Chapter 31: Unforseen Darkness (1)

David made his way through the busy school corridors, thankful that his escapade with Billy hadn't become the talk of the school. He arrived at his classroom and settled down, trying to focus on Zoya's lecture. But his mind was elsewhere.

He had no intention of following the plot or being confined to a school life that held no appeal for him. Enryu might have sentimental ties to this place, but for David, the world was too vast to be bound within these walls.

His thoughts were interrupted by Enryu, who looked a bit frantic. "Where have you been? Shadow can attack the school any day now!" he exclaimed.

"I know," David replied nonchalantly. "But, changing the subject, have you ever thought about dropping out?" He knew that Enryu, despite being many times his age, was still here in school.

Enryu paused to consider the question, looking at David with surprise. "I have thought about it... but I can't leave the people I care about," he finally admitted.

David nodded. "I see," he said. That was the difference between them. Enryu had attachments here, but he did no.

David didn't have any strong connections with the girls at the school. His taste didn't lean towards the spirited, youthful energy of the student body, but more towards the mature charm of Ms. Zoya Nightingale, who was currently leading the lecture.

Indeed, the entire high school experience was becoming insufferable. David was mentally far older than his peers and this routine felt constricting.

He cleared his throat before addressing Enryu, "I'm dropping out, Enryu. This is insufferable... attending these classes... no offense to you or the others, but it feels like I already know everything. Theres nothing left to do."

After all, he wasn't wrong. He was the author of this world.

Enryu was silent, his expression unreadable.

Enryu continued, "Are you going to stay here until Shadow comes?"

David chuckled, lightening the mood with a joke, "Yes I am, so how are you planning on stopping Shadow, Enryu? Going to freeze him in his tracks?"

Enryu swiftly replied, "I'm planning on killing him, not just stopping him. And for that, I need your help, David."

David touched his chin, contemplating Enryu's words. "Why don't you tell a teacher about these visions of yours, Enryu? If Shadow is as dangerous as you say, we should get an adult involved. We're just students, after all."

Enryu sighed deeply, looking defeated. "They won't believe me, David. They'd think I'm crazy. I can hardly believe you're listening to my ramblings. I sound like a madman."

David looked over at Enryu, and mentally pulled up his status menu. There were definite increases in his attributes, especially strength. It was evident that Enryu had been having his own adventures and training hard. David silently noted these changes.

Status Window


Name: Enryu

Hero Name: Enryu

Title: Future Ruler, Regressor, Top of the World, Dimensional Terror

Level: 42

Strength: Superhuman (45)

Endurance: Superhuman (40)

Agility: Superhuman (35)

Intellect: Superhuman (40)

Super Power:

Cryokinesis (lv.5): User can create, shape, and manipulate ice at will. This includes the following skills:

- Ice Skating: Allows the user to glide across ice surfaces with ease.

- Snowball: Can create and throw snowballs with varying force.

- Ice Drill: Can shape ice into a drill-like form for offensive or defensive purposes.

- Ice Form: Can alter physical form to become an entity of ice, increasing durability and physical capabilities.

- Ice Clone: Able to make a carbon copy of main body with 50% of stats inherited up to 3.

Adaptation (Unique): User can adapt to any physical, mental, or environmental challenge encountered, incrementally enhancing resilience and abilities.


Enryu nodded, looking relieved and serious at the same time. "I really appreciate it, David. I promise you, I'm not going to let my guard down. This isn't just about me anymore."

David nodded back, agreeing with him. "Just remember that this is a one-time thing. After this, I'm out. I'm planning to leave school and explore what else this world has to offer."

In the back of his mind, he still had lingering thoughts about the increasing difficulty of leveling up his author authority. However, he decided to put those thoughts aside for now, choosing to focus on the task at hand 'Shadow'.

David couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow as he thought about Principal Ijax's family. Shadow's attack was something he remembered distinctly from his book. It was a terrible tragedy that deeply affected many in the academy, Principal Ijax included.

David realized that by changing the fate of Principal Ijax's family, it could alter the timeline of Shadow's attack. This was a major concern because the knowledge of when Shadow would strike was a crucial advantage they currently had. If they meddled with the timeline now, they could lose this vital information, leaving them in the dark and unprepared for when Shadow decided to attack.

With these thoughts swirling in his head, he proceeded with the rest of the day, a little quieter than usual.

Principal Ijax looked at him with an appraising gaze, clearly surprised by David's audacious request.

David took the initiative to talk to Principal Ijax about his decision. As soon as class ended, he headed straight to the Principal's office. As he entered, he found the Principal busy with paperwork.

"Ijax, do you have a moment? I'd like to discuss the possibility of transferring," David asked, cutting straight to the point.

As he entered the room, Principal Ijax looked up from his paperwork, raising an eyebrow at David. "What can I help you with, David? You're already in the elite class, what more could you possibly want?"

David didn't beat around the bush. "I want out, Principal Ijax. I don't want to drop out specifically, but I want to be a part of the Bobby program."

Ijax leaned back in his chair, a surprised look on his face. "Who told you about the Bobby program?" he asked.

"My mentor," David replied. "And I believe I'm good enough for it."

"I heard about the incident, David. But the Bobby program is... unorthodox. It's not about being good enough, it's about having the right mindset. Are you certain about this?"

David met his gaze without hesitation. "Absolutely. I'm ready for…"

Just as David finished his sentence, an odd sensation hit him like a lightning bolt. It was his danger sense. A chill ran down his spine as the room suddenly plunged into darkness.

David's heartbeat pounded in his ears as he tried to comprehend the sudden shift in his reality. His danger sense, an intuition that was as much a part of him as his own heartbeat, was screaming at him. It was like an internal alarm, shrill and insistent, demanding his attention.

The room seemed to darken gradually, the once bright fluorescent light of the principal's office dying down to a faint glow before disappearing entirely. A silence seemed to engulf the room, a stillness that was so complete it felt almost tangible.

Principal Ijax, once a composed figure of authority, now seemed to be just another shadow in the room. The darkness swallowed everything, leaving only the echo of the voice that broke through the oppressive silence.

The voice was slick, oily, and it filled the room with its chilling resonance. The hairs on the back of David's neck stood up, a cold shiver running down his spine.

"Shadow's back, baby." The voice was filled with an unsettling glee, sending a wave of apprehension washing over him.