Chapter 46: Butterfly Effect


From: The Supreme Council of Trimodia

To: Earth Command, Overlord, All Allied Planets

Subject: War Declaration & Detainment Warrant for 'Overlord - The Dimensional Traveler'


To the representatives of Earth and allied civilizations,

It has come to our attention that an individual from your realm, known as 'Overlord - The Dimensional Traveler', has been present on our planet, Trimodia, and has shown utter disrespect and misconduct towards our customs, traditions, and supreme leader. His behavior, akin to treating our sovereign world like a vacation resort, is a grave violation of our interstellar agreements and codes of conduct.

Furthermore, his actions have caused civil unrest, as many Arcanians view this as a blatant act of dominance and disregard from Earth. We, the Arcanians, pride ourselves on our deep-rooted culture, and any sign of disrespect is taken very seriously.

Hence, by the unanimous decision of The Supreme Council of Trimodia, we hereby declare:

1. A formal declaration of war if Overlord is not handed over to Trimodian authorities within the span of one Galactic Cycle (approximately three Earth weeks).

2. A Detainment Warrant for Overlord, for him to be delivered to us immediately, where he will face the highest level of Trimodian justice. The charges include Cultural Disrespect, Civic Disturbance, and Disregard for Interstellar Codes of Conduct.

3. If the said individual is not delivered, further actions, including but not limited to military force and economic sanctions, will be taken against Earth and her allies.

It is your duty to locate, detain, and hand over Overlord to avoid dire consequences for all parties involved.

End of Message.


David read the message, a sinking feeling forming in his gut. The situation was grim. He murmured to himself, "Was he on Trimodia this whole time? No wonder Billy mentioned he was always out of reach."

He knew this wasn't just any intergalactic dispute; this could be the ignition to a full-fledged war. David was aware of the Arcanians' demands for Overlord's castration, a grave punishment reserved for the most heinous of crimes in their culture. This was serious.

He took a deep breath. "I need to get in touch with Billy ASAP." Time was ticking, and there wasn't a moment to lose.

David paused, the weight of realization heavy on his shoulders.

"This event... it wasn't supposed to happen until Enryu became a hero," he whispered to himself. Every action has consequences, and David began to fear that his recent alliance with Billy may have inadvertently shifted the timeline.

The mere thought of triggering such a drastic butterfly effect sent shivers down his spine. But the reality outside his window couldn't be denied.

As David opened the door to his apartment and stepped into the crisp evening air, a surreal sight greeted him. The skies above Fairhaven were dotted with Arcanian warriors, female soldiers riding magnificent armored flying creatures that resembled unicorns. Their wings created beautiful but ominous patterns in the sky, and their numbers seemed endless.

People were spilling out of their homes, craning their necks to the sky in awe and fear.

"What the hell? What did Overlord do?" a man nearby exclaimed, shielding his son's eyes from the sight.

Another woman clutched her bag tightly, her face pale. "This isn't good... this isn't good at all," she murmured.

A teenager, phone in hand, capturing the scene, mumbled, "I knew getting involved with other planets would come back to bite us."

The streets were filled with a mix of curiosity and panic. Whispers and shouts melded into a cacophony of confusion.

David could feel the tension in the air. He knew the backstory — the scandalous and controversial act Overlord had committed on Trimodia. In the eyes of the Arcanians, he hadn't just committed a personal offense; he had committed blasphemy. The affair with one of the queens was bad enough, but her claims of being drugged and taken advantage of had ignited a powder keg of rage.

Considering Trimodia's strict matriarchal society where men had little to no rights and were often treated worse than animals, Overlord's actions, whether true or not, were the highest form of disrespect.

David couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Overlord, of all the places and all the people... you just couldn't keep it in your pants."

As he observed the rapidly escalating situation, with alien ships descending and battalions of soldiers beginning their search operations, David knew things were about to get a lot more complicated.

The weight of the situation bore down on David, his every instinct urging him to find Billy. Fumbling in his pocket, he quickly retrieved his communicator, the device's screen flickering to life. He quickly punched in Billy's contact, praying to hear his mentor's voice.

After what felt like an eternity, the call connected. A series of frantic noises came through, the sounds of rushing wind, shouting, and mechanical whirs filling the line before Billy's voice finally emerged, panting and urgent.

"David?!" Billy's voice crackled with tension. "I can't talk long. Omega 6 is right on my tail! They're after any intel I might have on Overlord's whereabouts."

David's heart leaped with a mix of relief and mounting dread. "Billy! Thank God, you're okay. Where are you? I can help—"

Billy cut him off sharply, "No time, David. They're closing in. Just— just lay low for now, okay? We'll regroup later. Protect yourself." The underlying message was clear; David was affiliated, by proxy, to both Billy and Overlord. His association, especially with Billy as his mentor, could very well make him a target.

The urgency in Billy's tone, the undercurrent of genuine fear, only deepened David's concern. "Billy, you need to—"

But he was met with silence, a deafening void that confirmed the abrupt end of the call.

David clutched the communicator tightly, his knuckles turning white. He felt a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach. The once bustling streets of Fairhaven were now filled with tension and chaos, with Arcanian ships overhead and Omega 6 on the move.