It took her a week to learn the basics of controlling her own mind, and even though her mind would "flip" when she used her powers if she didn't use them, Jin was no longer dangerous. The girl was ashamed of her outbursts of rage. True, if before she would have been conscience, but now she considered it a manifestation of weakness. Like a small child who couldn't contain his bladder and peed his trousers. Yes, practice and socialising with Stark, who could do more than make sarcastic jokes when necessary, had smoothed out the sharp edges of Jean's new personality. Allowed her to rethink her whole life and the perfect. No, she didn't love Xavier as she had before, thinking of him as her second father, but she didn't hate him to the level of a

"If I see him, I'll kill him" level.

She had also tamed her emotions, pulling her towards Stark as a strong "male". It was already a merit of the essence, the aspect of life itself representing life, rebirth and reproduction. She had even tried to get into bed with him the first day, but Tony had not appreciated it and, saying he was almost a married man, had kicked her out. Who else might have been offended by that, but those same instincts made him respect her. He was stronger than her and entitled to it, so she had to satisfy herself. Thankfully that period had passed, and now she didn't feel like a bitch in heat, ready to throw herself at the first man she met.

- Well, I can tell you did well," Tony removed the half-melted artefacts. - It was nice chatting, and now you can go home.

- Home? - Grey snorted sarcastically. - What home? I've been at Xavier most of my adult life. I have a doctorate in psychology, but without references and experience, I can't even get a job in a hospital. Besides, I will kill one of my patients sooner or later. You know my condition better than anyone.

- That's... Mm-hmm," Stark thought for a moment.

"Are we responsible for what we tame?" However, he had just recently considered the idea of revealing his mutant abilities. Yes, it would cause a flood of negativity from mutant haters, but it would also explain how he and Pepper had changed. So far, uncomfortable questions could be avoided because Stark and his future wife have distanced themselves from the media, and a month has not flashed on the top lines of tabloids. Still, forever so it could not continue, and it was necessary to find an explanation. Which, fortunately, there was. Everything can be blamed on an unknown anomaly in space, which affected Victor Von Doom, Reed Richards and others. On the plus side, it would be possible to use the mutants' abilities openly. As they say, three mutants from the construction team replace the excavator. And it's not an ordinary excavator but an industrial one.

- How would you like the idea of working for me? Either out in the open or for more delicate tasks. Insurance, social security, high wages and an enchanted vibrantium suit are guaranteed.

- What about the Professor? He'll realise you've lied to him, and I'm alive. I don't think he'll let it go, and I won't stand for it in case of a conflict," the girl's eyes flashed with fire, but it was extinguished immediately. Self-control was showing.

- Sooner or later, he would have found out, and if he saw you controlling yourself, he would be ashamed. He might send one of your friends to talk to you, but that's it. No one died," he smirked at that. Yes, they are, but they've risen from the dead like Jesus. And not even as zombies, which is surprising. - And while we're at it, I have a theory about why you can't quite level your cosmic breakthroughs.

- Enlighten me, oh great mage, mutant and genius! - A relaxed Jean asked with a chuckle.

She hadn't been kicked out, and she had been offered a job, which wasn't a bad thing. And she was sure that she would be paid more than she would have been as a member of Team X. Still, Xavier was short of money. The government didn't sponsor his institute, and the Shield was recouping its investment by working three times as hard for them. So even if Charles wanted to, he couldn't pay more. As it was, each flight cost tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars for fuel for their aircraft and its maintenance. If there was no destruction in the fulfilment process of missions, then the bill was in the millions. Fortunately, in most cases, everything could be blamed on the Brotherhood of Mutants, but not always. However, mutants had nowhere to go. Or in the Brotherhood to Magneto, or to Xavier, or lie low and pray that neither the security services, the opponents of mutants, nor the first two did not find you.

- You forgot about the billionaire and philanthropist," the man chided her. - If you pour more water into a glass than it can hold, it will naturally overflow. I don't know why the essence chose you, but your body can't hold it all. Hence your mood swings and other manifestations.

- You mean lustful? - she licked her lips. - Are you sure you don't want to? I promise I won't tell anyone.

- No, thank you," Stark would have agreed without hesitation.

