Chapter 32: Unforseen Darkness (2)

In the room, the lights flicker erratically, casting the scene in intermittent patches of illumination and shadow.

Amid the strobe-like light, Shadow twirls his Arcanian metal sword with the ease of a man lost in a deadly dance. His form, adorned in all-black tactical gear and a bulletproof vest, contrasts sharply with the stark flashes of light. The skull mask on his face gives him a chilling, almost otherworldly aura.

The sight of this deranged figure dancing in the disjointed light makes the air thick with impending doom.

David hastily pulled up Shadow's status menu, his eyes widening as he took in the information.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed, unable to hide his shock at the extensive and terrifying abilities and skills listed.

David knew that they were facing something far beyond what they had ever encountered before.

Status Window


Name: Shadow

Title: Crawled back from Hell, Clinically Insane, Sands of Time Assassin, Captain United Killer

Level: 99

Strength: Supernatural (100)

Endurance: Supernatural(100)

Agility: Supernatural (100)

Intellect: Supernatural (100)


Teleportation (Common): User can teleport at will.

Hell Flame Manipulation (Unique)): User can create, shape, and manipulate hellfire.

Unbreakable Skeleton (Unique): User's skeletal structure is nearly indestructible.

Bone Density Manipulation (Unique)): User can manipulate their own bone density, allowing them to increase their weight and resistance.

Danger Sense (Common): User can sense impending danger.


Sands of Time Qi Concentration Technique (lv.6)

Sands of Time Martial Arts (MAX)


"Run David!"

In the heightening tension, Principle Ijax urgently commanded David.

However, before David could make any move, Shadow's voice filled the room, stopping him cold.

"Not so fast," Shadow cackled, his voice eerily reminiscent of a lunatic, amplifying the impending sense of dread.

Shadow taunted Ijax, an unhinged grin beneath his mask, "You thought you were going to live a normal life without me, your greatest enemy! You thought you were going to open a school and teach kids. Oh which reminds me! You should check on your kids! They're not doing so good."

Ijax's face turned a dangerous shade of red, "What did you do to my family, Shadow?!" he roared.

Shadow merely chuckled, feeding off the panic and fear he was inducing. It was all part of his perverse game; he relished in the pain of others.

David, observing from a distance, was acutely aware of the arcanian metal sword Shadow was wielding. That sword, in his hands, was practically capable of slicing through everything a, plot device. A deadly tool Shadow had no business possessing so easily. Yet, he did, using it to embark on a bloody rampage post his resurrection.

David contemplated, could he use his electromagnetism to discreetly disarm Shadow of his sword? His mind raced, but he was uncertain if he could pull it off unnoticed.

Shadow's Danger Sense ability might alert him, thwarting David's attempt before it even begins.

Shadow chuckled manically, toying with the edge of his blade.

"I was considering giving you a chance, you know. A fair, mano e mano fight. But that's simply too boring. We've already had those fights, and you killed me last time. So, it's only fair I get to kill you this time, right?" His laughter echoed ominously around the room, further punctuating his deranged nature.

"Ijax, in desperation, cried out, "Shadow! What did you do to my family?!"

Shadow casually tossed back, "You know exactly what I did to them, Ijax. Gave them the old Captain United treatment!"

David, feeling a sense of urgency, quickly pulled up Principal Ijax's status menu to assess his capabilities and condition.

Status Window


Name: Ijax

Hero Name: Ijax

Title: Retired Hero, Principle of Elite Future Academy, Hero of Fairhaven

Level: 81

Strength: Superhuman (75)

Endurance: Superhuman (75)

Agility: Superhuman (95)

Intellect: Superhuman (52)

Super Power:

Minor Precognition (common): Allows the user to foresee the imminent moves of the opponent in a fight.

Enhanced Dexterity (common)): Enhances the user's ability to deliver fast punches and kicks.

Sands of Time Chi Concentration Technique (lv.5): A unique technique that improves overall combat capabilities and resilience.


Ijax instantly engaged Shadow, using his precognition to anticipate Shadow's sword swing. But Shadow, sensing the danger of Ijax's punch, teleported behind him, aiming a lethal swing at Ijax's head.

Ijax reacted in time, ducking low and executing a sweeping kick. In response, Shadow jumped, avoiding the sweep and simultaneously plunging his sword into the ground where Ijax had been just a split second earlier.

Suddenly, David's danger sense blared an urgent warning. Reacting instantly, he released an electromagnetic pulse that shattered the principal's office, exposing the interior to the outside campus.

Reacting quickly, David propelled himself out of the destroyed office and onto the open grounds of the campus. His danger sense was still screaming at him, indicating that he was far from safe.

From a distance, Shadow's deranged voice echoed through the air.

"I was supposed to kill you! But I love a chase!" His words sent a chilling thrill of fear and anticipation coursing through the campus.

David briefly considered using his ability to fly and escape, but quickly dismissed the idea. It would reveal too much about his true power, electromagnetism, which he had been passing off as simply having Jupiter's Lightning to the other students.

Shadow proved to be an inhuman adversary, a relentless, deranged lunatic. He hurled his sword at David with deadly accuracy. Quick reflexes allowed David to dodge, but Shadow was right on his tail. He teleported next to David, unleashing a flurry of strikes, each enhanced by his ability to manipulate his own density and carrying immense force.

A powerful kick, even though partially blocked by David's hastily conjured barrier, was enough to break a rib and send him skidding across the ground.

Shadow wasn't finished yet, though. Teleporting once again, he relentlessly pursued David, aiming for his vitals. Suddenly, Ijax attacked from behind. Shadow effortlessly sidestepped and spun around, his sword whistling through the air dangerously close to both Ijax and David's heads.

An alarm sounded throughout the campus, signaling the onset of a grave situation.

In response, David sent a concentrated lightning attack at Shadow. The lightning hit him squarely, but it only seemed to invigorate the madman. Underneath his mask, Shadow licked his slightly burnt lips, clearly exhilarated by the combat.