Chapter 40: The Outskirts (2)

As he made his way towards the mountain trail, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He pulled up his status menu, and the name "Papa Shango" sent a chill down his spine.


Status Window


Name: Papa Shango

Title: Voodoo Master

Level: ???

Strength: Superhuman (38)

Endurance: Superhuman (40)

Agility: Superhuman (36)

Intellect: ???

Super Powers:

- Voodoo Magic (Unique)

- Night Terror (Legendary): Can induce nightmares; all effects induced by Night Terror can manifest in real-time.

"Hell no," David thought inwardly. Papa Shango was someone that even Shadow feared, and for a good reason. While Shadow reveled in inflicting pain on others, Papa Shango's Night Terror drew out the darkest fears that even you didn't know were possible and used them against you. Sometimes sending you into dreamworlds where you could spend the rest of your days with your family, only to find that every loving embrace turned to betrayal and every joyful moment morphed into horror.

And that being was watching him.

A shiver ran down his spine, and he quickly looked away, pretending not to notice Papa Shango's intense gaze. He had to stay focused on his mission. Lucian was out there, and David would find him. But the feeling of being watched lingered, a haunting reminder that in this world, nothing was set in stone, and anything could happen.

As David continued further into the mountain, that feeling of being watched went away once he left the territory of the Voodoo Mages, known locally as the "Shadow Serpents."

David followed footsteps going up the mountain trail, guided by the distant sound of burning wood. As he drew closer, he stumbled upon a camp, and at its center sat Lucian, a middle-aged man who seemed older due to his overgrown beard and sword-like eyebrows. His shirtless body was crisscrossed with scars, each one a testament to a battle fought, a lesson learned, a life that had teetered on the edge of death and triumphed. They were lines of wisdom written in the ink of struggle.

Making eye contact with Lucian, David felt an unsettling sensation, as if he was being seen through, his soul laid bare.

"What brings you here, Young Hero? I assume it's not money you want," Lucian said, his eyes narrowing.

"I didn't come here for riches, Lucian," David responded, his voice steady.

Lucian smiled, a knowing glint in his eye.

"That look, I know that look. You came looking for power," he said, his voice taking on the weight of wisdom. "But remember, Young Hero, power is like a river's current. Harness it, and it will carry you to unseen heights. Let it control you, and it will sweep you away."


Status Window


Name: Lucian

Title: Retired Assassin of the Sands of Time

Level: 87

Strength: Supernatural (140)

Endurance: Supernatural (140)

Agility: Supernatural (140)

Superpowers: None


Body Strengthening Cultivation (Master)


Sword Mastery (Ex.lv3)

Gun Mastery (Master)

Silent Steps (Master)

Secret Techniques:

Life Burning Technique

Thundering Fist Impact

…. 10 pages (Next tab for more techniques)


David's voice carried a note of conviction as he responded, "I came seeking guidance, Lucian. You have the secret to cultivation."

Lucian's brows furrowed, his words flowing like a gentle stream. "What do you Superhumans want with Cultivation? You already possess a body strong and unyielding. Is it not enough?"

David met his gaze, eyes filled with determination. "I may have a strong body, but everything has a limit, Lucian. Even the mightiest oak can fall to the relentless wind. Even Superhumans have their boundaries."

Lucian's eyes twinkled, his words taking on a grave tone.

"The Sands of Time technique is what some martial artists consider violent. We teach killing arts. I will share this knowledge with you, but you must promise me something. In a world where honor falters and chaos reigns, you must seek justice. I want you to kill the one who destroyed the Sands of Time when it was at its most vulnerable, not even our founder was there. I want you to kill Shadow."

David's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Shadow. "Shadow's been caught by Ares and he's locked up with power shackles," he quickly replied.

"That won't hold that kid forever. Chains may bind the body, but the soul is ever restless. If he ever breaks free, you must abide by that promise. The wind whispers tales of betrayal and escape; heed its warning," Lucian intoned, his voice carrying the weight of years and wisdom.

David knew how crafty Shadow was If you didn't pay attention, he would slip away like a snake in the grass waiting for the right moment.

"I do!" David said, cupping his hands, a solemn vow made on the mountain's peak.

Lucian looked at David with wise, knowing eyes. "Sit down, young hero, cross-legged as a mountain rests upon the earth."

David obeyed, confusion in his eyes. "Do you want me to sense energy like Qi in the air? Like the monks do?"

Lucian's chuckle was like the rustling of ancient leaves. "That is more the way of the Shaolin. Here, in the Sands of Time, we don't merely sense the Qi; we inject it into our students, guide it through your body's acupoints, like a river carving its path through the land."

As David processed these words, Lucian placed his palm on David's back, transferring an unknown energy. It was vibrant, alive it had to be Qi.

