Chapter 41: Hot Pursuit

David made his way back to Paradise East, his path deliberately avoiding Shadow Serpent territory. Lucian's way of living, free from the trappings of technology and in harmony with the land, lingered in his thoughts. Such simplicity was both refreshing and profound, a well of wisdom he knew he could return to.

As he journeyed, David's mind turned to the complex situation with Bone and his alliance with the Saber Sisters. The augmentation of Bone's bestiamorph Gene Seed through dark magic rituals weighed on his mind. The threat of revenge was palpable, a lingering shadow that could emerge at any moment.

His communicator buzzed, breaking his train of thought. It was Smoke.

"Hey, you went MIA yesterday. How'd you like the Hall of Heroes?" Smoke asked nonchalantly.

David's mind flicked back to the grandeur and complexity of that place.

"It's a different world, that's for sure," he replied.

"Get used to it. Hey, we have the genesis serum problem still on Paradise East. I saw you used the teleporter there. If you start collecting bounties or solving cases, you can make a name for yourself," Smoke said, his tone casual.

David's eyes narrowed. He had no intention of going against the founders directly, especially without concrete evidence. But he played along, masking his true thoughts. "Yeah, will do," he replied.

He ended the call, his mind whirring. The genesis serum problem was a growing concern, but David knew that rushing in without careful planning was not the way. His recent encounter with Lucian had reinforced the importance of wisdom and foresight.

As he stepped into Paradise East, he thought about Enryu, who was probably wasting time at the academy while the outside world was undergoing tremendous changes. He thought about Bone and the looming threat of revenge.

"Billy said that Bone was being like a puppy for the Saber Sisters. If Bone finds out that his gang got taken out by me and Billy while he's away, he's going to want revenge," David thought to himself.


Into the Paradise Immortals hideout, where Bone's intimidating presence commanded the room. His wild silver hair flowed down to his back, reflecting the harsh lighting of the hideout. His yellow eyes were fierce and predatory, and his muscular, shirtless physique was a living testament to power and battle-hardened experience. He was not merely a man; he was a threat incarnate.

A lilting, playful voice broke the heavy silence. "Boney, would ya wanna play fetch the human?" Trish, one of the Saber Sisters, asked, her voice filled with mischievous charm.

Trish was a mesmerizing figure, her vibrant red hair a fiery halo around a face that could only be described as perfect. Her eyes were a captivating mystery, and her smile was both alluring and wicked. Beauty was her weapon, but behind it lay a devil's mind.

"Listen, I ain't a dog, okay?" Bone snapped, his accent unmistakable.

"But ya love fetch the human, what's wrong? I won't tell any of yer friends that I play with ya," Trish cooed, her tone teasing and persuasive.

"My gang was attacked by those heroes. My boys didn't have no surveillance. Could ya do yer magic stuff and find out who did it, or have one of yer sisters do it? My boys are locked up, and I can't talk to 'em," Bone growled, frustration in his voice.

"I can use a spell to find out what happened there, but ya have to play fetch the human after," Trish replied, her voice playful, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

A sudden scream rang through the hideout, followed by the desperate sound of someone being dragged. Another of the Saber Sisters, Cain, appeared, pulling a ragged man bound by a rope. Cain's demeanor was more sinister, her actions cold and calculated.

"I found this hero snooping 'round," Cain announced, her voice dripping with malice. The man's appearance was pitiable, his clothes torn, his face etched with desperation.

Trish's eyes widened with excitement, and her voice dropped to a sinister purr.

"Well now, Boney, looks like we got ourselves a real live one. We can play fetch the human after all." Her words hung in the air, a dark promise leaving the fate of the captured hero chillingly uncertain.

David was exploring the city of Paradise East, keeping an eye on his system for any alerts. The day was bright, and the city was bustling, but an uneasy feeling gnawed at the back of his mind. It was too quiet. Too normal. He couldn't shake the sensation that something was off.

