BIG SIS replied: It's not that the Lee family can't afford him, it's that he won't accept their offer. He's extremely arrogant, taking a job from a family like that would lower his standards.

Joy: He said he accepted a job to kill me.

BIG SIS: ??? Are you okay now?

Joy: Honestly, I broke out in a cold sweat. I just met with him, it felt like I took a walk through the gates of hell.

BIG SIS: Hahaha, then you're safe. If he didn't do anything, he won't do it again. This is the first time I've heard of Rosen accepting a job and then reversing it. What did you use to tempt him?

Joy: ...

Joy: Probably because he asked for 10,000, I offered 15,000, and when we met, I raised it to 30,000. He seemed pleased.

BIG SIS: Hahaha, his mood is unpredictable, not many people can figure him out. I didn't expect you to hit his sweet spot.

Joy: Luckily, I have money.

BIG SIS: How much is he charging you to reverse the order?

Joy: Double.