
Chapter 29 : Trap?

Amidst the stunned silence, items materialized on the ground where Draegon's avatar had stood. Straight's gaze shifted to the loot, and without hesitation, he moved to claim the drops. The Wreaking Havoc members watched in a mix of disbelief and resignation as Straight picked up the spoils of victory.

Among the loot were weapons, armor, and various other items that Draegon had carried. Straight examined each item with a discerning eye, evaluating their worth. The silence was broken by the soft chime of notifications as the loot was added to Straight's inventory. His actions were swift and methodical, a testament to his experience and skill.

As the realization of their situation settled in, the Wreaking Havoc members' anger flared. They couldn't believe that Straight had audaciously claimed the loot right before their eyes. Fueled by a mix of frustration and wounded pride, they gathered themselves and formed a determined circle around the spearman.

Their collective ire was palpable as they closed in, their gazes fixed on Straight. With gritted teeth and clenched fists, they were fueled by a fiery desire to avenge their fallen commander and reclaim their honor. No longer willing to stand by as mere onlookers, they were resolved to confront this brazen opponent head-on.

The members of Wreaking Havoc truly were incensed by Straight's audacity once more. Their voices rose in a cacophony of anger.

"Who does this guy think he is?"

"He just waltzes in, kills our Commander, and takes the loot like it's his own?"

"We can't let him get away with this!"

"He's asking for trouble!"

The atmosphere grew tense as their anger fueled their resolve. It was clear that they were not about to let Straight escape without a fight.

Straight, encircled by the growing number of Wreaking Havoc members, readied himself for what was to come. His eyes remained locked on his adversaries, his stance unwavering. He knew he had stirred a hornet's nest, and now he would have to face the swarm.

As the tension escalated, the air became charged with hostility. Straight's actions had ignited a fervor within the Wreaking Havoc members that eclipsed their earlier shock and disbelief. In their eyes, he represented both a challenge and a symbol of their recent defeat.

With battle cries that echoed their determination, the Wreaking Havoc members lunged at Straight as one. Their weapons gleamed, and their movements were fueled by an unbridled thirst for revenge. It was a clash of wills, a confrontation born of wounded pride and the unyielding spirit of those who refused to be trampled upon.

As the chaos and clash of wills continued, a sudden twist unfolded that caught everyone off guard. Straight, the spearman who had wreaked havoc and slain their Commander Draegon, abruptly changed course. He swiftly headed toward a rocky hill nearby, his movements unexpected and puzzling.

The onlookers from the Wreaking Havoc guild exchanged baffled glances, confusion mirrored in their expressions. This wasn't what they had anticipated. Their ranks momentarily faltered, uncertain of how to respond to this unforeseen shift in the battlefield dynamics.

Before long, realization dawned on them. Straight wasn't merely fleeing; he had a purpose. It was a maneuver that ignited a flurry of activity among the Wreaking Havoc members. They hesitated, then swiftly followed in pursuit, fearing the repercussions of losing sight of him.

The rocky hill, once a peripheral backdrop to their skirmish, now took center stage as the battleground's focus shifted. The guild members scrambled to ascend the hill, their footsteps echoing against the rocks as they navigated the uneven terrain. Adrenaline surged through their veins, their fueled by the need to apprehend the audacious interloper who had so brazenly disrupted their ranks.

The hill's ascent was not without its challenges. Loose stones and steep inclines posed obstacles, forcing the guild members to adapt their movements as they pressed onward. Their breaths came in ragged bursts, a to the urgency of their pursuit. Some of them cast quick glances over their shoulders, apprehension etched across their faces as they pondered what awaited them atop the hill.

Straight's motives remained an enigma, a puzzle they were eager to unravel. His abrupt departure from the main battlefront and subsequent retreat to this hill suggested a strategy. Speculations buzzed among the guild members as they forged ahead, their collective focus zeroing in on this new confrontation.

As they neared the hill's summit, the surroundings seemed to grow quieter, the atmosphere charged with a heightened sense of anticipation. The guild members braced themselves, their weapons at the ready, nerves taut as they prepared to face Straight once more.

Straight's choice to lead them here remained a mystery, and with each passing moment, their curiosity deepened. Was this a trap? A diversion? Or did he have a revelation to share? The Wreaking Havoc members exchanged wary glances.

In the midst of uncertainty and heightened emotions, the gaze of the Wreaking Havoc guild members fixated on Straight, who had taken an unexpected turn. Instead of facing them head-on, he veered toward a small rocky hole on the hill's surface. A murmur of confusion rippled through their ranks, a collective puzzled expression shared among them.

The rocky hole was unassuming, nestled amidst the rough terrain. Its presence had gone unnoticed until Straight's deliberate movement towards it drew their attention. What lay within? What did he intend to achieve by venturing into this crevice?

Curiosity mingled with apprehension as the members of Wreaking Havoc followed suit. As they approached the rocky hole, a sense of cautious uncertainty permeated the air. Straight's actions had propelled them into a new and unexpected phase of their encounter, and they braced themselves for whatever revelation or confrontation awaited them.

Navigating the rocky hill's uneven surface, they clustered around the small opening. Their eyes locked on the mysterious spearman who now stood on the threshold, an enigmatic figure inviting them to uncover the secrets held within.

The rocky hole beckoned, a portal into the unknown. Straight's presence cast a shadow over its entrance, an unspoken invitation for them to step into uncharted territory. With a shared glance, they hesitated on the precipice, uncertainty mingling with the anticipation that surged within them.

As Straight's form disappeared into the rocky hole, a decision had to be made—whether to heed his call or retreat. The guild members exchanged fleeting glances, their unspoken communication a testament to their shared resolve. With a mixture of skepticism and determination, they followed Straight's lead, stepping one by one into the unknown abyss.

The rocky hole's interior welcomed them, its darkness concealing the answers they sought. Each step forward intensified their sense of vulnerability, uncertainty becoming their steadfast companion. Their collective footfalls resonated in the confined space, a symphony of cautious progress.

The passage was narrow, forcing them to move single file. As they descended deeper into the earth, the terrain shifted, the rocky walls and uneven ground revealing glimpses of its tumultuous history. The very stones seemed to whisper secrets, each twist and turn a testament to the mysteries that awaited discovery.

Tensions remained palpable, a shared awareness that they were walking a path that could shift the tides of their confrontation with Straight. Their collective breaths were measured, echoing through the narrow passage like an unspoken anthem of camaraderie.

Deeper they went, the rocky walls closing in, as if to test their resolve. The passageway twisted and turned, a labyrinthine journey that challenged both their physical endurance and mental fortitude. But with each step, the shared determination to unravel the truth held them steadfast, undeterred by the uncertainties that lay ahead.


Amidst this atmosphere of contemplation, an explosion shattered the delicate equilibrium. A deafening rumble reverberated through the chamber, the ground beneath them quaking as if protesting the intrusion. A collective gasp escaped their lips, eyes wide with alarm and urgency.

"What's going on!?"

"Like I thought, this is a trap!"

Before they could react, chaos descended upon them. The very walls of the chamber seemed to tremble, fragments of stone dislodging and crashing to the ground. Dust and debris filled the air, shrouding their surroundings in a haze of uncertainty. Panic rippled through their ranks like wildfire, a surge of adrenaline driving them to find safety.

The chamber, once a haven of serenity, had transformed into a maelstrom of chaos. Urgency spurred their actions, propelling them to move swiftly, to escape the impending disaster that threatened to engulf them. But as they turned to retrace their steps and flee through the rocky passage, the ground beneath their feet quaked anew.