Chapter 46: Where’s is he?

As the thick clouds parted, Ares descended with the air of authority one would expect from a god. His powerful physique, the deep crimson armor adorned with gold motifs, and the intense gaze he leveled at David made it clear that this was no casual visit.

"David," his voice rumbled like distant thunder, "we need to discuss your mentor."

But before David could even open his mouth to respond, another dazzling figure burst forth from the sky, descending like a red bolt of lightning. It was Jupiter, donning a striking red and black suit that perfectly contrasted with his glistening golden eyes and highlighted the sharp contours of his face. The suit, while modern and sleek, carried an essence of regality, with embroidered patterns that hinted at a storied lineage.

Jupiter's gaze met Ares's. "Ares, this is my son. If anyone's talking to him, it's going to be me."

Ares arched an eyebrow, "That's a clear conflict of interest, Jupiter, and you're well aware of it."

Jupiter smirked, "Coming from the rule-breaker supreme? That's rich, Ares. If you have an issue, we can settle it the old-fashioned way. Remember, I'm 3-0 against you."

Ares grumbled, rolling his eyes in annoyance, "Alright, Mr. Tough Guy. But make it quick."

With a firm hand on David's shoulder, Jupiter guided him a few steps away from Ares, ensuring a semblance of privacy amidst the pandemonium. "I've heard about your early acceptance into the development program," he began, a hint of pride in his eyes. "But what I really need to know is if you have any idea where Overlord might be?"

David, still processing the sudden appearance of both godly figures, tried to muster his thoughts. The weight of the situation was immense, but he couldn't help but appreciate the irony. After all, when gods needed information, who would've thought they'd come knocking at his door?

David sighed, trying to organize his thoughts amidst the tension. "Look, although I'm closely affiliated with Billy, I've never actually met Overlord. All I know is what Billy tells me. Since I got to know Billy, Overlord's been off-world."

Jupiter studied David's face for a moment, the swirling galaxies in his eyes searching for any signs of deceit. Finally, he spoke, "I can see you're speaking the truth, but this isn't just about an isolated incident. The Arcanians are talking war."

David, letting out a deep breath, responded, "So we're just going to hand one of our own to the Arcanians? After everything they've done? With the way they regard our planet and treat their own men? Our technology and power aren't what they were three centuries ago. We're on par with them now."

Jupiter's gaze hardened, "David, Overlord has been accused of violating their queen. It's not a minor accusation."

David countered, "And I'm not doubting the gravity of it. But from everything Billy's said, Overlord isn't that type of person. The guy has never been in want of companionship. Isn't it possible she's making false claims? What if she was caught in a compromising situation and Overlord was just an easy scapegoat?"

Jupiter paused, taking in David's words. "Son, I've been through wars. I've seen the destruction and devastation firsthand." His voice grew solemn, the weight of centuries evident in his tone.

"Fifty years ago, when the demons tried to invade our realm, I was there. I remember the blood-red skies, the haunting cries that seemed to come from the very depths of hell, and the relentless barrage of demon soldiers, their faces twisted in monstrous fury, eyes glowing with a malevolent light. Our cities crumbled, rivers turned to blood, and for a moment, it felt like we were on the brink of extinction. The loss, the pain, the sheer terror of it all... I don't ever want to see that kind of bloodshed again."

David, taking in the gravity of Jupiter's words, felt a chill run down his spine. He understood now. This was bigger than Overlord, bigger than any individual. It was about the delicate balance of power and the potential for cataclysmic conflict.

Jupiter leaned back slightly, allowing a small smirk to form on his lips. "But let's think about it for a moment, David. The palace of Trimodia is one of the most heavily guarded and technologically advanced places in the galaxy. Every corridor, every room, even the gardens – they're covered with surveillance."

David, absorbing the implication, responded, "So, you're suggesting that if something did happen, there should be video evidence of it."

"Exactly," Jupiter affirmed. "In this age, every movement of a royal, especially in their own palace, would be captured. And let's be real here – while the Arcanians might publicly deny it, it's well-known that their royals have had their... indiscretions with men. Covert affairs, secret meetings in the dead of night. So, doesn't it seem a tad convenient that they immediately cry foul without producing any concrete evidence?"

David nodded slowly, taking in Jupiter's point. "It does sound fishy. But regardless of all this, if Overlord is innocent, we can't just hand him over. We'd be feeding him to the wolves."

Jupiter's gaze turned steely, his tone firm. "We do need to find him, though, and bring him in for questioning. As much as I believe in Overlord's innocence and as much as the situation reeks of a setup, we can't ignore the escalating tensions. We need to get to the bottom of this and determine our next course of action."

David's thoughts raced, spiraling back to the grim timeline he knew too well. The fall of Overlord was like a domino effect that caused ripples of devastation. And even though he was just a bystander, witnessing the timeline unfold, David couldn't shake off the overwhelming dread.

In his mind, scenes from the future played out like a tragic drama. Overlord, cornered, abandoned by those who once hailed him as a hero, was left with nothing. His funds were frozen, making him desperate, and that desperation led him to make hasty decisions.

Among them was taking a young trainee under his wing during his time on the run. It was a rash choice that would come to haunt him when she met an untimely end. The weight of her loss pushed him further into the abyss.

David clenched his fist, recalling the transformation of Overlord. From being the hunted, he became the hunter, harnessing his powers in unimaginable ways. The visuals of him conjuring portals, summoning creatures from unknown dimensions, and shutting down wormholes with people caught in them were horrific.

The most chilling of all was his second awakening. Tapping into a telekinetic fundamental force known as Gravity, Overlord brought Planet Trimodia to its knees.

The sheer scale of destruction, the countless Omega 6 Field Heroes and innocent souls lost in the quest to bring down one man, haunted David. It was a timeline he desperately hoped could be altered. But how? How could he shift the gears of fate without revealing his unique knowledge? The weight of what lay ahead weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Jupiter's communicator vibrated violently, illuminating the night. A voice, frantic and hurried, echoed through the small device. "Sir, he's been spotted! Garrison Heights district, Paradise City. We need you there now!"

The urgency was palpable. Another voice, sharper and more commanding, cut through the cacophony, "Jupiter! We can't contain him. His powers... they're out of control! We need you on the ground, now!"

Jupiter's golden eyes widened, a mix of alarm and determination. Without wasting another second, he turned to David, the electric energy surrounding him growing more intense.

"I have to go, son." And with those words, he shot up into the sky, a bolt of lightning slicing through the night, leaving a trail of charged particles in his wake.

Ares, who had been watching the exchange closely, gave David one last lingering look. Without uttering a word, he too soared upwards, blending with the dark expanse overhead.