Chapter 22: Enryu's Inquiries (2)

They both walked in silence towards the residential building, each lost in their own thoughts. Once inside David's room, they settled into the comfortable chairs, the room filled with an unspoken tension.

Enryu looked at David, his azure eyes serious. "David," he began, his tone suggesting the weight of the conversation they were about to have, "What happened during that fight with Jake? I thought you might have been doping with Genesis Serum, but your improvement... it looked like... like you were using your own Familys Power. And you told me that you hadn't awakened your abilities yet."

David felt a moment of indecision, wondering whether to be honest with Enryu or not. He knew Enryu as a rational character; he wasn't the type to impulsively attack anyone without reason. Weighing his options, David finally spoke, his words casual as if he was discussing the weather. "I can copy superpowers, about 2 at a time."

The room fell into a comfortable silence for a moment before Enryu finally spoke up, his eyes gleaming with surprise. "So you copied my Adaption ability?"

David looked back at him, his expression neutral. "That's right."

Enryu's eyebrows shot up as he leaned back in his chair, obviously taken aback. "How long have you been keeping this from me?"

David scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, feeling the weight of his friend's stare. "It didn't happen until the fight with Jake," he lied. "That's when I first sensed powers all around me as if I had an innate knowledge of what they were and how I could use them. I saw your development, and I wondered how you were growing strong so quickly."

He paused, glancing back at Enryu. "Then, as I fought Jake, I realized after copying your power the secret to your strength."

Silence fell once more as Enryu processed the information, his gaze contemplative. David, hoping to alleviate the growing tension, attempted a joke. "What do you think, Enryu? Would you have preferred if I had asked your permission first?" He chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.

The room was still silent as Enryu mulled over David's words, his expression unreadable. The tension was palpable, and David could only hope that he would understand.

After a brief pause, Enryu's eyes lit up with a peculiar glow. A blend of shock, determination, and a trace of excitement. "In that case, our training intensity has to be cranked up a few notches. If I had known this from the very beginning...," Enryu sighed, trailing off as if picturing the possibilities in his mind.

"We could have been leagues ahead by now. It's not just about becoming heroes in the field... we have a chance to redefine the limits, to go beyond what we previously thought was our peak. With your ability to copy powers, our growth rate could be unparalleled," Enryu added, his voice laced with a steely resolve.

His statement hung heavily in the air, creating an atmosphere filled with anticipation. As a regressor, Enryu's goal was to reach heights of power he could only dream of in his previous life. And now, with David's unique ability at his disposal, that dream seemed to be within grasp.

Understanding the gleam in Enryu's eyes, David couldn't help but chuckle. "If we're doing this, you're going to have to take it easy on me, Enryu."

The corners of Enryu's mouth twitched upward into a grin. "Not a chance in this lifetime, David," he replied, his voice filled with a playful yet determined undertone. The prospect of pushing their limits together seemed to spark a newfound excitement in him.

David recognized the relentless determination that lived within Enryu, a flame of obsession that was almost palpable. Enryu had always chased the summit of power, constantly at war with his own limitations, always striving for more. He had once ascended to an unimaginable height, an existence that commanded galaxies, froze supernovas, and towered over the highest echelons of power.

But that journey was painstakingly long and laced with countless challenges. Enryu had lived and died through eras, regressed back to the start, and repeated the cycle. Now, with David's power of copying, that journey could be significantly shortened. The years it had taken him in his past life could be reduced exponentially.

David was no longer just a friend from the academy. He was a critical asset to Enryu's quest for power. And for Enryu, every day, every hour that he could save was priceless. The sooner he could reach the pinnacle, the sooner he could start making real changes. The sooner he could start correcting the mistakes of his previous life.

With a deep breath, Enryu met David's eyes squarely. "I... have visions," he confessed, his tone somber. "Visions from the future."

David's brows shot up in apparent surprise, but inside he was well aware of the lie. Of course, Enryu was actually a regressor, someone who had lived multiple lives, but he wasn't ready to share that truth. And David, respecting his friend's choice, decided to play along with the tale.

"Visions from the future?" David echoed, injecting a hint of disbelief into his voice. "Like seeing tomorrow's lottery numbers or...?"

Enryu shook his head. "Nothing as mundane as that. More like... glimpses of events, significant ones. Things that could alter the course of the world."

David nodded, pretending to digest this new revelation. The conversation carried on, the two friends treading carefully around the unspoken truth between them.

"I know you might find this hard to believe," Enryu started, his gaze steady on David. "But in about two weeks, Principal Ijax is going to get into an all-out brawl with Shadow."

"Shadow, as in the assassin?" David questioned, eyes widening a bit at the mention of the infamous name.

"Exactly," Enryu nodded. "Years ago, Ijax was very active in the field in Omega 6 and he managed to kill Shadow. But Shadow's family performed an ancient ritual that required thousands of sacrifices. They managed to revive him, but it went horribly wrong. He came back deranged, slaughtering his own family, every member of the Sands of Time, and every Mage he could get his hands on using his Arcanian sword. He's been killing hero's left and right ever since."

David swallowed, the gravity of Enryu's words slowly sinking in. Enryu took a deep breath before adding, "In two weeks, Shadow is going to target Ijax and kill his entire family."

The room was filled with a heavy silence as David absorbed the shocking prediction.

"Well, how is this our problem?" David inquired, his gaze never leaving Enryu's. "What does this have to do with us?"

"Because it triggers a chain of events that results in the massacre of our fellow Zero Class members, along with students from several other classes at the Elite Future Academy," Enryu explained, his voice serious. "Though I'm not officially part of the Zero Class, we train together, and I don't want any harm to come to any of you. If we don't prepare ourselves, we could end up among the casualties."

David swallowed hard, the weight of Enryu's words hanging heavy in the silence between them. He could hardly fathom it. The death of his classmates, the massacre of innocent lives, and all of it seemingly unavoidable. The jarring reality shook him to the core.

"So, what can we do about it?" David asked, hoping against hope that Enryu had an answer.

"We train," Enryu replied simply, his dark eyes gleaming with determination. "We train, we get stronger, and we prepare to face whatever comes our way. It's all we can do."

David nodded, accepting the brutal truth. They didn't have much choice. It was a harsh reality, but it was their reality nonetheless. It seemed the quiet life he'd hoped for was not in the cards. They would need to work together and give it their all, readying themselves for the battles that lay ahead.

David looked up at Enryu, seeing his resolve reflected in his friend's gaze. It was a sobering sight. Yet, it brought a strange sense of comfort.

"I'm in," David said. "Let's do this."

A half-smile crept onto Enryu's face, "That's the spirit, David. We start tomorrow. It's going to be tough, but I promise it'll be worth it. Get some rest. You're going to need it."

As Enryu left the room, leaving David alone with his thoughts, one question circled his mind. Was this the beginning of the end, or a new chapter in their lives? Only time would tell.

And as he lay down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, the gravity of the situation truly sank in. Sleep, it seemed, would be a distant dream tonight.