Yellow Crescent Diamonds

Chapter 31 : Yellow Crescent Diamonds

Amid the glinting heap of loot and gleaming silver coins, Straight's discerning eyes came to rest upon a group of items that stirred both surprise and excitement within him. Among the treasures, nestled amidst the swords, armor pieces, and assorted trinkets, were several precious stones that radiated a warm, inviting hue—Yellow Crescent Diamonds.

A jolt of astonishment coursed through him. These were no ordinary gems; they were ingredients that he coveted, the prime items that were required to unlock the first phase of the Weaver Class. Straight's heart raced a bit as he considered the implications of this unexpected discovery. The Weaver Class was an unknown rarity class, with unknown mastery within the game, offering high potentials and capabilities. To even embark on the journey to acquire this class was an endeavor of strategic significance.