Chapter 24: Transfers and Introductions

David exhaled a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. The Elite Class, he thought, they were among the few classes that were spared. In his mind, he was safe... for now.

With a renewed sense of purpose, he made his way to the Elite Class. As he walked in, a ripple of murmurs ran through the students, their eyes wide with shock. "Isn't that the guy from Zero Class who was doping?" someone whispered.

The news of his transfer had beaten him there, and he was met with a wave of whispers and pointed stares. However, before the students could voice their objections, a striking woman stood up, silencing the room.

Zoya Nightingale, their beautiful teacher, dressed in an elegant black and white business suit, her hair a stark contrast of black and white, her silver eyes piercing. "Those rumors you've heard about David have been proven false by Principal Ijax himself. If anyone has any issue with that, I encourage you to take it up with him directly."

With that, the room fell into silence, and David could finally breathe. He was in the Elite class, away from the imminent danger of Shadow. But for how long? Only time would tell.

As David made his way to an available seat, he realized it was near Enryu. Looking around the room, he could see that the Elite class was living up to its name. It was full of significant characters that he'd created in his book.

There was Mavis, with his icy blue eyes, representing the influential Silver family. Across the room, Jade Frost, with her silver hair and vibrant icy eyes, was already engrossed in a book.

In the corner, Amazodia, a fiery redhead with an equally fiery temperament, was arguing animatedly with Noel, the stern-looking Arcanian male.

There were countless faces in the class, each representing a character that would play a significant role in the story.

Zoya began her lecture, her voice steady and clear. "Today, we will discuss something you all might have heard of, the Genesis Serum." The room fell silent, the previous chatter giving way to a pressing curiosity and anticipation.

"Genesis Serum," she continued, "is a dangerous substance that has been circulating on the streets of Paradise City, which, despite its name, is far from a paradise. The city is riddled with gangs, illegal substances, and an extensive criminal black market."

She paused, letting her words sink in before proceeding. "Upon using Genesis Serum, the users' pupils dilate entirely, the irises swallowed by a black void. Accompanying this is a web of red, burst blood vessels, a clear indicator of the drug's use. And the effects are not just physical; they manifest behaviorally too, often driving users to bouts of uncontrollable violence."

Zoya's gaze swept across the room, her silver eyes reflecting the grave concern she held. "The drug is highly addictive. The powers it bestows, albeit temporary, are enough to ensnare the minds of the addicts. Their bodies deteriorate, yet the artificial might the serum offers is all they cling to."

"Omega 6 has dedicated task forces of heroes who monitor Paradise City around the clock. We offer our assistance whenever we can. Some of you may have even had the opportunity to patrol the city alongside your mentors. Safety is our utmost priority and today, that's what we'll focus on," she concluded.

As the class drew to a close, David found himself fascinated by Zoya. She was exactly as he'd written her, yet so much more. Her power of time manipulation was a force to reckon with. By controlling the temporal state of objects and her own body, she could effectively freeze bullets mid-air, replenish her stamina indefinitely, and even launch a small pebble with the power to penetrate a tank.

It was this power that placed her on par with the main characters in his book, allowing her to compete against them head-on. As a later development, she even experienced a second awakening that further amplified her powers, putting her on par with Enryu in his later years.

David's mental status window shifted to Zoya's information:


Name: Zoya Nightingale

Title: Time Master

Level: 87

Strength: Super Natural (88)

Endurance: Supernatural(88)

Agility: Super Human (30)

Intellect: Superhuman (20)

Super Power: - Time Manipulation (Unique)

- Stasis: Ability to slow down time on objects or individuals within her field of view. Effective range and duration unknown.

- Time Restoration: Can reverse time on specific targets, such as her own muscles and lungs, for various effects including healing and stamina restoration.

- Time Accel: Can accelerate time for objects, enabling her to throw small items at supersonic speeds.


It was intriguing to see how he could understand the specifics of her abilities, though the full scope of her potential was still unexplored. This made him even more determined to have her on his side.

"Ahem, I appreciate your attentiveness in class, Mr. Jupiter," Zoya said with a slight smile, her voice gentle yet commanding, "but staring quite so intently is a tad bold, don't you think?"

Caught off guard, David quickly cleared his throat, "I apologize, Ms. Nightingale. I was simply captivated by your lecture and lost in thought, nothing more."

Zoya tilted her head slightly, amusement playing in her silver eyes, "Is that so?"

David nodded, "Indeed. Your passion for educating us, and your devotion towards the city's well-being, is inspiring. It's a testament to your dedication as a teacher and a hero."

The entire class went quiet at David's words. A faint blush bloomed on Zoya's cheeks as she averted her gaze, "Well, flattery will get you nowhere, but thank you. It's not every day work like mine gets appreciated."

David responded, "Flattery may not get me anywhere, but appreciation is deserved where it's due. Thank you for your dedication, Ms. Nightingale." The sincerity in his voice was palpable, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in the room.

As the lecture concluded and students began to rise from their seats, Enryu sauntered over to David. With a teasing smirk playing on his lips, he leaned casually against the adjacent desk.

"David," he started, an eyebrow arched in amusement, "are you going to try to flatter everyone you come across?"

No sooner had Enryu finished his sentence than two more figures approached David. One was an Arcanian male with a stern but approachable aura, while the other was a young woman whose delicate features were hardened with resolve.

The man extended a hand, introducing himself, "I'm Noel." His gaze was firm but not unfriendly.

Next to him, the woman nodded curtly in David's direction. "And I'm Amazodia. Welcome to the Elite class." Her voice held a distinctive, firm tone, a clear sign of her confidence and resilience.

David offered a firm handshake in return to both Noel and Amazodia, his eyes shifting to Mavis who was silently watching from his desk. He didn't utter a word, his icy gaze felt like a dagger.

Noel, following David's gaze, let out a slight chuckle before reassuring him, "Don't bother worrying about him. I'm sure the principal is going to have a chat with him about the rumor situation." The tone in his voice indicated that this was less of a speculation and more of an assured outcome.

David raised an eyebrow at this revelation, "How do you know about that?" he asked, trying to mask his surprise.

"Because he's been the one running his mouth about it all this time," Noel stated simply, as if it were common knowledge. His tone held a mix of amusement and annoyance.