Structures of Eldoria Kingdom

Chapter 47 : Structures of Eldoria Kingdom

Wise Sage delved into the details of Starfall, a renowned guild situated in the vibrant city of Veridane. This illustrious city was under the direct governance of Marquis Cedric, a formidable presence within the game's expansive world.

The fact that Starfall had established its headquarters within the confines of Veridane spoke volumes about the guild's influence and standing. It was no simple feat to operate from a city directly controlled by a Marquis, as this privilege was typically reserved for guilds or factions of considerable power and prestige.

Veridane, often dubbed the "City of Stars," was a bustling metropolis known for its grandeur and sophistication. Its sprawling streets were lined with ornate buildings adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering mosaics. The city's architecture was a testament to the opulence and prosperity that flowed through its veins.