Joy was feeling unwell and could not travel far. She chose an outdoor café outside the villa complex.

Joy added Rosen on WhatsApp. His username was Rakshasa.

She sent him the location and within ten minutes, Rakshasa sent her two words: Arrived.

So fast? Could this man really teleport?

Joy didn't dare to delay, fearing this man might refuse to work if he was not pleased.

The outdoor café was filled with women chatting and enjoying their coffee during the day. The café's garden was blooming with various flowers, and at a corner table sat a lone figure.

He was dressed in a pure white suit, with shoulder-length hair of a flaxen hue, looking slender and frail. Sitting there, tall and thin, he didn't resemble the arrogant Rosen at all.

Joy sent him a message: Are you the one in the white suit?

Rakshasa: Yes.

Joy: "…"

Trust BIG SIS!

With this belief, Joy walked over and got a clear look at Rosen's worldly face.