Jason Snyder, an 17 year old high schooler was giving his all to enjoy highschool and find love but failed miserably, his best friend is dating his long time crush, his child hood friend slash first love started dating his older brother, when he finally tries a last ditch effort to get a girlfriend before his final year of highschool the only girl who was ever interested in him started dating his bully.
Jayson completely gives up on love and focuses on himself, doing and saying whatever he wants without a care of what others will think or say about him and focuses on improving on all the things he was bad at like sports, just when he's finally finding happiness in solitude things get complicated as love has a twisted game to play with him
Join Jayson as his first love turn stepsister/ brothers girlfriend, crush turned best friend's girlfriend, school teacher turned step mother and the most popular girl in school turned father's side chick and ex turned bully's lover all want him now.