Chapter 2: The new Jayson

Summer break went by and it was just two more days till school started, My father had gotten married and went on they're honeymoon leaving just me, my uncle Eren, my brother and Vivian at home, this would have been a nightmare if it wasn't for my uncle, we spent the whole summer together, going to the gym and buying new clothes, he promised to give me a makeover and help with my self improvement and that he did

Hi I'm Jayson Snyder, a smart tall kid with a bulb hair cut, i wore glasses and was the top of my class, I'm not athletic or a sporty person like my elder brother who is the exact opposite of me, he's not dumb but isn't smart either, just average. I remember when my train with my uncle began, I took a shirtless photo on the first day of training, my uncle said its to look bavk on how far I've gone or will go right now or later at the end of summer break, after fhat our training started.

" I can't do it anymore!" I yelled as I did my fifth push up.

"Common little Jay, you've got this just a little more" my uncle cheered me on buy layed flat on the gym floor. "This is unbearable, how the hell do you do this every day?" I asked, "well the first time is always hard but practice makes perfect, so we take a break now right, haha oh jayjay you have no idea how long and painful this is going to be" my uncle said with a smile.

The first week felt like hell, I swear if my uncle wasn't watching every second I would have ran away, well that's if i had any strength to run. We did push ups, sit ups and pull ups then ran a kilometer on the treadmill, the next week I got use to the routineas we did three sets every day then we would go home then play video games or go out to eat.

After a month he added a few more exercises like weight lifting, it looked easy in videos on TV but the pole alone was really heavy, I couldn't imagine the actual weight packs

, now he looked at himself in the mirror his hair was still bushy but he no longer wore glasses as he had switched to contacts long ago, his blue eyes where clearly visible now, he was no longer skinny as he had some serious muscle mass now, his abs and chest where so defined that it made him look like a statue or sculpture with muscles, he went in to take a shower, as he took his shower memories of the last three months flashed through his mind.

All the rigorous training exercises he went through, all the sports activities he did during the weekends, he even went for yoga classes, he never felt so much pain before in his life but now the results where finally showing. Not only that but his dressing sense had also improved a lot, stepping out of the bath and staring at himself in the mirror once again a smile appeared on his face.

"Your right as always uncle Eren" I said as I took a few posses flexing my muscles. I started dressing up when the door swung open

"finally your uncle is.... gone"

it was Vivian, she usually barged into my room unannounced, it was a normal occurrence, at least it use to be untile my uncle and i started hanging out, it was almost like he was a wedge between us, he always locked the door when he and I where in the room,not allowing her to barge in anytime she wanted, even when she wanted to hang out he refused saying it was "guy time", but I new the truth, my uncle was making sure I wasn't distracted and wanted to keep the surprise a secreted, he wanted me to surprise all my friends with hlmy new looks and outfits.

Vivian had barged into his room just when he was dressing up, luckily he had just put on his pants when she barged in and for a moment she froze

is something wrong? he asked nonchalantly


she shot the door immediately and took a minute to breath, damn it his hot, when did Jayson becomes so handsome, his eyes are so big and sharp, and his body looks so big and strong she thought, her body started heating up and her face turned red meanwhile Jayson was a little confused but brushed it of and put on his clothes, a black shirt with a wolf on it, stepping out of his room he headed downstairs to see his elder brother and Vivian eating together.

"hey where you going" his brother asked

"oh just taking a walk

can I come, it's boring staying at home all day" Vivian said, aldo she said it she was still averting her gaze from his, sure you can come he said and headed for the door, Vivian stood up and hurriedly followed but then Jayson stopped

"are you gonna go dressed like that?" he said pointing to her bum shorts

"what's wrong with it

can't you wear something that isn't to revealing

it's just my legs it's no big deal

well it is for me, go put on some jeans or sweat pants "

she gave him a " you can't be serious" look but he still kept his serious face

"ok ok I'll go change."

As they walked around Vivian kept glancing at Jayson, "he's so different from before, he never cared what I wore and always complemented me but now he doesn't want me showings skin? but his brother likes that", as they walked they came to an amusement park

"hey, why don't we go on a ride" she suggested


we haven't spent any time together because of your uncle and we only have two days left so common" she said dragging him

when they got to a cotton candy shop she remembered they didn't have any money but then Jayson brought out a black wallet and payed the vendor for some cotton candy, it was once of the rules his uncle taught him.

Rule No 3: Always have cash on you no matter how little.

After buying some cotton candy they went for various rides, all the while Jayson kept his composure but smiled brightly while Vivian laughed as loud as she could and was so happy, they stayed out till night time, Jayson wanted to go home but Vivian begged for one last ride which was the Ferris wheel. In the ferris wheel it was just the two of them sitting side by side as the wheels slowly turned

"so what's up with you, the new look and new clothes" she asked, it had been weighing on her mind for a while now

"oh not much I just decided to improve a little

improve? on what


really? ok so what did you improve on she asked

well I tried things I don't normally do or aren't good at

like what? sports?

yh, and weights lifting, I also did yoga and took some boxing lessons

wow I never thought you of all people would be interested in things like athletics

yh I secretly envied them but was too lazy to try

hehe I know, I'm your childhood friend remember? I know everything about you

oh really?" he said as he turned to face her, "then can you tell me why I did all this

what you mean why you sudden changed?


I don't know

but you said you knew everything about me" he said

"Ok not everything" she said turning to look at him, at that moment she froze, there wasn't much space in the ferris wheel so they where pressed against each other, they're shoulders pressed together.

Her face was so close to his and she could see the details in his eyes, there was silence between them, they're hearts raced, they're breath brushing against they faces, they stared deeply into each other's eyes, they're eyes sparkled as they could see each others reflection through them, the first person to break the silence was Vivian.

"I never noticed how blue your eyes were, you always wore glasses so I didn't really notice" she said

"I always knew how deep and beautiful your eyes where, your dark hair and violet eyes where a bit hard to not notice", his words made her heart beet faster, she had never been this close to him before, there was something about his demeanor and his eyes that drew her close to him

"you've changed quite a lot" she said now sneaking some glances at his lips

"yh? in what ways

well....." she found it hard to speak as her heart was beating fast, heat was rising within her and she subconsciously leaned in but then Jayson leaned backwards

"well?" he said breaking the mood, "what exactly about me has changed

oh....uhh well.... umm", as she fumbled with her words the ferris wheel came to a stop and the door opened

"common let's go home it's late" Jayson said and stepped out

y...yh she said wondering what just happened or rather what was about to happen.