
Chapter 96 : Unexpected

The mage's name, displayed in bold holographic letters above his character, was "Earth Burial."

Earth Burial was a skilled mage who had garnered quite a following in the arena. His abilities showcased his mastery over the magic arts. With precision and focus, he cast spells that left his opponents in awe.

In the arena, Earth Burial faced quite formidable adversaries. He unleashed powerful fireballs that exploded in brilliant bursts of flame, scorching anyone caught in their radius. His control over ice magic was equally impressive, as he conjured frosty barriers and sent icy spikes shooting from the ground.

The crowd applauded Earth Burial's exceptional skills, recognizing him as a mage of remarkable talent. Rylan too couldn't help but be interested by the mage's control and finesse with magic, making a mental note to watch his future matches in the tournament closely.
