Chapter 3: Sparks of Determination

David Jupiter navigated through the halls of Elite Future Academy, his steps more confident now. The body he inhabited was good-looking with black hair and piercing golden eyes, reflecting the noble Ramiel lineage. Only sixteen years old, it held the potential for growth. But as he found himself in the middle of mundane school activities, the inconvenient truth revealed itself.

The previous 'David' hadn't been the brightest. His academics were dismal, and he barely scraped by in his training sessions. No wonder he was stuck in the Zero class, the lowest of the low.

David's enhanced strength of 20 was a testament to the Jupiter bloodline, far exceeding the average strength stat of 5 in ordinary people. Yet, the irony was palpable. A Jupiter in the Zero class was unheard of.

As he sat alone during lunch break, he heard snickers and whispers from his classmates.

"David Jupiter, the failure," they gossiped, their disdain thinly veiled.

"A Jupiter in Zero class, who would've thought?"

David barely glanced at the small group that approached him, their snide grins familiar from his own writing. Their leader, a tall, intimidating figure named Han, stepped forward. Han was a minor villain in his book, a stereotypical bully character.

"Well, well, look who it is," Han smirked, crossing his arms as his followers chuckled. "The Jupiter prodigy stuck in the Zero class. What a joke!"

"Yeah," chimed in one of Han's lackeys, "I thought the Jupiter were supposed to be special, not...this."

David studied them, his gaze unfazed. It was almost amusing. He had written these characters as obstacles for his main character, and now, they were his own hurdles. Han and his group had been nothing more than minor characters, set to be defeated by the main protagonist.

As David took a break, his gaze fell upon a scene that instantly caught his attention. Enryu, his own creation, the main character of his novel, was out on the training field. But this was not the naive and innocent Enryu he had initially written. This was the Enryu who had already experienced the harsh realities of this world, the one who had been betrayed and had regressed, determined to rewrite his fate.

Enryu was a striking figure, even now. His piercing blue eyes were windows to a soul that had endured more than one could imagine. He was skinny, his features not yet fully developed. His body was yet to undergo the transformation that would sculpt it into a formidable physique, mirroring the strength of Greek gods.

Enryu trained with a fervor that was hard to miss, every movement, every strike screamed of a desperation and a resolve that could only come from one who had tasted the bitterness of failure. His once casual demeanor was replaced by a serious, focused expression. He was like a man on a mission, a stark contrast to the other students who were simply going through the motions of training.

Enryu's intense training session seemed to draw attention from several onlookers. A group of students led by Han, decided to interrupt his solitary training. "Hey, Enryu, think you're too good to train with the rest of us?" Han called out, his words tinged with mocking laughter.

Enryu, absorbed in his training, didn't bother to answer, which seemed to further irk the group. They stepped onto the training field, intent on disrupting Enryu's session.

"Come on, Enryu, show us what makes you so special," Han egged on, the gang of students forming a rough semi-circle around the training hero.

Without a word, Enryu paused his training. He turned to face them, his eyes burning with a cool, quiet determination. Suddenly, with a swift motion, he activated his powers. Ice began to form around his fists, the cold radiating off him in palpable waves.

In a flash, he lunged at the group. His movements were a blur, the ice around his fists leaving a trail of frost in the air. Within moments, he had managed to knock several of them back, a clear message sent. The remaining students quickly backed off, their bravado faltering in the face of Enryu's power.

Stumbling back, Han gritted his teeth, glaring at Enryu. His ego bruised, he pointed a shaking finger at Enryu, his voice shaking with rage.

"You... you'll pay for this, Enryu. You don't know who you've messed with. I'll make sure you regret this... I'll kill you," he threatened, his words echoing through the silent training field.

But the emptiness in his threat was clear to see, especially to Enryu, who merely returned to his training, brushing off Han's words like a minor annoyance.

David watched the scene unfold with a mix of awe and caution. This was his creation, a hero, standing up against a group of bullies. But this also served as a reminder of the powers at play in this world. It was a sobering sight and a clear sign of the challenges that lay ahead for him in this new life.

In the days that followed the confrontation with Han, the Elite Future Academy was abuzz with gossip. The incident had firmly established Enryu as someone not to be messed with, but it had also painted a target on his back. As the protagonist of the story, Enryu was always destined to attract attention, but now, more than ever, he seemed to be under a spotlight.

David found himself observing Enryu from afar, his interest piqued by the regressed hero. However, he knew that getting close to Enryu at this stage was a risky move. For now, he needed to focus on understanding his new life and discovering the extent of his abilities.

The academy's training grounds became a regular spot for David. Despite the jeers and snide comments from his peers, he stuck to a rigorous training regimen. He knew that if he wanted to improve his stats, he had to put in the work.

The training was grueling, pushing him to his limits every single day. However, he relished the challenge. Each drop of sweat, each straining muscle, felt like a step closer to becoming stronger.

Pain wracked David's body as he collapsed onto the grass, the weighted clothing feeling like a mountain pressing down on him. As he gasped for breath, his thoughts turned to the lightning abilities of the Ramiel family. How he yearned to tap into that power. It was his heritage, yet it eluded him.

Through the haze of his exhaustion, he looked up to find Enryu still watching him. He could only wonder what the protagonist was thinking.

"Is he surprised that I'm still alive?" David mused, a bitter smile tugging at his lips. The memory of the hateful comments about his protagonist being overpowered echoed in his mind.

"Maybe he's wondering why a 'failure' like me is putting in so much effort."

Despite the pain and exhaustion, a spark of determination ignited in David's heart. He wouldn't just be an extra, nor would he be a mere sideshow for the protagonist. He was going to tap into the power of his lineage, rise through the ranks, and change the narrative of his own story.

And with that thought, he forced himself back onto his feet, his golden eyes meeting Enryu's icy ones. The protagonist said nothing, but his continued scrutiny was all the acknowledgment David needed. He was, at last, making a ripple in the world he'd created.