Chapter 1: Rejection: life sucks

"I'm sorry but there's no way I can date you anymore, I'm into Flash now ."

those words where the lasts blow to my already breaking heart shattering it into a million pieces.

Hi my name's Jayson and what your seeing right now is the last confession and rejection I will ever do or get. My life has been miserable, well the love aspect, it's my 5th year in high school and I have only one year left to try and enjoy highschool before I move to college and frankly things have never been worse than I imagined.

My first love which is my child hood friend. Vivian is this gorgeous girl with long black hair and violet eyes, she has slender legs, a thin waist, plumpy huge melons, so huge they sometimes lift her shirt up if it's too small or too tight, the day I tried confessing to her was the day she started dating my older brother Jayden, she always talked about him and I knew she didn't stand a chance, I was older than her by a year and Jayden was older than me by four years and he was in college so I doubted she would ever get a chance with him considering all the mature college girls he saw on campus and also the fact that my brother is a player. Yet somehow some way it happened, she confessed to him and he agreed and then she came to tell me when I was about to confess to her.

That was the start of my failed love life, next was a girl I've had a crush on since high school, her name is Vanessa, she has purple hair and red eyes, she reminded me of my childhood friend as I always had a great time with her and she always teased me. I liked her but things always got awkward. Whenever we started talking about romance, I would always fumble with my words or start acting strange and falling even on a smooth dry floor. So I asked my best friend to help me with her, when I finally got the courage to ask her out what I got in response was she was dating my best friend now, when I went to confront him he spilled the beans that she liked him from the start that's why she always hung out with us.

It made my relationship with them awkward but the rejections didn't stop there, I met my ex, yh I had a girlfriend once but it was in middle school, we dated for three years then she broke up with me before we left highschool, turned out all those years of dating was a penalty game and she lost so she had to ask out the most plane looking guy in the school. Now in high school she was one of the most beautiful girls in school, I tried my luck after we kind of connected again but when I confessed that's when I was shot with the worst rejection line I've ever heard

"I'm sorry but there's no way I can date you anymore, I'm into Flash now."

In case your wondering flash is the name of a classmate that's been bullying me since highschool, it's not really that serious like physical bullying but he finds joy in humiliating me every chance he gets, to find out my ex is now dating him shook me to the core, since then whenever flash humiliated me I saw my ex laughing along with his friends, they where the power couple in school, she was the beauty queen with long blond hair and green emerald eyes, slender legs and a small waist, her boobs where firm and a bit above average but her ass was an another level, back in middle school she had big boobs but now it felt her boobs only grew a little, her ass was the asset that went through a growth spurt.

Presently I'm walking home with my sweater and backpack, I can't stop thinking about how all my attempts at finding love ended in horrific failure, maybe love isn't just for me, when I got home I noticed a black rover parked outside my house, it was my uncle's car, I rushed to meet him, my uncle Eren is the coolest guy I've ever met, he's rich and has pictures with different ladies on his phone, he always gives me the best advice and always gives me a buck load of cash every time he visits, because of him I think I have enough to pay for my tuition money and get myself through college, I have twenty piggy banks and all of them are filled with nothing less than 10 thousand dollars in each of them, every time he visits he drops 5 thousand, I don't know where he gets the money from but damn it I love it.

I walk into the house to see everyone sitting down and a new face I never thought I would see, it was Vivian's mom, I have only seen her a couple of times when I go to Vivian's house but she had never come over before.

"Hey, there he is, Jayson ma man" my father says, I stop for a moment and my brain starts rolling putting the pieces together, my father only calls me "ma man" when he wants to tell me something or ask me to do him a favour, looking around there was a kind of awkward tension in the air, my eyes stopped at Vivian's mom, Mrs Wayne, she was a beautiful woman, in her early thirties but still had the figure of a young twenty yearold, she was a business woman and always exude this confident dominating aura that made me tense up whenever I was around her, but today she had a smile on her face, something I hadn't seen her do before.

Then I saw it, even do she tried covering it the diamond ring was so big and shiny it reflected light straight to my face.

"you proposed?!" I asked in shock

this made my dad freeze for a second, he didn't think I would figure it out so fast. my uncle was at the kitchen counter sipping a glass of whine while watching the whole thing play out, "Jayson let me explain" my dad said but I wasn't having it, I ran to my room and shut the door.

"Jayson!" my dad called out, a few minutes later someone knocked at the door.

"little Jay?! it's big E can I come in?" my uncle said, we gave each other nick names, his was big E and mine was little jay. I didn't answer since the door was not locked and after a few knocked my uncle walked in, "hey little jay what's the matter, you don't want a new mom? "

"no it's not that I say, my voice muffled from the pillow, I'm not against dad getting married" I say as I sit up and my uncle sits beside me on the bed.

"I just hate the fact that everyone, even dad has a girlfriend now, everyone has found love except me"

"tell me more" my uncle said, I went on to explain my entire predicament and failures with love, my uncle felt sorry for me but also wanted to laugh his ass out because of how bad I was at getting a girlfriend.

ok kid it's time for "The Talk"

what he ment by "The Talk" was life advice he would give me every once in a while, I was expecting him to give me some tips on getting girls or even show me the ropes by taking me out or something but what he said next shocked me.

"Forget about girls and focus on yourself", I looked up at him dumbfounded, "yh yh I know someone who hangs around women all the time shouldn't be giving you advice on self improvement but it's true, right now your no good at talking to girls and it'll be hard to teach you basics of flirting or getting girls because your not true to yourself"

"huh? what do you mean" I ask a bit confused

"the real jay jay, the one I know and have fun with isn't this kid I'm seeing, he doesn't try to please anyone and speaks his mind even when he knows it'll piss people off, he also does what he wants whenever he wants and to whoever he wants, you where quite the problem child, like me" he said with a smile.

"Little jay you've changed, you've become this meek nice guy and maybe that's why girls aren't interested in you, your not free or take risks or do things regardless of what people may say or think, maybe they don't see you that way because your not true to yourself, so from now on why don't you forget about getting a girlfriend and work on yourself. Find something else that makes you happy" he said with his hand now on my shoulder, "well what else can I do, I can't think of anything."

"You can start by training this wimpy body

what I like the way I am

yh well it's shitty, if you going to improve yourself you can start with some exercise, and change those glasses to contacts, use shampoo and hair conditioners, pay more attention to the way you look

uhh Big E you've started again with that whole body improvement stuff."

After a while I go down and apologize to everyone, Vivian was a little upset with me for running off like that but I payed her no mind, after talking for a bit my brother and I give our consent for the marriage and it was fixed in a months time, I don't know why the rush but that didn't bother me what bothered me wasn't because of the short notice for the marriage, it was because Vivian would be living with us till the marriage, I was devastated, I still had lingering feelings for her and it still pained me to see her all over my brother but a saving grace came in the form of my uncle as he said he would also hang around for a while.

It was summer break and I couldn't wait to spend the summer with my uncle on my new goal of self improvement.