Chapter 4: True feelings

Jayson continued to shock his class, dominating the hundred meter race, long jump and high jump, his classmates couldn't believe what was happening, in just summer break the biggest nerd of the class changed into a high school version of captain America.

After the class the boys went to wash up and once again they where stunned

"you've got to be kidding

no freaking way

are you for real?"

even Tony was staring at Jayson

"hey umm buddy? this might sound weird but, didn't you take some kind of supersoldier serum or something?

what are you talking about

your joking right? you mean all those muscles are just from a makeover"

Jayson looked at all the boys looking at him, even flash his bully was furious, he was originally the most athletic and muscular kid in they're class. When school was over Jayson was immediately surrounded by his classmates.

"Hey Jayson you where so cool during the race today

hey Jayson how did you get so hot

hey Jayson I noticed you changed your glasses to contacts, I love the colour of your eyes

hey Jayson how did you get so ripped man

hey Jayson do you use steroids

hey Jayson do you have a girlfriend?."

All the questions where directed at Jayson but he just packed his things and walked past them, walking up to his friends he said

"hey guys you ready? I thought maybe we could hang out and catch up on things

y...yh" the girls said

"hehe you've changed so much it's begining to scare me" tony said with an awkward smile.

As they left school, tony wouldn't shut up, asking Jayson about what he was doing during the summer, meanwhile the two girls where thinking back to the PE class.

(he looked so cool) Vivian thought

(when did he become this athletic) Vanessa thought

(I never new Jayson was this attractive) Vivian thought

(I didn't notice he was this skilled and talented) Vanessa thought

(he's so manly now) Vivian thought

(he's no longer how he use to be) Vanessa thought

just then they both remembered the times they spent with Jayson before, how he use to be and how he was now, then Vanessa and Vivian remembered something.

back when tony had just asked Vanessa out, two days later Jayson asked her out as well, it was at that time she realized what actually happened, that Tony was ment to talk to her for Jayson because he didn't have the courage yet to approach her, Vivian remembered when she finally got the courage and confessed to Jayden, he had told her about Jayson and the fact he had feelings for her but didn't know how to say it and didn't want to ruin they're friendship if it didn't work out.

Back then they both didn't care about it, Vanessa actually liked Jayson at the time but not enough to date him and Vivian only liked him as a brother but now both them looked at Jayson with mixed feelings and a single thought ran through they're heads.

(Does he still like me?)

They got to a restaurant and ordered something to drinks.

"so common man spill the beans already

ok ok, my uncle helped me get into shape, the whole summer break we went to the gym and played sports

for three months?" Tony said surprised, even the girls where shocked to hear that.

"Wait your telling me that you, Jayson, the guy who I know can't even do 3 push ups went through three months of training at the gym? I don't believe it

my uncle called it body improvement therapy

damn he wasn't joking about that, your body is jacked" tony said

"wait he has muscles too?" Vanessa asked

"yh, in the boys locker room everybody couldn't stop staring at him

you know that sounds gay right?" Jayson said with a raised eyebrow before they all laughed.

"So what about the new look and clothes" Vanessa asked a bit interesting in hearing more about Jayson

"my uncle as well, he said I should stop being too plain

yh he was right, with that sweater you always wore you looked like a sign board with nothing on it

hahaha" the girls burst out laughing

"yh and with those glasses, it made your eyes bigger than your head" Vivian said


the worst part was the haircut, it looked like you had a bowl on your head" Vanessa said


Dude I am so glad your buff, now flash can't cal you a scarecrow anymore


they kept talking about how Jayson was before and made fun of him, it was hurting a lot to see his closest friends keep all these thoughts about him in they're heads but he just shrugged it off and laughed with them. They had only drank two cups of smoothy but Jayson had drank eight, it was becoming hard to hide his pain as Vivian went into embarrassing details of they're childhood and things she would catch him doing, how he cried about girls and complained about people he envied.

Things started getting a little out of hand when they slowly started revealing secrets about Jayson, Vivian revealed how he had a girlfriend but when they broke up after middle school he cried for a week, Vanessa was a little surprised by this, tony had told her about his girlfriend in middle school but she didn't know Jayson cried about the breakup. Next Tony revealed how Jayson would always beg him to talk to girls for him or teach him how to get girls, Vanessa laughed awkwardly because for her a truth had been revealed to her, Jayson couldn't take it anymore, his pokerface was slowly breaking as veins where slowly showing on his face and he couldn't order for any more drinks so he decided to join in and start from the closest to him.

