed vigor.

The onlookers held their breath, captivated by the impending clash of might between these two formidable combatants. The battlefield was charged with tension as the air crackled with energy. It was a moment that would decide the outcome of this intense confrontation, and the spectators could feel the weight of its significance.

Straight, recognizing the ongoing light resurgence, braced himself for the impending attack. He knew that Light Retribution was a formidable skill that could turn the tide of a battle. The ground beneath them seemed to tremble as Draegon channeled the light energy, preparing to release it in a focused, powerful strike.

As Draegon's Light Retribution surged forth, a wave of radiant energy ready to engulf Straight, he summoned forth his knowledge and mastery over his Lambasting Spear. With a swift and calm motion, he enacted the skill "Elemental Channeling," a technique unique to his weapon.


Elemental Channeling - The Lambasting Spear can channel user's elemental spells, imbuing each thrust with the power of fire, ice, or lightning. Depending on the element channeled, the spear's attacks gain additional effects, such as causing burn, freeze, or electrocute status on foes. Mana Cost: 30 mana per thrust


As his hands gripped the Lambasting Spear, it hummed with power, resonating with the elemental energies that flowed through it. Straight's aura shifted, reflecting the infusion of arcane might. Arcane symbols danced along the length of his weapon, and his form seemed to blur as he tapped into the very essence of his Battle Mage class.

In response to the impending clash of forces, the elemental energies within the Lambasting Spear surged outward, creating a swirling vortex of energy around Straight as he thrusted his spear staff a bunch of times. The incoming radiant blast met this whirlwind of arcane might head-on, resulting in a mesmerizing display of intertwining energies. The collision created a shockwave that sent ripples through the battlefield, pushing back the onlookers and creating a buffer zone between the two combatants.

The clash of power was intense and held an equilibrium for a brief moment. Straight's technique, combined with his deep understanding of his unique weapon, allowed him to temporarily hold his own against the overwhelming force of Draegon's Light Retribution. The battlefield was awash in a picture of brilliance and arcane hues as the energies struggled for dominance.

As the clash continued, the outcome remained uncertain, and the onlookers watched in awe, their breaths held, as the battle of elements unfolded before them. The very space of the battlefield seemed to quiver under the weight of their combined might, as if the very elements themselves were locked in a fierce contest for supremacy.

The fierce clash between Straight's Elemental Channeling and Draegon's Light Retribution finally reached its climax. The energies surged and intertwined, creating a dazzling display of light and arcane power. Draegon's formidable Light Retribution wavered and finally shattered against the resolute piercing of Straight's Elemental Channeling. The clash created a blinding burst of light that engulfed the battlefield for an instant, leaving everyone momentarily blinded.


The brilliance faded, and the aftermath revealed the fallen form of Draegon. His health bar had plummeted to a fraction of its initial strength, a mere sliver remaining. The onlookers, mostly from Wreaking Havoc members and some of Valiant Wave members, stared in disbelief at the scene before them. The revered Commander, renowned for his strength, lay defeated on the ground by an opponent of lower level.

In the end, it was evident that Straight had managed to overcome the Commander's formidable attack.

Draegon, the Commander of Wreaking Havoc, his form battered and his health dwindling to a mere fraction of its former strength. The intense battle had taken its toll, and his once-commanding presence had been subdued by the power and mastery of the young warrior before him.

As the onlookers watched in stunned silence, the realization dawned upon them that the tides of battle had shifted. The formidable Commander, with his Paladin class and mighty abilities, higher levels to boot, had been bested by a player whose level was significantly lower. Whispers of astonishment rippled through the crowd, their faces a mix of shock and surprise.

Draegon's furious voice echoed across the battlefield, a mixture of anger and disbelief. "No! This can't be!" he bellowed, his face contorted in rage and frustration. He clenched his fists, his armor radiating a soft light as he struggled to comprehend his defeat. The very notion of being overpowered by someone he considered an inferior rank left him seething with wrath.

The Wreaking Havoc members who had witnessed their Commander's fall were equally astounded. The unwavering image they had held of Draegon as an invincible leader had been shattered in an instant. Curses and exclamations of astonishment rippled through the crowd of Wreaking Havoc members.

They had witnessed their formidable Commander, their beacon of strength, fall before the unexpected prowess of a lower-leveled adversary. Doubt and confusion filled the air as they grappled with the reality before them.

Straight, visibly having a sweat appeared on his forehead from the encounter, stood tall amidst the aftermath of the clash. The Lambasting Spear in his hand still hummed with the residual energies of his Elemental Channeling. The weight of the moment hung in the air, and even those who had doubted his prowess were now forced to acknowledge his strength.

Draegon's defeat was a resounding proof to Straight's skill and prowess. The battlefield that had once been a battleground for guild warfare now bore witness to a personal triumph, as Straight emerged victorious against the odds.

Draegon's countenance shifted from disbelief to boiling anger. His eyes blazed with indignation as he glared at Straight, his hands clenched into tight fists. His breaths came out in furious huffs as he struggled to process the outcome before him.

"By the Light's grace, how is this possible?" Draegon's voice trembled with a mixture of fury and disbelief. He had always prided himself on his strength and his prowess as a Paladin. And yet, here he stood, defeated by an opponent of lower level.

Curses escaped Draegon's lips as he struggled to comprehend the humiliation he was experiencing. "F***... This can't be happening... A mere novice, a lower leveled upstart, besting me?" His words dripped with venom, his face contorted in a storm of emotions ranging from rage to embarrassment.

The victory of a lower-leveled adversary against Draegon reverberated like a shockwave through the gathered crowd. Doubt and insecurity crept into the hearts of the Wreaking Havoc members, their confidence in their own strength wavering. And amidst the astonishment, Straight stood as living proof that levels alone did not determine the outcome of a battle.

For Straight, this triumph was expected. The hard work he had put into honing his skills and mastering his Lambasting Spear had paid off easily. As the dust of the battle settled and Draegon's furious roars subsided into a simmering frustration, Straight stood tall.

"Enough of this insolence! Attack him, all of you! Do not allow this upstart to mock us any further!" Draegon's voice reverberated through the chaotic battleground, cutting through the stunned silence that had settled after his defeat. His words galvanized the Wreaking Havoc members, reigniting their spirit to overcome this unexpected setback.

Draegon's rage burned hotter than ever, fueled by the searing humiliation of his defeat. His orders rang out with a thunderous authority as he commanded his guild members to assail Straight with renewed vigor. His voice carried a mix of frustration, fury, and a desperate need to reclaim his lost honor.

Straight glanced around at the people who prepared themselves to surround him altogether in amusement.