
Chapter 30 : Wealth

Emerging from the depths of the cave, Straight stepped into the sunlight with a sense of liberation that washed over him like a gentle breeze. The weight of the collapsing chamber seemed to have left behind the confines of stone and darkness, replaced by the openness of the world outside. His movements were calm, his expression a mixture of quiet contemplation and the ghost of a triumphant smile.

The rocky hillside spread out before him, the terrain extending in all directions, a canvas painted with hues of green and brown. It was a stark contrast to the subterranean labyrinth he had just navigated, a reminder that the world was vast and varied, as if holding secrets yet to be uncovered.

As he took a moment to gather his bearings, his gaze turned toward the rocky hole from which he had emerged. It was an unassuming opening in the hillside, a threshold that had led him from one realm to another. His heart held a quiet appreciation for the skill he had acquired back then—the Weaver's Warp Step.

With a thought, he activated the skill once more. A spatial tear materialized before him, an iridescent shimmer that seemed to ripple through the air. It was a gateway to a world with a lot of possibilities, a means to traverse distances that were otherwise insurmountable. Straight stepped forward, his form enveloped by the shimmering light as he seamlessly slipped into the rift.

The transition was seamless, a sensation that was both disorienting and exhilarating. Space itself seemed to bend and contort around him, time a fleeting concept as he traveled through the spatial tear. The sensation was akin to being suspended in a state between reality and dreams, where the boundaries of the world were fluid and malleable.

As he emerged from the other side of the spatial tear, the world greeted him with a familiar vista. He found himself on a hillside not unlike the one he had just left, though the surroundings were different, a testament to the skill's ability to transport him to various locations. The air felt fresh against his skin, the scent of earth and grass mingling in the breeze that tousled his hair.

"Getting the Weaver Class after struggling for years... totally worth it." Enjar sighed with a melancholy tone.

As the spatial tear dissipated behind him, Straight continued his walk.

Straight's attention shifted to the loot he had obtained from the fierce battle that had transpired. The spoils of victory, scattered across the ground, held a promise of riches and resources that could aid him in his journey. He then paid attention to the precious ones in which he saw.

His fingers deftly picked up the items, one by one. A glint of metal caught his eye—a gleaming blade, a drop from one of the fallen foes. Its craftsmanship spoke of a dedication to combat, its blade honed to a deadly edge. Straight turned it in his hands, appreciating the weight and balance that promised both power and precision. It was a weapon that bore witness to the clash, a token of his prowess and the vanquished's defeat.

Its hilt was etched with intricate patterns, an evidence to the dedication of its creator. This blade, named "Radiant Saber," was not just a tool for combat; it was a work of art, meticulously honed to a level of excellence that belied its level.

The level of Radiant Saber was marked as 42, its wielder likely a skilled warrior attuned to its balance and heft. Its metallic surface gleamed in the virtual light, its edges keen and ready to cut through the toughest of adversaries. Its rank as a "Bronze" rarity suggested that it was no ordinary weapon, standing out even among the myriad weapons that populated the virtual world.

Beside the blade lay an assortment of silver coins, their metallic gleam an indication of their worth. It was a currency that was naturally valuable in the boundaries of the virtual world and also in real world, a tangible reward for his battle. Straight counted the coins, acknowledging the material gain that had come from his victories. These resources held potential—they could be invested in equipment, skills, or even guild endeavors that would further his growth.

There were thousands of these coins, a tribute to his triumph in battle and the bounties that had been placed on the heads of his adversaries that were put on the system by either Wreaking Havoc and Valiant Wave toward each other, now resided within his possession. It was a fortune that had been forged through combat, a currency earned in the crucible of conflict.

His gaze then shifted to a set of worn scrolls, each containing ancient knowledge waiting to be unlocked. These scrolls, remnants of fallen enemies, held the promise of skill acquisition and personal growth. They were a testament to the diversity of abilities that players could master, a reminder that the path of a warrior was one paved with constant learning and adaptation.

The worn scrolls that Straight had obtained were a trove of knowledge, each parchment holding the seal to powerful instant skills. Their tattered appearance belied their worth, as the information they contained was invaluable to any player seeking to expand their repertoire of skills. Among them, he discovered "Inferno Burst," a skill that promised a devastating release of fire energy upon activation. Its level requirement of 38, and it was indicated that it was a technique for those well-versed in the art of fire magic.

Another scroll, labeled "Frost Nova," hinted at the elemental mastery required to wield it effectively. Its icy capabilities could freeze opponents in their tracks, its potency enhanced by the expertise of its user. Straight could sense the potential within these scrolls, the opportunity to broaden his abilities and enhance his combat prowess.

In his grasp, he held a piece of armor—a gauntlet, its design intricate and formidable. The metal was etched with engravings that spoke of the battles it had witnessed, the blows it had deflected. It was more than just protection; it was a symbol of resilience and the capacity to endure even in the face of adversity. Straight's fingers brushed over the engravings, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices made by the defeated.

Its design was ornate yet functional, featuring engravings that spoke of the gauntlet's history. "Gauntlet of Valor," as it was known, was no ordinary piece of equipment. Its level requirement of 40.

The gauntlet's material quality was listed as "Enchanted Iron," suggesting not just durability, but also a hint of magical enhancement. Its effect, "Valor's Resilience," provided a temporary increase in defense and resistance during combat, further cementing its role as a guardian against the onslaught of foes. Its rank as a "Silver" rarity was fitting for a piece of armor that had proven its mettle in the heat of battle.

Among the loot was also an assortment of herbs and potions, each vial containing the potential to mend wounds and bolster strength. They were a lifeline, a means to recover and rejuvenate after the heat of battle. Straight recognized their value—the power of rejuvenation contained within a simple vial, a resource that could turn the tide of a fight or provide the strength to venture further into the unknown.

The inventory listed "Elixir of Vitality," a concoction designed to rapidly restore health and provide a temporary boost in stamina. Its effects were crucial in extending a player's longevity in combat scenarios, offering a vital edge when the tide of battle turned against them.

Another vial held a "Mana Infusion Potion," a resource invaluable to spellcasters seeking to replenish their magical reserves during heated encounters but also increasing the speed of mana recovery. These potions were a lifeline, ensuring that a player's abilities remained at their disposal when most needed.

"What a harvest huh..."

Straight's sigh of contentment carried a hint of wry amusement. The saying that "war is the fastest way to get rich" had rung true in this instance. The clashes between guilds, the battles that unfolded amidst the intricate landscapes of the battlefield, had propelled him toward financial gains that would have been difficult to achieve through conventional means.

Suddenly, he noticed something that really surprised him for real.

Yellow Crescent Diamonds.... the prime ingredients to uncover the very first phase of the Weaver Class!