One Player Stands

Chapter 27 : One Player Stands


"Let's go!"


The battle cry resounded through the air, a fierce and unifying shout that echoed the determination and loyalty of the guild members. The cry carried with it a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose, a rallying call that transcended individual differences and united them in their pursuit of victory.

With renewed fervor, the Wreaking Havoc members pressed their assault against Straight.

Against the overwhelming odds, Straight stood his ground with a grin. His every move was advantageous, his senses sharp, as he anticipated the attacks coming from all directions. The onslaught of spells and strikes from the Wreaking Havoc members was relentless, but Straight's mastery over his Battle Mage skills and Lambasting Spear's techniques gave him the edge he needed.

With a flick of his wrist, Straight summoned elemental barriers that deflected incoming spells and reduced the impact of physical attacks. He countered with a barrage of Fireballs and Lightning Bolts, targeting groups of enemies and momentarily disrupting their formations. Arcane Blasts erupted from his staff, creating shockwaves that knocked back foes and provided him with a brief respite.


Rays of light appeared after the health points of the players from Wreaking Havoc became zero, tasting firsthand the power received from the spearman.

Straight's movements were fluid and precise, his instincts honed through countless battles. He weaved through the chaos of the battlefield, his agility allowing him to evade attacks that would have struck down a less experienced player. His Lambasting Spear's techniques added a layer of versatility to his fighting style, enabling him to switch seamlessly between ranged magical attacks and close-quarters combat.

The clash of metal and magic filled the air as Straight engaged in the battles with some of the batch's strongest members. He parried sword strikes with his spear staff, dodged powerful spells, and countered with swift and decisive strikes. Each move was executed with finesse and efficiency, exploiting openings and weaknesses in his opponents' defenses.

Despite the odds stacked against him, Straight's eyes burned brighter. His resolve seemed to be unshakable as he drew upon his mana reserves and unleashed his skills with precision. He recognized that every moment counted, every action he took had the potential to turn make this battle full of merits. And as the battle raged on, Straight's tenacity and skill began to take a toll on the Wreaking Havoc members, chipping away at their morale and coordination.

As he fought, Straight's mind remained clear and focused. He assessed the battlefield, identified key targets, and adjusted his tactics accordingly. His confidence grew as he discovered patterns in his opponents' attacks and exploited their weaknesses. The odds may have seemed insurmountable, but to Straight, they were just another day to overcome.

And in the midst of the chaos, the onlookers couldn't help but be impressed by Straight's resilience and skill. Sighs of awe and even curses spread among the Wreaking Havoc members as they witnessed the lone fighter holding his ground against their combined might. It was a display of true mastery, an evidence to the potential of a skilled player in the game's virtual world.

As time wore on, fatigue began to weigh on both sides. The battle had taken its toll, and the momentum of the fight shifted back and forth. But Straight's onslaught remained unshaken, and his opponents began to feel the pressure of his relentless assault. Every strike, every spell, brought them closer to their limits.

The once-confident members of Wreaking Havoc began to wear expressions of shock and disbelief. What was supposed to be an overwhelming advantage in numbers was being systematically dismantled by a single player. Their faces paled as they watched their comrades fall one by one, each defeated with a precision and skill they had not anticipated.

The shock on their faces was tactual as they saw Straight's maneuvers, his uncountered strikes, and his seamless transition between offensive and defensive tactics. They had likely underestimated him, assumed that his lower level would be their advantage. But as their numbers dwindled and the realization sank in, their initial arrogance was replaced with a growing sense of desperation.

Every clash, every spell exchanged, only reinforced the fact that Straight was not just a random opponent. He was a skilled player, a master of his class, and he used his abilities to their full potential. Each fallen guild member cast a shadow of doubt over their certainty of victory, and as the battle wore on, some began to question their decision to engage in combat against him.

Faces etched with surprise and disbelief, the Wreaking Havoc members struggled to adapt to the evolving situation. They had been caught off guard, their initial battle cries replaced by strained grunts and hurried commands. The ranks that had once been tightly knit began to fray as panic and confusion set in. Straight's relentless assault shattered their cohesion and left them vulnerable.

The shocked expressions were a stark contrast to the camaraderie and confidence they had displayed when they first engaged in battle. Now, the battlefield was strewn with fallen comrades, and their guild's reputation was on the line. The reality of their situation hit hard, and the shock on their faces mirrored the unraveling of their carefully laid plans.

In the midst of the chaos, Straight's determination and skill stood out like a beacon. His every move was a devastating strike against their ranks, a reminder that battles in this virtual world were won not only through numbers but through strategy, execution, and skills. The once-confident Wreaking Havoc members were forced to acknowledge the fact that they were facing a formidable opponent, one who could turn the tide of battle singlehandedly.

As the minutes stretched on, the shocked expressions transformed into a mix of frustration, fear, and determination.

But it seemd that their fear was shortlived as they could see that Straight started to slow down his attacks. He seemed to be tired, and his posture mostly compromised of being defensive.

With his Lambasting Spear's techniques and Battle Mage skills, Straight continued to fight on, undeterred by the odds stacked against him. And as the battlefield rumbled with the echoes of combat, Straight's presence seemed to be slowing down.

Their weapons clashed with his magical barriers, their spells intertwined with his fiery explosions. The cacophony of battle filled the air, a symphony of clashes, shouts, and the crackling of magic. Each member fought with their own unique skills, united by a common goal: to defeat the formidable opponent before them.

As the fought went on, the members of Wreaking Havoc demonstrated their coordination and synergy once more. Their attacks were purposeful, aimed at exploiting Straight's vulnerabilities and breaking through his defenses. They worked in teams, covering each other's blind spots and adjusting their strategies on the fly. It was a mark to their guild's strength and unity, a guild known as a strong guild in this area.

It was a common rule that a player couldn't fight against tens if not hundreds of people at once.

As Straight continued to fend off the onslaught of Wreaking Havoc members, the limitations a single player had against a bunch of players started to be evident. Even with his formidable abilities, there was a limit to how many opponents he could effectively engage at any given time. His fiery explosions, lightning strikes, and magical barriers were potent, but they could only cover a certain area and deal with a limited number of attackers.

The Wreaking Havoc members were well aware of this rule, and they used it to their advantage. Their attacks came from all directions, testing Straight's ability to defend against multiple fronts simultaneously after reorganizing once more and seizing the chance by looking at how Straight being passive. They aimed to overwhelm him with sheer numbers, exploiting the limitations imposed by the game's mechanics.

Straight's eyes darted from one attacker to another as he deftly countered their strikes. He relied on his instincts and experience to anticipate their movements, maximizing the effectiveness of his spells and skills. But even he couldn't deny the challenge posed by the increasing onslaught.

With each passing moment, the tide of battle seemed to shift. The sheer weight of numbers was beginning to take its toll on Straight's stamina and mana reserves.

"Alright, I guess not a bad battle after all. Time to make the light become light I guess..." Straight's voice trailed off as he suddenly propelled himself powerfully toward a certain person.