Chapter 23: Avoiding Casualty

As dawn broke, David sprung up from his bed, drenched in cold sweat. His heart pounded in his chest like a sledgehammer. The nightmare he had been living in his mind all night was too real to ignore.

He hurriedly got dressed and dashed out of his dorm room, making his way to Principal Ijax's office. As he sprinted through the halls of the academy, his mind was a whirlwind of anxiety and fear. His thoughts were a chaotic symphony of dread, intertwining the brutal image of Shadow, the half-demon assassin, and the tragic fate of Zero Class.

"Shadow... Zero Class... How could I forget?" He thought to himself, "I'm such an idiot! Shadow wipes out Zero Class!"

He recollected his own description of Shadow from his novel: Shadow, the relentless assassin with an indestructible skeleton, able to teleport anywhere, capable of manipulating his density at will. Born a half-demon, Shadow had been resurrected from the depths of hell, returning more ruthless and deranged than ever before. Human life held no value to him, and his only desire was to watch the world burn.

David could feel the weight of his electromagnetism ability. He knew he could potentially deflect Shadow's deadly attacks, but he wasn't keen on putting it to the test. The odds were stacked too high against him.

"No... I need to get out of Zero Class... I need to be transferred..." David muttered to himself, his decision firm. It was a desperate attempt at survival, but he was left with no other choice. He was not prepared to dance with death, not yet.

Mavis caught up with David, his icy blue eyes holding a hint of suspicion. "Where are you off to in such a hurry? I've been meaning to talk to you," he asked, matching David's hurried pace with a graceful stride.

"I don't have time for this, Mavis," David replied tersely, attempting to move past him. "Maybe later."

"What's wrong, David?" Mavis questioned with a devious smirk, "Trying to dump the evidence of what happened that day? You don't have to lie to me."

David paused, turning to Mavis, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Mavis shrugged, a triumphant smile on his face, "Come on, the whole school knows you've been doping."

"I awakened my powers, I'm not doping," David retorted, irritation creeping into his tone.

Mavis raised an eyebrow at that, "Well, if that's true, then how about you take a drug test?"

David's jaw tightened, but he didn't reply. Instead, he turned and walked away.

As David weaved his way through the buzzing corridors, his recently awakened Electromagnetism ability latched onto the electrical frequencies around him. All at once, the hallway transformed into a living, breathing radio, broadcasting a cascade of rumors and speculation that pierced into his consciousness.

"I saw David fight Jake. It was insane. He's definitely on Genesis Serum," a voice echoed from a student's smartphone.

"Doping or not, that match was unreal. But there's no way it was all natural," another voice murmured from a nearby classroom's smartboard.

"Did you hear? David's being accused of using Genesis Serum. I mean, how else do you explain that rapid power growth?" a voice piped up from an iPad in the library.

"He seemed so average, and then suddenly he's taking down Jake Turner. Doesn't add up without drugs," a laptop in a teacher's office chimed in.

"Everyone's saying David is juicing up with Genesis Serum. Crazy stuff," came another whisper from a set of wireless earbuds.

These stray conversations, the whispers and chatter of the student body, were now amplified in David's ears, each comment a reminder of the widespread suspicion shadowing him. But amidst the storm of accusations, David remained focused. His goal wasn't to clear his name right now, but to reach the principal's office. As the sea of doubt expanded around him, David accelerated, his concern for personal reputation overshadowed by the impending catastrophe he needed to prevent.

David burst into the principal's office, his golden eyes filled with urgency and his usually composed demeanor replaced by anxiety. He barely took a moment to catch his breath before speaking.

"I want to transfer," he blurted out.

Principal Ijax looked up from his desk, taken aback by David's abrupt request. He was an imposing figure, with broad shoulders and a muscular build, though age had begun to streak his dark hair with gray. Known as one of the greatest hand-to-hand combat specialists in history, he carried an aura of someone who was no stranger to pressure or conflict. But it wasn't his physical prowess that made him a great principal, it was his patience and wisdom.

"A transfer is a significant decision, David. What's brought this on?" Ijax asked, leaning back in his chair, his eyebrows furrowing with concern. David's request had thrown him off balance. It was clear that something had shaken the young man.

David responded, carefully choosing his words, "I feel like Zero Class is beneath me."

Ijax leaned forward, interest sparking in his eyes. "I see. I've been meaning to talk to you too, David."

"About the rumors of me doping that's being tossed around?" David cut him off, his voice steady.

"Indeed," Ijax nodded, "So, is it true?"

David shook his head firmly, "It's just a rumor being spread by kids who can't accept that a senior could be beaten by me. Ijax, you of all people should know. Once we graduate from the academy and enter the Omega 6 field, being a graduate means nothing. To Omega 6, we are merely numbers to be replaced."

Ijax sat back, surprise crossing his face, "That's true, not many of my colleagues know about this perspective. I assume Jupiter has discussed his grievances with you?"

"No," David replied. "But, it's not hard to feel it. In the city, the bars, the streets...everything isn't as black and white as it seems."

Ijax pondered for a moment before changing the subject, "So, you want to get out of Zero Class, huh? Show me your abilities then, David."

Ijax suddenly held up a hand, signaling for David to wait. "One moment," he said, reaching for a remote on his desk. With a press of a button, a low hum filled the room and the walls of his office shimmered slightly.

"Reinforced walls," Ijax explained, his eyes never leaving David. "This office is now prepared to withstand quite a bit of force. Now, please proceed. Show me your abilities."

David concentrated, channeling his electricity throughout his body. A cloak of crackling energy engulfed him, replicating Jupiter's iconic Lightning aura. The sheer power of it was enough for Ijax to recognize its authenticity.

"That's it," David said simply, retracting the electric current back into his body.

Ijax leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "These kids nowadays," he murmured, "they don't understand or haven't witnessed the effects of the Genesis Serum firsthand. When individuals use it, their pupils dilate, and ruptured blood vessels start appearing all over their body. The only ones resistant to it are those with healing factors."

After a pause, Ijax glanced back at David, his eyes serious. "How about this, David. I can place you in the Elite Class. I've just moved that Enryu boy there too, as he's been showing quite some promise."

"Wait, the Elite Class?" David queried, his eyes widening slightly.

"Yes," Ijax affirmed, "You beat Jake Turner fair and square. It's only logical that a student with your capabilities joins the Elite Class. After all, you've clearly proven that you're on par, if not beyond, with him."

David's heart pounded in his chest. This was more than he could have asked for, a real opportunity to avoid the looming threat. "Thank you so much, Ijax."

"And one more thing, David," Ijax added, his gaze stern. "Whoever started circulating that rumor about the Genesis Serum, I'm going to ensure they're appropriately punished. Your transfer to the Elite Class starts today."