He liked Jean, and her shape was perfect. Especially since he didn't make sex taboo. However, considering that he was already in a relationship with Pepper, with whom he would soon be married, it would be a betrayal and disgusting act towards his fiancée. Tony wouldn't want Potts to sleep with anyone else but him and would also consider that a betrayal. So why should he be treated any differently?

- Well, suit yourself," the girl suppressed her impulse again. - What do you suggest?

- My serum. As you can see, I've already tried it on Pepper and myself.

- Didn't you say to yourself that energy is stored in the layers of the soul?

- I did, but your energy is unusual. It helps develop the potential of organisms, pushing them to their limits and, more importantly, pulling the other layers along with them. That's how I awakened my gene X. The human genome has a limit, and you've probably already reached it. That's why your powers of telepathy and telekinesis are so enhanced, by the way.

- I have to be sure of what you're saying. You know.

- We can make a magic contract. I won't let you into my head; you're like an elephant in a china shop now, and this way, you'll feel better, and I'll feel better.

- I don't believe it.

- You don't believe it? Is it okay with me bringing people back to life? Try breaking that contract. You'll see.

- All right, give me your piece of paper.

It was a thick sheet of cardboard with many runes, geometric circles and scribbles on one side and text on the other. The text and runes were written in metallised adamantium ink. Stark inscribed the terms:

"The undersigned pledge not to betray, endanger, or cause harm by deliberate action or inaction to each other. Not to divulge information about each other separately designated by either party as secret. Not to lie to each other, but have the right to refuse to answer a question asked. The contract is valid for five years from the date of signing."

The working contract will be made on a separate sheet of paper by Stark's human resources department. The magical one is for trusting each other. After the signing, and really with blood, as Jean could not infuse mana, the sheet decayed, leaving a golden circle hanging in the air, which split in half, and each half merged with the body and soul of the other. The trick of such contracts is that the arbitrator is the man himself. If he even thinks of breaking the contract, his soul will respond with an unpleasant prick.

- Ouch! - Grey tried to use telekinesis with the idea of harming him and felt a sharp warning prick in her heart.

She looked indignantly at Tony as if it was his fault, but afterwards, she calmed down and forced herself to state:

- Yes, it does work. What do you need me to do?

- Get into the capsule. I have long since analysed your DNA and the changes taking place.

- Did you know I would agree? Am I that predictable?

- No, just a side effect of monitoring your health.

- okay, I'll do it, but if you did cheat on me, I'd get you from the dead!

- I don't think anyone on the planet can kill you.

After explaining in detail what exactly he would do, Jin did calm down. However, the suspicious expression on her face did not disappear until the very end. However, Stark wasn't worried; the technology had been worked out. The introduction of the serum and irradiation with Vita-rays, which in the case of the girl were not even useful, were replaced by the energy of the cosmic entity. Tony had feared that the same energy would interfere, but no, the changes went most smoothly.

- How are you feeling? - Tony asked the girl, handing her a dressing gown.

Still, she was naked, though neither she nor he was particularly embarrassed. What, had they never seen naked people before?

- It's weird, like my body feels lighter, and I don't feel like a balloon about to burst," Grey said.

The girl put on her dressing gown so casually that she left it open as if it hid nothing. A side effect of erasing the "cockroaches" from her head and merging with Phoenix was that Jean had no complexes left. This did not mean she walked naked on the street, as she understood the meaning of society's morality and did not want to show herself to all sorts of lustful jerks, from which she became even further away. She saw no point in being shy in the presence of those she trusted. And she never gave up trying to seduce Stark. She'd kept her emotions in check, though, or she might have done something stupid, tried to take Tony by force or decided to kill his fiancée because she'd had such thoughts. And they were not unreasonable. With Jean's power, if she lost control for a millisecond during sex, any man or woman would explode into atoms. And what kind of pleasure would it be if you had to hold back and control yourself all the time? So Stark is, for now, the only creature on the planet she knows of who could lay with her.

- The half-titan's body is less material and, therefore, much better suited to containing all sorts of energy entities. It also has a much higher developmental ceiling, and you will finally become one in time.

- I don't mind becoming one with you," Jean licked her lips seductively.

- No thanks, I already have a fiancée," Tony rubbed his temples.

