Chapter 25: Sparks an Silver

Really now? So, he's the one spreading rumors around," David mused, turning to cast a meaningful glance in Mavis's direction. "No wonder everyone's so curious about whether I've been doping. If someone's so concerned about my strength, we could always settle it in an official duel."

Mavis, a member of the esteemed Silver family, could hardly decline a public duel. His gaze shifted elsewhere, betraying a hint of unease. After a moment of contemplation, he met David's gaze and stated, "I accept your duel invitation. But don't think for a second that you're going to win."

A spark of anticipation lit the room. Tension hung in the air, thick and palpable, as their classmates looked on, whispering and placing hushed bets. David, however, remained calm. He knew this was an opportunity not just to clear his name, but also to grow stronger.

The Silver family was known for their unique psychic energy that could be fashioned into silver constructs. David planned to use this duel as a learning experience, a chance to study this peculiar power up close.

When they reached the combat arena, their combat instructor, Supra, began to initiate the duels. His stern gaze swept over David and Mavis, a clear warning in his eyes. "I understand the gravity of this duel, but let's remember our rules. We can mend broken bones, but no lethal strikes, understood?"

Status Window


Name: Mavis Silver

Title: Silver Scion

Level: 21

Strength: Superhuman (36)

Agility: Superhuman (25)

Endurance: Superhuman (25)

Intellect: Superhuman (48)

Super Power: - Silver Constructs

- Silver Shield: Mavis can envelop himself with a thin layer of silver psychic energy, greatly enhancing his defensive abilities.

- Silver Constructs: Mavis can shape his psychic energy into solid, tangible objects, allowing him to adapt and react to different combat situations quickly.


Seeing this, David understood that the elite class was aptly named. These students weren't just talented, they were monstrous. Their strengths reached superhuman levels, and they were skilled in using their powers effectively. Despite the apparent gap, David wasn't afraid. Instead, he felt a surge of anticipation. He knew he had the potential to compete. He was looking forward to this duel, ready to prove his worth.

"Before we begin, I need both of you to agree to the rules. No lethal shots, understood?" Supra, the combat instructor, laid out the terms of the duel in a stern tone.

Mavis, radiating arrogance, was quick to respond. "Of course, I don't need to go that far to beat him." He cast a dismissive glance in David's direction, a smirk playing on his lips.

On the other hand, David's response was far more direct and to the point. "I agree," he simply said, keeping his focus on the task at hand.

A buzz of anticipation filled the arena as the duel was about to start. The spectators, including Enryu and several other prominent characters, watched on with intense interest. Mavis was recognized as a strong competitor in the class, and David, who had yet to fully reveal his capabilities, seemed an equally promising contender.

In the face-off against Mavis, David kept his mind racing with strategies.

'Danger Sense, the ability I mantled from Trainwreck is my edge,' he considered, a spark of confidence lighting up in his eyes. 'And there's more, mimicking Jupiter's lightning using electromagnetism. I've achieved it with Lux's power before, I can do it now.'

This particular skill was still under wraps, his secret weapon. But he was ready to unleash it, not here, not now, but when Shadow threatens him, when the time truly calls for it. As he studied Mavis, David prepared to confront the imminent challenge.

"begin" The word from Supra was the signal for an immediate assault.

Mavis twisted around, arms swinging wide as a torrent of psychic energy tore from his palms, ripping through the air towards David. The danger sense in David's mind flared like a beacon, pushing him into motion. As his movements sped up, David called upon Jupiter's lightning. His body crackled and popped, the electric power wreathing him in an otherworldly glow, a spectacle that held the onlookers in awe.

From a distance, Mavis relentlessly hurled psychic barrages. The invisible waves of force pummeled and pounded at David. Every time David tried to charge and close the gap, Mavis danced away, keeping David frustratingly at arm's length.

"You think you can close the distance and have the advantage in physical strength?" Mavis sneered, his voice laced with arrogance and a touch of malicious glee. "I'm from an origin family too!" His next psychic punch landed in David's stomach like a cannonball, the impact echoing like a gunshot through the arena. Pain seared through David's midsection but he fought back the urge to keel over.

However, Mavis had failed to notice one crucial detail. Despite the agony, David had managed to grip onto his clothes. Using Mavis's own momentum, David performed a masterful Osoto Gari, the judo throw sending Mavis crashing onto the arena floor. The impact was brutal, leaving an outline of Mavis's body in the crushed stone.

Before Mavis could recover or release the surging power he had prepared, David landed a harsh punch to his face. The sickening crunch of a breaking nose echoed through the arena, cutting off Mavis's energy eruption.

Mavis retaliated, pushing David off and summoning two knights of silver psychic energy to his aid. David's danger sense flared, warning him just in time to dodge the knights' synchronized slash aimed to cut him from head to toe.

With a glance at his unsteady opponent, David struck back. His palm outstretched, a surge of lightning burst forth, streaking towards Mavis. In response, Mavis conjured a shield of psychic energy, the silver hue flashing as it prepared to meet David's electrical onslaught.

"M-mly buetpul fathe!" Mavis lisped, his broken teeth distorting his words. His nose was twisted, and blood dribbled down his chin, staining his uniform. The silver glow around him amplified, illuminating the gloom of the arena with an eerie, ghostly light.

"I'm t-tired of thethe cheap trickths!" Mavis spit out, the lisp now more pronounced due to his broken teeth. The silver light around him grew brighter, casting a daunting glow throughout the arena. His raw outrage was a sight to behold.

A hush fell over the arena as the silver aura around Mavis flared brighter and brighter. It was as if he was summoning the very essence of his power, the light growing so radiant it threatened to swallow him whole. David could almost feel the weight of the energy in the air, an electric tension that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. The anticipation in the room was palpable, a tangible force. Everyone held their breath, waiting, waiting...

And then, in an instant, the light winked out. Mavis crumpled, his energy spent, the anticipation evaporating into thin air. Mavis had collapsed from exhaustion, his ultimate technique fizzling out before it could even be deployed.

Supra quickly jumped into the ring, a streak of vibrant color against the silver remnants still lingering in the air. He bent down next to the collapsed Mavis, his hand finding the boy's pulse at his wrist. His expression was concentrated, yet cool. He was a seasoned hero, no stranger to dramatic collapses.

After a few beats, he stood up, signaling to the medical team on standby.

"He's unconscious, but stable," he announced, his voice carrying throughout the silent arena.

"Power exhaustion. Take him to the medical room, he'll need immediate attention."

The medical team promptly moved in, loading Mavis onto a stretcher to whisk him away to the care he needed.