"Haha hey guys did you know Vivian here is dating my brother Jayden

what! wait your actually dating his brother? so your into college guys?" Vanessa asked surprised and curios.

"Uhh well yh" she said, Jayden had asked her to keep it a secret, she gave Jayson a quick glance but he just kept smiling and continued.

"I remember she was so scared back then, I became her personal spy for my brother and I remember one time she stole his underwear

ahhahahahah!" Vanessa and Tony laughed out loud, "I guess Jayden got another one" tony said

"another one?" Vivian asked

"oh sorry nevermind" tony said trying to brush it off

"oh common tony she knows, I told her about his escapades, she's cool with it

are you sure? so she also knows he can get any college girl he wants right, Jayden is a ladies man so I'm surprised he's even dating I mean didn't he say he couldn't date just one girl?"

Vivian went silent for a moment and the lively buzzy atmosphere suddenly became a bit silent and awkward.

"Anyway why don't we head home for now" Vanessa said noticing Vivian's mood

"relax we can still hang some more, we didn't spend the whole summer break together so let's stay for a while" Jayson said, "hey Tony so how's your relationship with Vanessa going", tony and Vanessa both raised they're eyebrows at Jayson

"It's going great man" tony said as his demeanor changed a bit

"yh I've been trapped in my own world that I didn't ask before but how did you two start dating", this question got Vanessa and Tony off guard

"Umm uh you know it just happened hehe" he said awkwardly, Vanessa was faced down wondering why she felt guilty for some reason.

"wow just like that? but you never told me you where interested in Vanessa, you use to drool over our class teacher, then you moved to the most popular girl in school and there was the time before the school break where we both got rejected by.....

dude?!" Tony said

"wait so you never liked me?" Vanessa said

"no it's not like that, I've always liked yo....

who was the girl you got rejected by

I didn't get rejected

wow wow guys cool it, I thought we where reminiscing about old times" Jayson said faking a surprised look by the change of mood.

"Wait so you guys are dating?" Vivian said finally snapping back to her senses

"yh they are" Jayson said

"then wait, she's the girl he stole from...." Vivian stopped herself as she finally realized something, Vivian wondered want to say but then she noticed Vanessa was looking at Jayson intently and he just kept smiling, the look she gave him told her all she needed to know, her hunch was right. "Tony you have some explaining to do" Vanessa said in an angry tone

"wow why are you angry Vanessa, I mean you didn't like tony either right?"

Tony's head rose up looking at her and then at Jayson


you told me you liked someone already" he said cutting her off, "you said he was nerdy and cute, wore big glasses and a sweater all the time, he also had a funny haircut"

Tony balled his hands into a fist as Jayson said those words. Vanessa went silent and Vivian didn't know what to say in this awkward moment.

"Well, the mood is ruined so I guess we'll be going now" Jayson said getting up, "wait for me" Vivian said as she followed behind him while Vanessa and Tony sat silently looking down at the table. On they're way home the awkward tension still followed Jayson and Vivian, he was Infront of her but didn't slow down and she didn't speed up either.

"That was rude you know" she said and Jayson stopped


I told you he said he wanted it to be a secret and you just told them about us

relax they won't tell anybody

but still, I trusted you to keep my relationship a secret and you broke that trust" she said in anger, Jayson just turned around with the smile from the restaurant permanently plastered to his face.

"It's a secret between us

what the hell are you talking about, you just...

that's what you told me all those times", he said cutting her off, "every embarrassing moment I sheared with you, every moment you walked in on me on my embarrassing moments or hobbies, you told me it was our little secret but you spilled it all to a group of people you just met today" he said, the smile finally vanishing from his face and his dark blue eyes stared coldly at her.

"They where your friends

yet I didn't tell any of them a single thing about it but you did

I didn't know

does it change the fact that it was a promise between just us?


let's forget about it, we've caught up now right? I don't know about you guys but at least I got one good thing from this. I finally found out how my closest friends truly felt and also what they thought about me" he said as he turned around and entered his compound.

Incase you haven't noticed we've reached home.