Chapter 2: Author Authority

In the midst of a routine lecture at Elite Future Academy, Davids reality shifted abruptly. His vision blurred for a moment, and when it cleared, he was no longer in his dingy apartment, but instead, in a state-of-the-art classroom bustling with youthful energy.

The droning voice of his teacher brought him back from his daze. "David, perhaps you could enlighten the class on the fundamentals of what makes a hero?"

David blinked in disbelief. The question was one he had pondered on and written about countless times. "A hero," he began, his voice steady, "isn't defined by their powers alone. Instead, it's their values, their courage, and their resilience in the face of adversity. A hero is someone who strives to protect and serve, putting the welfare of others before their own."

His words were met with silence, followed by an approving nod from the teacher and a smattering of applause from the class. Yet, inwardly, David was in turmoil. The classroom, the question, the feeling of the desk under his fingertips - it was all too familiar, too reminiscent of the world he'd penned down in "Redo of a Hero."

The teacher, a stern woman named Mrs. Agnes - a character he had briefly mentioned in a few chapters of his novel - gave him an approving nod. His heart pounded in his chest as he slowly began to recognize the uncanny similarities. The layout of the classroom, the placement of the desks, even Mrs. Agnes's habit of flicking her wrist while explaining - it was all just as he'd described in his novel.

David's gaze then flickered to the wall, where a sign read "Zero Class." His heart dropped. In his book, the Zero Class was the lowest ranking, where the students deemed to have the least potential were placed. It was a class for the overlooked, the underestimated, the extras.

This couldn't be a dream, it was too vivid, too real. The stark reality hit him hard - he wasn't just living in the world of his novel; he was living the life of an extra. It was as if he was trapped within his own plot, a puppet bound by his own strings.

And yet, as the weight of this realization settled in, so did a sense of intrigue and determination. He knew the story, he knew the future, and maybe, just maybe, he could use this knowledge to change the narrative. For the first time in his life, David wasn't just an author, but an active participant in the story. The idea was terrifying, but undeniably exhilarating. After all, he was anything but an extra.

Omega 6, the government entity that controlled this world, was an omnipresent force. Their control over the superheroes was an assurance for some, a terror for others. This world, the one David had so vividly created, was not a simple, idealistic superhero universe. No, it was a terrifying, chaotic, and often brutal place where the ordinary coexisted with the extraordinary in a tumultuous balance.

On any given day, a citizen's reality could shift dramatically. One moment, they could be sipping coffee in a quiet café, and in the next, they could be ducking for cover as a villain launched a reckless attack. The sky, a canvas of calm blue, could suddenly be torn apart by space aliens descending upon the city, their alien technology causing havoc. There were times when the ground beneath would tremble, not due to an earthquake, but because of demons escaping from the depths of hell, their fiery presence inciting fear and chaos.

Surviving in this world was a gamble. Despite the presence of heroes, danger was never far away. Life, for a regular citizen, was a balancing act on the razor edge of normalcy and utter chaos. It was a world that knew the cost of power all too well, where the extraordinary was a double-edged sword - as much a source of protection as it was a cause of relentless peril.

In this world, being an extra, a seemingly insignificant part of the narrative, was ironically a blessing in disguise. It offered a veil of obscurity, a chance to live without the burden of the extraordinary. Yet, even this obscurity was a fragile shield against the unpredictable threats looming around every corner. It was the world David had written, but experiencing it firsthand was another story altogether.

"System, open," David commanded, half-expecting nothing to happen.

An ethereal voice echoed, "Welcome, David Jupiter."

Jupiter? The surprise hit him hard. He was now part of the Jupiter family, a powerful lineage known for their unique lightning superpowers. Their family, as per his book, were the direct descendants of a lightning god. The fact that their powers were derived from divine lineage was unknown to the clan itself. The gods descendant part was was just something he used to explain why one of the main antagonist could keep up with the main character.

A translucent screen appeared before him:

Status Window


Name: David Jupiter

Title: Jupiter Clan Heir.

Level: 1

Strength: 20

Agility: 10

Intellect: 10

Super Power:

- ??? (Unawakened)

- Author Authority (Lv. 1): Ability to view and interact with the world as the author of "Redo of a Hero". Can view character status and 'mantle' characters to be inspired by their Superpowers.

Currently, only one slot is available for 'mantling'.

-Character Mantling Slots: 1

- Available Skill Points: 0


David took a moment to process his status. His physical strength was higher than the average human - a small consolation. Yet, it was his title that intrigued him the most: 'Author Authority - Level 1.' It came with an unprecedented perk - the ability to mantle characters, to copy one character's abilities at a time. It was a powerful tool, if used correctly.

Though the system didn't provide clear guidelines, David was certain that he was the only person with such a system. He was the author, after all. His understanding of this world and its characters was unrivaled. It put him in a unique position to influence the story, despite his seemingly ordinary status.

He might have started off as a nameless extra, but he was anything but ordinary now.

His status, otherwise, was unremarkable. He was just another member of the Jupiter family, no special abilities or skills from his own family either.

"This is... unexpected," David murmured, a sense of determination hardening his features. His circumstances might not be ideal, but he was no ordinary extra. He was a Jupiter now, and he'd make sure the world of his own creation knew his name.