
Chapter 46 : Harvests

From the depths of the treasure chest, Rylan and Wise Sage unearthed a trove of riches that glittered and gleamed in the dappled forest light. 


Pebble of Vigor

- Rarity: Stone

- Description: A rough-hewn stone infused with earth energy. These rough-hewn stones, imbued with the essence of earth, radiated a faint greenish glow. When consumed, they would restore a portion of the user's health, making them invaluable in the heat of battle. Though common, their practicality couldn't be denied.

- Effects: Restores 20% of the user's maximum health when consumed.

Ironhide Elixir

- Rarity: Iron

- Description: A vial filled with dark, viscous liquid. A collection of small vials filled with a dark, viscous liquid. When consumed, the elixir would temporarily bolster the user's defenses, rendering them more resistant to physical attacks. While not rare, they were sought after by many warriors.