Suddenly, his Danger Sense superpower triggered, warning him of an immediate threat. He spun around just in time to see a flash of silver wild hair and yellow eyes. It was Bone, lunging at him with inhuman speed, his Arcanian Steel Claws aimed directly at David's heart.

David's instincts kicked in, and he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding a direct hit. The claws grazed his chest, leaving a searing wound that instantly began to burn with agonizing pain. The Kaodine in Bone's saliva had entered his bloodstream.

"Arrgh!" David cried out, clutching his chest. The pain was unbearable, like a thousand burning needles stabbing him all at once. He stumbled, trying to regain his footing, but Bone was already on the move again.

"It took me a long time to find you after what you did to the gang," Bone sneered.

David's mind raced. He knew that if Bone was here, the Saber Sisters were probably lurking nearby as well. He had to end this fast.

Bone attacked again, his movements a blur. David tried to dodge, but his body was slowing down, the Kaodine taking effect. He managed to avoid a lethal strike, but Bone's claws caught him again, this time on his arm. More pain, more burning. David's vision began to blur.

He pulled up Bone's stats window, taking in the information, looking for a weakness. But Bone was relentless, his claws slashing through the air, each strike aimed to kill. David's Electromagnetism powers were his best bet, but he needed time to focus, time that Bone wasn't giving him.


Status Window

Name: Bone

Title: Genetic Experiment Gone Right, Hates Cats.

Level: 63

Strength: Supernatural(120)

Endurance: Supernatural (120)

Agility: Supernatural (120)

Intellect: Supernatural (120)

Physiology: Beastiamorph- Gene Seed: Spliced with Arcanian Dog


Arcanian Steel Claws (unique) Lethal, razor-sharp claws capable of cutting through most materials.

Kaodine Saliva (common) Contains a deadly neurotoxin known as Kaodine, which causes excruciating pain upon biting.

Bestial Instincts (common) Heightened senses and animalistic cunning.

Predator's Speed (common) Exceptional agility and reflexes.

Unnatural Toughness (common): Enhanced durability and resistance to damage.


With a desperate effort, David summoned a magnetic field, pushing Bone back for a moment. It bought him a few precious seconds, but he knew it wouldn't be enough. The pain was overwhelming, his strength waning.

Bone laughed, tasting David's blood on his tongue. "You can't escape me," he taunted.

David's eyes narrowed. He knew he was in a tight spot, but he wasn't about to give up. He was the author of this story, and he wouldn't let a character like Bone write his ending.

David's mind was a storm of pain and confusion, but in the midst of it all, he found a center. The Sands of Time cultivation method, a connection to something ancient and profound. His mind cleared, and the world seemed to slow down. He could see Bone's every move, every intention. The pain was still there, but he could bear it now.

With a burst of energy, David activated the Wave Step technique he had learned from Lucian, turning to run. He felt Bone's surprise as he suddenly moved faster, darting between buildings, leaping over cars, and narrowly avoiding pedestrians.

But Bone was relentless, pursuing him with an animalistic hunger. He swiped at civilians as he chased David, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. People screamed, cars crashed, and the city descended into chaos.

David's heart was pounding, his every breath a struggle. He knew he couldn't keep this up for long. The poison was working its way through his system, his Adaption power working slowly to neutralize it. But time was against him.

He activated his communicator, sending out a distress signal to Omega 6.

"I'm being chased by Bone," he gasped, weaving through the crowded streets.

"I need help, now!"

"Understood," a voice came through, steady and calm.

"Hold on, David. We're on our way."

David didn't reply, focusing all his energy on staying ahead of Bone. He could hear the growls and snarls of his pursuer, feel the hot breath on his neck.

Civilians were becoming casualties, the streets were filled with panic and chaos, and the situation was spiraling out of control.

He turned a corner, only to find himself in a dead-end alley. His heart sank, and he spun around, facing Bone. The wild-haired beast was grinning, his yellow eyes filled with triumph.

"End of the line, kid," Bone sneered.