Chapter 21: Enryu's Inquiries

After a hearty exchange of goodbyes and reminders to stay safe, Billy Ray left David to his own devices. The young hero packed up his belongings and headed back to the Elite Future Academy.

Once there, he stowed his things in his room before pulling up the Academy's communication interface. His eyes fell upon a notice that caught his attention: Enryu was currently at the training field, being coached by Yura Frostblade.

Yura was an exceptional sight to behold. Her icy blue eyes, as deep and mesmerizing as a tranquil sea, shone brightly against her fair complexion. Framing her enchanting face was a waterfall of silver hair, glistening as if spun from moonlight itself, adding an ethereal quality to her beauty. Her physique, both elegant and strong, was accentuated by a form-fitting white catsuit. The suit, crafted from a fabric that shimmered like fresh snow under the sun, hugged her figure, outlining her every curve and muscle. Her overall appearance was a beautiful blend of fierceness and grace, an embodiment of the formidable Ice Manipulator she was.

Yura, as David knew from his own writing, was Enryu's love interest who tragically died in the previous regression. It was a bitter-sweet sight to see her alive and well, coaching the stoic Enryu, a rare smile playing on his normally stern face.

Yura was out in the Academy grounds, teaching Enryu how to use his Ice Manipulation powers. However, David, knowing Enryu's true nature as a regressor, was well aware that Enryu probably knew more about utilizing Ice Manipulation than Yura could possibly teach him.

"Good job, Enryu!" Yura applauded, her eyes sparkling with approval and admiration. "You've got the ice form and snowball technique down to a T."

"Thank you," Enryu replied, his voice warm despite the icy landscape around them. "It's all thanks to you, teacher."

Then, as if to add a dash of unexpected charm to his usual stoicism, Enryu extended his hand, a small, intricate rose sculpted out of ice appearing in his palm. With a smooth motion, he presented it to Yura.

The ice rose sparkled under the sunlight, casting ethereal reflections around them. Yura's expression softened as she received the rose, clearly touched by the gesture. David, watching from the side, couldn't help but shake his head in amusement.

With a playful smirk, Yura accepted the ice rose, her fingers brushing lightly against the frosty petals. "I hope you haven't mistaken my teaching for something more, Enryu," she said, a teasing edge in her voice. "Remember, I'm just your teacher, not your love interest." She lightly tapped the icy bloom against his chest for emphasis, her smile never faltering.

A roguish grin spread across Enryu's face. "What if I have?" he replied, meeting her teasing challenge head-on. "What would I have to do to prove my feelings are true?" His eyes twinkled, mirroring the icy sparkle of the rose in his hand, as he held her gaze, waiting for her response.

"This is too cliche," David mumbled to himself, observing the unfolding scene from the sidelines. As the author of "Redo of a Hero", he found the interaction between Yura and Enryu strangely embarrassing. After all, the Yura of this timeline didn't even know Enryu. Was Enryu that stuck in the past? David couldn't help but ponder.

Yura chuckled at Enryu's boldness, shaking her head slightly. "You're way too young for me, Enryu," she said, teasing him. Then, her gaze shifted, catching sight of David on the sidelines. "I think your friend is here," she noted, gesturing in David's direction.

The look of disappointment that washed over Enryu's face was brief but noticeable. As he met David, his expression shifted to one of curiosity. "So, how did things go with Trainwreck?" he asked.

Status Window


Name: Enryu

Hero Name: Enryu

Title: Future Ruler, Regressor, Top of the World, Dimensional Terror

Level: 10

Strength: Super Human (26)

Endurance: Peak Human (19)

Agility: Super Human (22)

Intellect: Super Human (19)

Super Powers:

- Cryokinesis (lv.3): User can create, shape, and manipulate ice at will.

- Adaption (Unique): User can adapt to any physical, mental, or environmental challenge encountered, incrementally enhancing resilience and abilities.


David shrugged, saying, "A lot happened," but his mind was elsewhere. His eyes flicked over to the Status Window he could pull up with his Author Authority, and once again, he took the Adaption superpower from Enryu.

Status Window


Name: David Jupiter

Title: Jupiter Heir

Level: 13

Strength: Superhuman (31)

Agility: Superhuman (23)

Intellect: High Human (10)

Super Powers:

- Electromagnetism (lv.1)

- Author Authority (Ex.lvl2): Ability to view and interact with the world as the author of "Redo of a Hero". Can view character status and 'mantle' characters to be inspired by their Superpowers. Only 2 Hero slots can be used at any given time with a common and unique super power.

