Chapter 26: Paradise Lost (1)

In the aftermath of David's decisive victory over Mavis, the rumor mill at Omega 6 Academy had finally died down, eradicating the lingering doubts about his authenticity. His evident growth over a brief period had successfully debunked the suspicion of doping. It became irrefutable to students and teachers alike that David was not a pretender, but a hard-working pupil who had earned his progress.

During this time, David continued his unique training regimen with Enryu, working tirelessly to capitalize on his 'Adaption' power. A remarkable facet of this process was that the Adaption ability David wielded wasn't innately his, but something he had copied from Enryu. This resulted in a stimulating dynamic where they both could play off each other during their grueling sessions.

For most students of Elite Future Academy, the key to mastery lay in continuous usage and understanding of their respective abilities. However, David's training was far from conventional. His body was persistently pushed to its limits, forced to adapt to new and increasingly challenging conditions, thereby triggering his power of Adaption.

Every strike he received, every move he made, served as stimuli for his power, conditioning his physique to constantly improve and evolve. It was an unusual yet effective approach that mimicked accelerated evolution, driving him to grow stronger at an extraordinary rate.

A week had whizzed by since the infamous duel, the echoes of which were now just whispers in the corridors. Life at the academy had found a rhythm again, but the anticipation of future challenges still lingered in the air.

It was once again time for David's mentoring session with Trainwreck.

"Hey, David," Billy began, his voice brimming with cheer. "I'd like you to meet me over in Paradise City, East Side."

David's brows furrowed in surprise. "Isn't that area known for gang violence and overall danger?"

Billy chuckled. "It's not called Paradise Lost for nothing. I thought it'd be interesting for you to see some of the fieldwork I do."

After giving it some thought, David agreed and set off for the rendezvous point. His transportation, provided by the Jupiter family, was nothing short of luxurious. The Stealthrider Model-1 was a state-of-the-art cruiser, entirely vanta black, providing an awe-inspiring visual. David was still coming to terms with the reality of flying cars, and riding in one was a surreal experience.

On his arrival at Paradise City, David spotted Billy waiting for him. The older man was sporting a brown leather jacket, a pair of cowboy boots, and black goggles. A patch on the back of his jacket stood out it read 'Certified Badass'.

Billy turned to him with a grin as he stepped off the Stealthrider. "Well, look at Mr. Luxury here! That's quite the expensive ride you've got, Jupiter," he said, his tone light and teasing, reflecting his usual easy-going nature.

David couldn't help but glance to the side where Billy's transportation was parked. It was a regular motorcycle, a stark contrast to the high-tech Stealthrider he had arrived in. With an amused sigh, David turned back to Billy.

"You're one of the wealthiest people in the world, Billy, yet you're riding around in that?" David remarked, gesturing towards the motorcycle.

Billy just shrugged nonchalantly, a grin playing on his lips. "Well, every time I park a high-end vehicle here, I end up with busted windows. But when I bring my old trusty gal," he patted the motorcycle fondly, "she remains untouched. Go figure."

David instructed his Stealthrider to activate stealth mode. The advanced vehicle shimmered and then disappeared, blending seamlessly into the environment.

"So, any leads on the Genesis Serum?" David asked, as they began their walk through the city.

"Nothing concrete yet. But I thought it would be important for you to see first-hand how it's affecting the community," Billy explained.

The neighborhood they were traversing was nothing short of a ghetto. Homeless individuals huddled in corners, their gaunt, malnourished figures hauntingly reminiscent of skeletons. Many were clearly under the influence of the Genesis Serum, their bodies warped and distorted unnaturally.

At one point, a man dosed himself with the serum, his body bulking up in seconds as he unleashed a brutal beating on another individual. The scene was grim, harsh, and a stark reminder of the toll the serum was taking on the city's most vulnerable citizens.

Billy's voice cut through the harsh reality unfolding around them, "This place used to be a haven when Captain United was still alive. When he died, this city went to hell. It didn't happen overnight, but it didn't take long for all the villain organizations he'd been suppressing to take advantage and create this mess you're seeing now."

"Are you saying one man's absence is the reason why this city came to this?" David asked, struggling to comprehend the scope of the devastation.

Billy sighed, "There are multiple factors. Political decisions, citizens failing to vote or implement appropriate laws. And no one expected Shadow would end up with a Royal Arcanian Blade. That metal can cut through just about anything."

David knew the story. Shadow had raided Arcane's royal treasury and stolen the sword, then destroyed their pits of arcane that the Arcanians bathed in to increase their power. He used that same blade to cut down Captain United.

"But how can a guy like that just keep walking around without consequences?" David asked, his frustration clear.

"It's not like Omega 6 hasn't tried to catch him. There've been many close calls, but he always manages to teleport away," Billy explained.

David was already privy to the secret to capturing him, so he ventured, "Has Omega 6 ever attempted to activate a barrier around his body?"

Billy's eyes lit up, and it was clear that this was a new concept to him. "No, but that's an interesting idea. I'll have to let the hire ups know to put it into consideration," he said with a chuckle, seeing the humor in overlooking such a simple tactic.

"Well, if you do decide to use that idea, make sure it's from a Barrier specializing user, like Gen Rakuya," David suggested. He remembered that in the original story, Gen had managed to successfully capture Shadow using this force field method.

Billy approached one of the drug addicts, a vial of Genesis Serum swirling around in his hand.

"Lookie here," he drawled, catching the attention of several wide-eyed addicts.

"If any of you can tell me where you're buying this stuff from, I'll give you ten of these." The allure of more serum sent murmurs through the crowd, and tension hung in the air, their next words hanging on a cliff's edge.