Chapter 3: Shock

As they walked home together Vivian kept thinking of the moment she had with Jayson, (I was so close and he was so calm, the moment felt so right for a kiss but he broke it, why?) she thought but then she came to her senses, (what the hell am I thinking, I have a boyfriend, his elder brother for that matter) she thought to herself.

The next morning Vivian tried avoiding Jayson as much as possible, she didn't understand what was so different about him that made her feel that way yesterday, she tried clinging to his elder brother Jayden but he didn't like clingy girls.

Jayden Snyder, a 22 year old college student with black hair and red eyes, he was the exact opposite of Jayson, he was the athletic sporty child in the family and also the stubborn and troublesome one, he always tried things he was told not too and always took risks, he always got into fights and was popular with girls but one majore difference between the both of them was that Jayson always spoke his mind, he was more upfront about things till he entered high school and had love problems, Jayden on the other hand aldo he was considered the wild one among the two, he was also mysterious, he was alway reserved and kept things to himself, it made him hard to read and made him a mystery to the ladies.

Two days had past and it was time for school, Jayson was dressed the school jacket, his tie was a little loose and the two top buttons where open. On his way to school Vivian joined him.

"your going to the same school as me too?

yh, mom and dad did the paper work while preparing for the wedding so now we are in the same school and in the same class, you have a problem with that?

no not really" he said

Vivian gave him an annoyed look," what does he mean by not really."

When they got to class everyone was shocked and lost for words when Jayson and Vivian walked in.

"wow are they new students

the girl is so hot

yh so is the guy

wow who are they

are they boyfriend and girlfriend

maybe they're siblings."

Rumors where flying left right and center but Jayson didn't pay any heed to it and went to his seat, Vivian not knowing the school to well sat next to him. When the class started Vivian formally introduced herself to the class but then a student raised his hand.

"umm sir you forgot her brother" he said pointing at Jayson.

"what? oh uhh no he's not my brother, he's my childhood friend Jayson, he's a student here

what!!!!!!!!?" the whole class yelled, even the teacher was stunned, Jayson looked nothing like he did before.

"wait so your saying that's Jayson? like the Jayson we know?


no way, you mean the classes biggest nerd is that guy?" flash said pointing at Jayson.

"Uhh is it that hard to believe?" Vivian asked

"yes, yes it is" flash replied, "there's no way that's Jayson, Jayson is a tall skinny kid with noodle arms and glasses, that guy looks nothing like him." Hearing that remark made Jayson put his head down in embarrassment, "umm Jayson can you identify yourself" the teacher said still in disbelief.

"yes sir it's me" he said regaining his composure

"what happened to you!" flash yelled.

"That's enough flash sit down the teacher said, now Jayson what exactly happened to you that resulted in this drastic change" he asked.

"I got a make over


the class yelled again, Vivian could understand they're reactions, even she who was his child hood friend found it hard to believe he was the same person. Two seats back his best friend and crush also had they're jaws on the floor at the sight of Jayson.

"Ok so um with that settled let's continue the class" the teacher said, class went on but there was one person who couldn't keep her eyes off Jayson, it was Vanessa, she couldn't believe how hot he became over the summer break.

"So this is what he was up to during the break, no wonder he was always busy" she thought.

After some classes they had some free time, while the others rushed over to talk to Vivian two others rushed to Jayson's side.

"So this is what you where up to all these months, wow man you've changed a lot" tony said, tony had been his best friend from middle school, he already knew Vivian as they had met a few times in the past, he tried flirting with her but she refused him.

"Oh hey Tony, Vanessa

hey" she said a bit shy

"so what's the secret man spill it" tony said wrapping his arm around Jayson.

"there's no secret, I just changed my outfit and switched to contacts that's all he said

you sure about that, then how come the girls are swooning over you

no girl is swooning over me

so umm, who is the other girl" Vanessa asked

"oh she's my ste... I mean child hood friend" Jayson said.

He remembered they agreed on keeping they're family relationship a secret in school

"oh really, I've never heard of her

yh well we've met before, hey Vivian" tony said calling her over

"hey your tony right?

wow you remembered, it's been a long time huh?

yh since middle school

yh, this is my girlfriend Vanessa

Vanessa?" she asked a little intrigued


hi nice to meet you" Vanessa said extending a hand, (so this is the girl that was stolen from him by Tony) she thought as she shook Vanessa's hand, (so this was Jayson's first crush Vanessa thought.)

As they chatted away Jayson was with his head down, (how can they just ignore everybody staring at them) he thought, all eyes in class where at the three of them, Vanessa was already a class beauty, tony being her boyfriend only made him popular and was nick named the ladies man for dating such a girl but now with Vivian added to the mix it was a whole other level of beauty, Vanessa finally had someone who could compete with her for the classes top beauty.

Classes went on and it was time for PE class, it was more like a sports activity where each person could choose whichever sports they wanted to do, Jayson aldo he didn't show it was excited, he wanted to test out his speed, he wondered if his training only went to his biceps and triceps so he tried out every sport there was, it was surprising to everyone especially tony, Vanessa and Vivian, they knew more than everyone that Jayson wasn't a sporty person so to see him line up for the 200 meter race was shocking.

The race had started and off they went,( ok Jayson remember what big E thought you, start with a slow pace and then increase your speed to save stamina), Jayson to the surprise of no one was dead last but half way in the race he began to pick up speed, a few moments later everyone was once again in shock as they all witnessed Jayson dash past the other racers, in front was flash, he was running at top speed from the start and had left a huge gab but was quickly gassing out, Jayson was closing the gap as they reached the finish line but flash managed to push himself past his limits and cross the finish line first.

Everyone was amazed and cheered for Jayson new found athleticism, while the those who participated in the race took a break the hundred meter contestants lines up and among them was Jayson.

wait don't tell me he's going to run again Vivian said I'm awe.