Trevor, Lyra, Marcus, Kael

Chapter 95 : Trevor, Lyra, Marcus, Kael

Rylan's eyes widened with surprise as he heard the names Trevor, Lyra, Marcus, and Kael. These were players he had encountered before, back when he had assumed the identity of Straight. It was as if the fates had woven a complex tapestry, bringing together players from his past and present into the same tournament.

"Trevor Pagini, Lyra, Marcus, Kael…" Rylan mused, his thoughts racing. He remembered the encounters vividly, each one leaving a mark on his journey through the New World.

Trevor Pagini was the person that Rylan met when Rylan was fighting against a Commander rank 3 Horns Bear right after Rylan got out from the cave where he got the Weaver class.
