Chapter 6: Popular

The match started and everyone was marking each other, the only ones free where tony and Jayson who was with the ball, Tony was ready for Jayson.

"Come on noob bring it" he said looking at the side to see Erza and Vanessa watching on from the stands, the crowd had slowly built up as the match went on and now at it's final phase it felt like half the school was here watching, even the schools gym teacher was watching the match.

"your head is to high" Jayson said



"not gonna happen noob"

"when I speak you listen" Jayson said as a dark tense feeling fill the atmosphere and all the players could feel it

bam! bam!

the ball bounced twice and Tony found himself on the floor

(what just happened) he thought

two other team mates went to stop Jayson as he was about to shoot but it was a fake, the moment they jumped into the air he twisted his body and went around them, the captain of Tony's team went to stop him but he delivered a back pass to his own captain who scored a three pointer,

"what just happened, did Jayson just switch gears?"

the match continued and Tony was with the ball with Jayson marking him, he tried a back changer but Jayson reacted to it, he tried to do a fadeaway but the ball was slapped from his hands before he even jumped, Jayson was once again with the ball, the captain of Tony's team came to stop him but just like tony before, two bounces of the ball and he found himself on the floor again.

And so it continued, Jayson suddenly switched gears and was playing like a pro, he even did a back elbow pass to his team mate, tony tried his hardest but sadly he couldn't keep up with Jayson anymore, the match continued with tony and his team going beyond they're limit but it all came to nothing, Jayson stopped all attacks and dribbled his way through the team. The match was coming to an end with a wapping 125 : 315, Jayson was with the ball and Tony was beyond frustrated, he had tried his best and was visibly exhausted. Jayson was about to score again when tony blocked him "your goals end here"

"aren't you tired of doing this already" Jayson said as he started dribbling, bouncing the ball really fast, suddenly he spread his arms wide,

(huh?where's the ball) Tony wondered but then Jayson passed the ball with his elbow to his team mate, the ball was behind him the whole time. With that pass the match was settled 125: 318.

The match was over and all the boys went to wash up before heading for classes but Jayson was the last to leave, when he came out the showers, he was about putting on his pants when a girl walked in, he turned to see Erza standing there with a shocked look on her face, he was about to panic but then he remembered something.

Role No 4: Always he calm, cool and collected, don't let anything fluster you or take you by surprise.

"what do you want" he said nonchalantly

"ok there is no way your Jayson, or at least the Jayson I know"

"I am, Erza"

"prove it"

"you had shorter hair back in middle school and was always worried about what people thought about you, you developed anxiety over your appearance and impression people had about you so you stayed away from people, that was untile we started dating"

Erza was speechless for a moment," h.... how do you know that?" she asked

"I told you it's me" he said putting on his uniform before stepping out.

She couldn't even stop him as she was out of words, the share shock that someone so hot was the nerdy skinny guy she once dated was unreal to her, the change was too much. Meanwhile as school went on Jayson slowly realized his little payback had a major consequence, he now became the one thing he hated the most, a popular guy. It wasn't that jayson had a grudge against popular kids or that he was an introvert, but he just didn't like it when all eyes where on him, he liked his privacy more than anything and being the center of attention felt like his every move was being watched or monitored by the public. After school he was heading home when Vanessa walked passed him and dropped a piece of paper before horridly leaving the class, he was about opening it when he was surrounded by guys and girls alike.

Jayson you where awesome and the cort today, I didn't know you could play basket ball like that

Jayson you where so cool when you played

hey Jayson when did you learn how to play

Jayson you where so hot on the cort today

hey Jayson



Vanessa had been thinking about what happened at the cafe yesterday and decided to talk to Jayson but when the door opened it wasn't Jayson but tony.

"V we need to talk"

"about what exactly, the fact you only asked me out because your friend was into me? is that it? or the fact you never liked me at all, why did you do it tony, why did you ask me out, your a horrible person you know that"

"yh well your not any different either"

"what's that supposed to mean"

"you liked Jayson didn't you"


"I knew, I always knew, Jayson is smart but pretty dense as well so he didn't pick up the hints you gave him when you told him the kind of guy you liked, I was scared ok, he was a loser but yet he had a beautiful girl who liked him and yet he didn't see it or had the courage to speak up, I was scared, scared he would get a girlfriend before I did so I asked you out without thinking"

"are you a moron why would you do that"

"your one to talk considering you accepted anyway"

.... , Vanessa couldn't talk, she thought no one knew but it seemed tony had been paying close attention.

"You liked him but yet you agreed to date me, so doesn't that mean you betrayed him too?"

"we where just friend!" she yelled

"yh but you both liked each other and yet you dated me instead of him, when he asked you out I'm sure you must have realized what was going on, but even still, you went out with me knowing it would hurt him yet you still did it."

"Stop talking!!" she yelled, tears where forming in her eyes.

"I.... I'm sorry, that's not why I came here, I came here to apologize for lying, listen it may have started off as a lie but I really did fall for you and I really did enjoy all this moments with you, I....."

"save it, how did you even know I was hear"

"I followed you here, where you expecting someone else?"

Vanessa didn't answer but walked to the fence and looked over the school grounds, Jayson was walking home with Vivian

(so he's avoiding me now) she thought.

On they're way home, the silence was killing her so Vivian decided to break the silence

"you did great in basketball today"


"you've become really popular"


"I'll be going out today so you have to make something to eat"


"Jayson" she called out grabbing his sleeve, she couldn't take it anymore, "I'm sorry" she whispered


"I said I'm sorry ok, I didn't know you would get upset this much"

"why are you apologizing, I told them about your secret so we're even right?"

"yh but your still mad at me"

Jayson finally turned around to look at her, he couldn't stay made at her for long and he didn't like to see her upset or sad.

taking a deep sigh he patted her head

" I'm not mad at you anymore so cheer up ok" he said giving her a smile

she looked at him, she had stayed with him long enough to know when he was faking things but this time there was a strange feeling behind his smile.