Chapter 42: Hot Pursuit (2)

The weight of the situation pressed on David's shoulders. Every shadow in the alley whispered threats from Bone's imminent embrace, and each rustle of wind hinted at lurking danger. Though his body throbbed with pain, David's mind was a fortress of logic unyielding and focused.

'Stay sharp, David,'* he mentally chastised. His attention darted to Bone's deadly claws, and a desperate plan started forming. Recently, David had begun delving into the mysteries of his Electromagnetism power. Manipulating metals remained a gamble, but the dire situation left no room for doubt.

'The metal...' David's eyes zeroed in on Bone's lethal Arcanian Steel claws. He had recently begun to explore the deeper intricacies of his Electromagnetism, delving into manipulating metals. The theoretical knowledge was there, but the practical application had yet to be tested. This seemed like a good time as any.

With a deep breath, David focused, letting his powers reach out to those steel claws. His mind raced through the principles of electromagnetism, and he employed the right-hand rule, imagining the magnetic field circling Bone's fingertips. Then, with a sudden and forceful mental pull, he attempted to tear out those deadly Arcanian Steel nails.

Bone's shocked roar echoed through the alley as he watched, horrified, as his own claws ripped from his fingers, floating in the air for a brief second before David commanded them to turn back on their owner. They sliced through the air, cutting into Bone's skin and muscle. Blood spurted, and agony contorted Bone's face.

Bone, now desperate and disoriented, began to leap from wall to wall, dodging the electrical attacks that David sent his way. But as he opened his mouth in a fierce roar, David noticed something: the glint of Arcanian Steel from his canine grills.

Not wasting a moment, David once again employed his metal manipulation, wrenching the steel grills straight out of Bone's gums. The pain must've been unimaginable, as Bone let out a guttural howl that shook the very foundation of the buildings around them.

And then, something shifted. Bone's form began to tremble, and the alleyway was filled with the sounds of cracking bones and stretching sinew. The beast was transforming.

David's heart raced as the once-human figure before him became more and more beastly. He could hear the tearing of fabric as Bone's clothes gave way to a rapidly shifting form. A thick silver fur began to sprout from every inch of Bone's body, replacing the exposed muscle and skin. His eyes, already a striking yellow, became more pronounced and bestial, glaring with malevolent intent.

David felt a fleeting sense of control, but Bone, battered yet relentless, responded with a fierce energy. Darting with wild, unpredictable movements, Bone's agility was a terrifying spectacle. David's sharp eyes caught a glint from Bone's canine grills — another opportunity. Acting on impulse, David employed his metal manipulation, wrenching the steel grills painfully from Bone's mouth.

The horrific howl that followed was gut-wrenching. And then, in a twist David hadn't anticipated, Bone began a grotesque transformation.

His muscles bulged, bones audibly cracked, and a silvery coat of fur rapidly covered him. Those eyes, once human, turned a terrifying shade of yellow, radiating pure malice.

Bone's transformation was brutal and chaotic. He let out a harrowing scream, filled with agony, rage, and perhaps a hint of pleasure from the newfound power coursing through his veins. As he grew, David could see powerful muscles rippling beneath the sleek coat of silver fur. His face was elongating into a snout filled with razor-sharp teeth, now more beast than man.

'I won't stand a chance in close combat if he's in that state'

It was David's instinctual fear of this new, terrifying creature that acted as the catalyst for his next move. Without a second thought, he tapped into a latent power and suddenly began to lift off the ground. Ascending rapidly, he broke free from the confining alleyways into the vast open sky.

From below, a guttural, beastly voice thundered, "Where the hell do you think you're going?!"

Bone, driven by his newfound beastly rage and power, crouched down and launched himself into the air with a force that cracked the ground beneath him. A superjump, empowered by his transformation, propelled him upwards towards David. But the suddenness of his ascent made it hard for Bone to control his trajectory.

'He's beyond enraged. One wrong move...' David thought, as he prepared his next move.

David, elevated in the sky, rapidly calculated his strategy. Bone, with an unyielding determination in his newly transformed beastly form, sprung upwards once more, intent on capturing David in mid-air. His eyes, filled with wild rage, zeroed in on his target.

Channeling the full extent of his electromagnetism, he launched a torrential stream of electrical energy. It streaked through the air, unerring in its trajectory, aiming directly for the dark void of Bone's open mouth.

The current collided with Bone, illuminating his gaping maw in a brilliant, burning red. The sheer intensity of the bolt coursed through Bone, setting his insides aflame and sending shockwaves of pain throughout his body. Bone's ascent halted abruptly, his form suspended in the air for a heart-stopping moment, wracked with the aftermath of the electrical onslaught. The city's ambiance was drowned by the sizzle of electricity and Bone's stifled scream.

Suddenly, an irresistible force yanked David downward, intensifying his adrenaline rush. 'Not another ambush!' he thought, spiraling back to ground level.

He was rapidly descending, the cityscape blurring around him. Buildings and streets zoomed past as he plummeted, the ground rushing up to meet him.

Desperately channeling his training, David tried to slow his descent, attempting to convert the falling energy into a controlled descent. But the pull was too strong, it was like a vise, directing him towards one spot.

The ground approached rapidly, and David could make out Bone's battered form beneath him, looking as though he was eagerly waiting for a fresh round. But it wasn't Bone who had ensnared him.


Status Window

------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Name: Trish Ilzra

Title: Stockholm Syndrome, Daughter of Ilzra

level: 87

Strength: Super Human(30)

Agility: Super Human (30)

Endurance: Super Human (30)

Intellect: Super Natural (130)

Physiology: Nephilim

Superpower: Demonic Magic Manipulation (Unique)


A mocking voice cut through, "Looks like someone riled up the big dog... you-" It was Trish. Without missing a beat David cut her off mid-sentence.

"Boom!" David tapped into the Wave Fist technique, connecting with her core. She was flung back, gasping and bloodied.

But the respite was short-lived. From the shadows, the Saber Sisters, Cain and Ruby, made their entrance. Cain, her face a mask of twisted rage, hissed, "Did he just strike a woman without a second thought?"

Ruby, ever upbeat, chimed in, "Seems like someone's not having a good day!"

As the sisters locked eyes, an unspoken agreement passed between them. They reached for each other, hands clasping. The transformation that ensued was staggering. A blinding aura enveloped them as their features merged — their union resulting in a towering entity with radiant red skin, piercing crimson eyes, and two colossal, demonic wings that exuded menace.

'Damn, that's... intimidating,' David conceded mentally. But just as this newly-formed being was about to unleash its wrath, the unmistakable sound of a sonic boom echoed, heralding the timely arrival of Omega 6.

Status Window


Name: Rubain

Title: Twin Fusion - Cain & Ruby

Level: 125

Strength: Super Human (90)

Agility: Super Human (90)

Endurance: Super Human (90)

Intellect: (260)

Physiology: Fused Nephilim (Temporary State)


- Demonic Magic Manipulation (Unique)

- Blood Magic Manipulation (Common)

- Dark Magic Manipulation (Common)

- Telekinesis (Unique)

- Temptation (Common)

The fused entity of Cain and Ruby glanced between David and the newly arrived team, calculating the odds. With a hiss, the being took a step back, its wings flaring threateningly. "We'll remember you for hitting our sister," the entity promised with a chilling edge before the space distorted around it vanishing into thin air.