If his head could hurt, it would be splitting right now. The main problem was Grey's lust in her obsession to get him into bed. And Stark realised the girl didn't love him; she was grateful and wanted him, no more, but no less.

- What if I could persuade her?

- Without telepathy? Go ahead, but remember to tell me to bring my camera. It'll be funny," Tony laughed, just imagining the scene.

Pepper's a possessive woman, and she's not going to share. Jean curled her lip in frustration but didn't insist, not yet. The game isn't interesting if it's easy to give up.

- Well, come to your senses today, and tomorrow we'll have a difficult day.

- Tough day? Why?

- It's time to call it quits.


Once again, the press gathered in the Stark Expo hall at the beck and call of an eccentric billionaire. None of the invited companies, magazines, internet, and TV channels dared not send representatives. Moreover, even those who were not invited managed to get in. And the first thing that caught my eye was the absolutely smooth platform. No catwalks, no risers, no stages. It was as if a reception was planned, and the presence of tables with food and alcohol only confirmed it. However, no one warned the journalists about any dress code. However, they got used to the eccentric billionaire's antics, and his speeches were accompanied by a scandal or sensation. The one-word phrase "Tony Stark" has become a nomenclature for journalists, like "Klondike" or "Eldorado" for gold diggers. Even simple photographs have increased lately, as the stray tycoon has not been seen for three weeks.

And soon, he was seen. He was walking along with Miss Pepper Potts, whose engagement and future marriage to him was still the subject of the fashionable tabloids. And this is where the journalists immediately noticed the change. The fact that Pepper became more beautiful could be written off as plastic surgery, but the fact that she became taller was already strange. There are operations to lengthen leg bones with the help of Ilizarov apparatuses, but they require long rehabilitation. However, Tony Stark did not linger long, which was to be expected from him. Stepping into the centre of the room, he picked up one of the champagne glasses and tapped it with a massive ring in his hand.

- Um, can I have your attention," one of the top playboys in the United States smiled charmingly. - Thank you all for coming. Firstly, I'd like to officially announce that the wedding between me and my dear Miss Potts will take place in three days, but it will be brief. Soon we will have to go through all the circles of bureaucratic hell to change her last name.

The guests laughed. Some sincerely, some strained. But all in all, a little banter lightened the mood.

- Besides, I want to tell you that there are mutants in this hall together with us.

People began to turn around. Some bounced back in fear, and only twenty per cent did not react to this news, waiting for the continuation.

- Afraid, hate, annoyed? That's what non-humans, a term I've proposed for people with the active X gene, feel daily in their direction. And if I hadn't told you about it, you wouldn't have known about it. And that's what I wanted to talk to you about today," Tony leaned on one of the tables, which creaked under his weight. - Fifty years ago, black Americans were treated the same way. They were kept out of shops, given separate drinkers and seats on the bus, and forbidden to settle next to whites even if they had the money to do so. And here again, our country and people are stepping on the same rake. Only this time, the rake is bigger, as each non-human has abilities. Not always useful, not always strong or even pleasant, but abilities.

- But their abilities are not limited; who will control them? - exclaimed one of the journalists, a short boy of about twenty-five.

- They will be controlled by the law, like the rest of us! Especially since the abilities of non-humans, as I said earlier, are, in most cases, weaker than the same gun regarding destructiveness. And someone repealed the second amendment? I haven't heard that," Stark continued, sipping from his glass of champagne: - "Besides, some people practice martial arts. Are you going to take away their arms and legs?

- "CNN, Courtney Vasquez" introduced herself as a woman in her thirties, looking more stunning than her younger colleagues. - You do realise that by stating your position, you are incurring the wrath of all opponents of mut...non-humans?

- Do I have to care about the feelings of people who share their opinions with Nazis and racists? - Stark answered a question with a question. - Let me put it this way: if those among my clients, partners, customers or suppliers discriminate against non-humans, I am happy to terminate their contracts today. I hope their beliefs are worth tens or hundreds of millions of damages.

- In "New York Times, John Malkovich" introduced himself as a personable man in his forties with a white-toothed smile. - Is this a threat? Or blackmail? We have freedom of speech in this country, and everyone can express their opinions without repercussions.

- Okay, John, say you're pro-Russian, anti-Communist, and anti-LGBT, there will be no repercussions for you?