Mantled Powers:

- Danger Sense (Ex. lvl 1): Ability to predict and avoid danger. (Inspired by Trainwreck)

- Adaption (Unique lvl 1): User can adapt to any physical, mental, or environmental challenge encountered, incrementally enhancing resilience and abilities. (Inspired by Enryu)

Character Mantle Slots: 0


Studying their comparative status menus, David couldn't shake off a certain feeling. Right now, he had the upper hand. His strength surpassed Enryu's, but he was acutely aware that this was a temporary state. Enryu had a roadmap to power, one laid out meticulously in his past life, and he was certain to follow it.

He envisioned Enryu scouring the world for the cheat items he'd planted within his narrative. The elusive perfected Genesis Elixir, capable of extraordinary ability enhancements, concealed in an underground lab on Marco Island. Idun's Apples, bestowing eternal youth and supernatural strenght upon those who consumed them, tucked away in an enigmatic realm only accessible to the most resourceful.

And those were merely the beginning. The world he'd created was filled with hidden treasures and potent artifacts, all ripe for the picking by someone with Enryu's knowledge and determination.

This awareness stoked a fire within David. He had no intention of becoming a bystander in his own story. Despite currently leading in power, he knew he'd need to strategize to maintain that edge. After all, he was not just a character in this narrative - he was the author. And it was high time he took control of his own story. But for now, he would keep his cards close to his chest. His plans were for him to know, and the world to find out... eventually.

Yura finally noticed David's presence and a friendly smile spread across her face. "Oh, you're Enryu's Handsome friend," she noted, her gaze dropping to the Zero Class emblem on his shirt. "You're a Zero Class?"

Before David could respond, Enryu stepped in, a note of mock offence in his voice. "Handsome? Really, Yura?" he grumbled, though there was no real anger in his words.

"I mean, he may be Zero Class," Enryu continued, "but David's far stronger than that. He beat Jake Turner in a fight."

"Oh, so you're the Zero Class student who defeated Jake Turner," Yura stated, her icy-blue eyes widening in surprise as realization dawned on her. "I've heard the rumors but didn't expect to meet you in person. You're stronger than you appear."

"Yes he's strong Yura we get it and you're still stronger than the both of us" Enryu said.

Yura gave a playful shrug, her attention still on David. "Well, it's not hard to see why he stands out, is it?" she replied, a friendly smile spreading across her face. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you, David."

A shadow of disappointment passed over Enryu's face at Yura's casual remark. However, he decided to stay silent, letting the moment pass. His icy blue eyes flickered with an unreadable emotion, but he chose not to voice his thoughts. His lips thinned into a line as he quietly observed the friendly exchange between Yura and David.

Yura's icy blue eyes swept over David, and a look of understanding washed over her face. "If I had to guess from the golden eyes, you'd be a Jupiter. I've always been a fan of the Jupiters. When I was a little girl, I think I was saved by your father," she said with a nostalgic smile. "Ever since then, I've wanted to become a hero. It's a small world, isn't it? You seem nothing like your brother Lux."

David noticed the awkward atmosphere and quickly interjected. "I'm just here to talk to Enryu for a bit so we can catch up," he said, subtly steering the conversation away from the comparison to his brother.

With a playful wave, Yura excused herself, leaving the two men alone. Her departure caused a shift in the atmosphere - the warmth of her presence replaced by a palpable tension that hung heavily between them.

"Let's continue this conversation somewhere more private," Enryu suggested, his gaze serious.

David nodded in agreement, aware that the discussion they were about to have was one best kept away from curious ears. They made their way through the sprawling academy grounds, bypassing clusters of students engaged in their own worlds, oblivious to the gravity of the conversation about to unfold.

Passing through the grand double doors of the main academy building, they continued down the maze-like corridors, Enryu leading the way. They finally arrived at David's room, a space far removed from the bustle of the training grounds. With a final glance to ensure they were unobserved, Enryu closed the door behind them, the click of the latch echoing ominously in the quiet room.

As the door shut, Enryu turned towards David, his eyes reflecting an icy determination. "Now, tell me what happened during that fight with Jake."