Stonewall Guild

Chapter 48 : Stonewall Guild

Wise Sage and Rylan's journey to the small city of Antaran was filled with anticipation and a hint of nostalgia. The familiar landscape unfolded before them, bringing back memories of their earlier adventures in the gaming world.

As they approached the city gates, Rylan couldn't help but feel a sense of homecoming. The towering stone walls, adorned with the banners of various guilds, stood as a testament to the vibrant gaming community that thrived within Antaran.

The city itself was a bustling hub of activity. Players of all levels and classes moved through the streets, some embarking on quests, others engaging in friendly duels, and many simply socializing in the numerous in-game taverns and meeting spots.

Wise Sage led the way with the confidence of someone who knew the city like the back of his hand. His familiarity with the layout and the players they encountered along the way made their journey smoother.