The man smiled crookedly at Stark's remark.

- Yes, we have freedom of speech in this country. And you don't go to jail for speaking out. But every action has a consequence. You can think whatever you want about non-humans, hate them, pity them, adore them, but you have no right to violate their rights. They are just as American as you or me. And by the way, have you identified them among you? No? My God, are they as human as we are?!

- Fox Channel, Rita Johnson," the next reporter, introduced herself. - What influenced your opinion, and why have you gathered us all here to express it?

- To answer your first question... My opinion has always been this. Live yourself and let others live is quite a common position, isn't it?

- adequate.

- Thank you. And to answer your second question... I'm not human!

Stark released an arc of current previously absorbed from the reactor between his hands. This process was accompanied by illumination in the form of glowing eyes and micro discharges of current throughout his upper body as if from a Tesla coil. At the same moment, they were blinded by camera flashes, and the journalists went into overdrive. Some didn't believe the billionaire, thinking it was all a hoax; others did and wanted to know the details.

- Quiet, quiet, one at a time.

- How did you know that you are a mu... neo-human? - Malkovich asked.

- An accident at the orbital station. It was just recently reported. I decided to test the possibility of flying in space on my modified flyer, - Stark replied, promoting it simultaneously. - As you all know, most of the population of the geth has a folded inactive gene X, which is actually an extra chromosome. Radiation has activated it, as it has in the recent so-called Fantastic Four.

Reed Richards and company decided to call themselves just that. By the way, the place of Ben Grimm, who had been cured of his mutation, had been taken by Victor Von Doom. However, Tony doubted it would last. Reed was a rare arsehole, and it was almost unrealistic to work with him. In fact, Victor had come to him himself and complained about it. And the fact that his body was turning into an organic metal that could store and emit electricity. Unlike the Grimm, the ability proved to be disabled. It was enough to use some of the X-Men's practices. They had a lot of experience with it, and more than one.

- The Fantastic Four are non-humans? Unbelievable! - One of the reporters, sensing a sensation, exclaimed.

- I don't see what difference it makes. Reed Richards is still an arsehole.

Journalists familiar with this genius laughed.

- Look at the person for who they are, not what their genetic code is. By the way, pass on my words to all the non-humans already working in my company and those who want to become its members. Do not be afraid; you can come to me on general terms. Anonymity in case you wish to do so is guaranteed, as well as help with conflict resolution.

- Aren't you afraid that the non-humans will bring destruction to your company? - The young journalist asked.

- It wasn't non-humans who caused the Holocaust, Chornobyl and dropped the bomb on Hiroshima," Stark replied. - Yes, there are many non-human criminals. But there are even more who have been cornered, who have been given no choice but to fight. I want to give it to them. And to prove to the rest of the human race that we can use our abilities to create and destroy. Pay attention to the screens for a moment; we're about to prove it. As you all know, there was a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in India this morning.

The hexagons that made up the auditorium dome began to broadcast live video. There, hovering ten metres above the ground, a girl in red-gold armour, shrouded in phoenix-like orange flames that fluttered her blood-coloured hair as if by wind, spread her arms out to the sides. Her armour was more like Sif's than Iron Man's, making her look like a goddess, a Valkyrie, an angel of war descended from the heavens. And this was emphasised by her inhumanly beautiful appearance. Beneath the girl, the ruins of the city were visible. Shoddy buildings and outright slums could not withstand the wrath of the natural elements and crumbled to the ground. Many people were trapped under the rubble. And suddenly, all the debris began to rise and fly to the city's outskirts. Those houses that were not severely damaged, even rebuilt, as if a huge giant was building houses of cards. Bodies of varying integrity and completeness were cleaned and assembled on beds created from leaves and vines from the nearby jungle. The girl looked like a goddess who had condescended to mortals. And then the most incredible thing began. With a wave of her hand, she released a flame that did not harm people, as some journalists thought. It absorbed their bodies and healed everything, even the most severe wounds. One girl's arm even grew back.

- Did you know she could do that? - Pepper whispered in Stark's ear, watching with his mouth open.

- No, I think I underestimated her.

Stark didn't even know what kind of excitement this footage would cause. After all, there was another famous character in history who could raise the dead and heal the living. And he wondered how many people would become non-humans after such a "cure"?