A system prompt appeared before David:

[Sands of Time Breathing Technique Implanted]

As David began to circulate the Sands of Time Breathing Technique, a strange, otherworldly sensation began to permeate his being. The energy, this Qi, felt like an ethereal force awakening deep within his body. It was both foreign and familiar at the same time.

He began to guide the Qi, moving it through his various acupoints, following a mystical path that Lucian instructed him on. First, it settled in the lower Dantian, a warm, glowing sensation like a sun nestled in his abdomen. Then, it spiraled up, caressing the Middle Dantian at his heart and the Upper Dantian at his forehead, connecting the physical and the spiritual.

As the Qi journeyed through his body, David's surroundings seemed to change. The mundane world faded away, replaced by an ancient, mythical landscape filled with mist-shrouded mountains, flowing rivers, and lush forests. Time itself seemed to bend, as though he were experiencing the wisdom and memories of a thousand lifetimes.

He felt the Qi moving through lesser-known acupoints, touching the Baihui at the crown of his head, the Shenque at his navel, the Yongquan in his feet. Each touch resonated like a chord in a mystical symphony, connecting him to the very essence of life and the universe.

The experience was intense, overwhelming, and yet calming. It was as if he was rediscovering himself, connecting with a primal, ancient part of his very existence. David was no longer just a hero with superhuman abilities; he was a vessel for something profound and eternal.

The world around him seemed to breathe, pulsing with the rhythm of his guided Qi. Everything was alive, vibrant, and interconnected. The mountains whispered ancient secrets, the rivers sang songs of life, and the winds carried the scents of a time long past.

Slowly, as the Qi settled, the mystical vision began to recede, and David found himself back in the camp with Lucian, his eyes wide with wonder and realization.

[System Prompt: Elementary Stage Cultivation Achieved. +10 in all stats.]

David's eyes widened in shock as he processed the system's prompt. A +10 boost in all stats was far beyond anything he had anticipated. He glanced over at Lucian, wondering if the seasoned martial artist had any idea of the immense progress he had just made.

Lucian, unaware of the system's prompt, simply smiled, his wise eyes twinkling with understanding and approval.

"You have done well, young hero. Your natural talent has allowed you to grasp the essence of the Sands of Time technique in a remarkably short time. You have a bright path ahead of you."

He had not just learned a technique; he had touched something eternal, something that transcended mere power or skill. David had glimpsed the very essence of what it meant to be, to live, and to connect with the universe.

Lucian's knowing smile told David that he had indeed taken the first step on a path that few had walked. A path that was as ancient as time itself.

Lucian's wise eyes twinkled with understanding as he slowly rose to his feet. "Now, young hero, it is time for you to learn the dance of the fists, the rhythm of battle. Watch closely and let the flow of energy guide you."

As he began to move, the world itself seemed to respond. The air danced with his steps, the earth resonated with his strikes, and the very fabric of heaven and earth harmonized with his movements. It was a masterpiece, a symphony of power and grace, a blending of man and nature that transcended the mundane.

David watched, mesmerized, as Lucian's fists became like waves, crashing against invisible shores, his steps like the wind, gentle yet forceful, his movements a dance that bridged heaven and earth. Each strike was a call to the universe, each step a journey through the cosmos.

Lucian's voice, rich and wise, recited a poem as he moved:

"In the dance of the fists, we find our way,

Through heaven and earth, we sway.

With the wind as our guide, the waves as our ride,

We embrace the journey, come what may."

David's mind absorbed every detail, his body instinctively mirroring Lucian's movements. His Adaptation skill went into play, allowing him to replicate the techniques with uncanny ease.

[System Prompt: Skill Obtained - Wave Fist Technique]

[System Prompt: Skill Obtained - Wind Step Technique]

David's heart pounded with excitement as the notifications popped up. He could feel the new techniques settling into his being, becoming part of him, a connection to something far grander than mere power or skill.

Lucian stopped and looked at David, his wise eyes filled with approval.

"You have the heart of a true warrior, young hero. Your spirit is like water, flowing and adapting, embracing the teachings without resistance. Remember, the path to power is like a river's journey to the sea; it does not hurry, yet it always reaches its destination."

David bowed deeply, his mind abuzz with the profound wisdom imparted by Lucian. "Thank you, Master. I will honor your teachings and walk this path with diligence and integrity."

Lucian's smile was like the sun breaking through clouds, warm and reassuring. "I see great promise in you. Go forth and let the wind guide you, let the waves carry you. The journey has just begun."

As David walked away, Lucian's wise words still echoing in his ears, a newfound determination welled within him. A profound realization dawned, and he couldn't help but think to himself.

"This was one of the paths Enryu used to grow strong throughout his story. But that tale has been told, and the ink has dried. Now, the pen is in my hand, and I'm the one who will write the next chapter. This isn't his story anymore; it's mine."