I was stunned for a moment, it was happening so fast, she was just with my brother and now she want to do it with me too?
She crawled above me, but then something rang in my head, she must have done this exact same thing with my brother. At that moment any feeling of lust or excitement was gone.
"Vivian stop" I said pushing her back as I sat up, she was shocked, I guess she didn't think I could resist.
" Am I not attractive to you, do you hate me?"
" Cut the crap already, I know you slept with my brother"
" What? I didn't"
" Now you wanna lie too? I heard your moans coming from his room, when I was done showering you came out from his room, is that a lie?"
She froze for a second, she was shocked to find out that I already knew about what happened.
"Jayson it's not what you thi....."
"Then what is it huh? What was the sound I was hearing from his room, what where you doing in there huh?" I don't understand why you would lie about it, he's your boyfriend after all right"
" He kicked me out!"
She sat down on the bed and tears began rolling down her face.
"When you weren't around, I tried to give him what he wants so he doesn't look else where, we touched each other but when he was about to do it I said he should be gentle, he asked if i was a virgin and i said yes, then he threw me out of his room saying he can't do it with a virgin"
As she said this tears roles down her eyes, normally I would feel sorry for her, but that was the old me, right now I just realized two things, she was completely under my brothers spell and I was only relevant to her when she needed to use me.
"So you came her to do it with me so he could sleep with you later on? You wanted to sleep with two brother's?"
" Your the only one I trust to do this, I can't just meet someone else that would be cheating"
I wanted to say something but those last few words hit me like a truck, ( that would be cheating, so she doesn't even see me as a guy at all, I really am something she can use at any time aren't I, I've been a fool this whole time even now ) i thought.
" Pls leave" I said as calm as I possibly can
" Jayson pls I ne...."
" I said leave" I said interrupting her, my blood was boiling, I couldn't believe that I ever had feelings for her, how did I ever fall for someone like this.
" I said leave!" I yelled, I couldn't hold back anymore, she was shocked but quickly left as my brother could come at any minute.
I tried to calm myself but I couldn't, I was beyond furious, ( i never want to see her again, she disgusts me, I hate her ! ) I screamed in my head.
The next morning, I was late for class, I locked my door so Vivian couldn't wake me up, when I got to school I saw something unusual, Vanessa and Tony where conversing on my seat.
"Hey Jayson"
"Hey man, woow you look like you woke up on the wrong side of bed"
" That's cus I did"
" What happened, a bad dream?" Vanessa asked
" I just wanna go to sleep I said as I took my seat "
" Did you sleep well bro"
" Just let me be pls"
They left me alone once they saw I wasn't in the mood, through out classes I couldn't concentrate my anger had barely gone down, being in the same room as her got me even more angry, lunch time I immediately stood up and went to the restroom, on my way I saw some kids bullying another kid, it wasn't unusual but they usually do it behind the school building or in hidden areas but never in the hall way, I tried walking past them and by accident a stray punch landed on my jaw, the kid they were bullying was thrown my way and bumped into me, just as i pushed him away a punch ment for him landed on me.
"Shit, watch where your going" the guy said but i responded immediately with a punch to the face, specifically his eye, he held his eye screaming, i was filled with rage and pounced on his friends, turns out they couldn't take a punch, not that I could either I was just so angry that i was able to ignore the times i got hit and just kept attacking them, luckily the boxing lessons i had with my uncle paid off. I just kept hitting and dodging.
By the time a teacher came I was the only one standing. Luckily the kid who was bullied narrated everything but I still got detention for a day.
( At least I don't have to see her after school ) I thought to myself. After school I went to the library for detention, I was lost in thought that I didn't notice someone else in detention, 5 minutes in and the teacher excused herself and went outside, that was when i heard a sneeze. I turned around to see a girl, a very fat girl who had on two short pony tails by the sides.
When I looked a little closer, I saw she was sobbing, she had a bandaid on her nose and her eyes where puffy.
( That's Lexi or as people call her, fatty Lexi or Lexi the fatty, she usually gets bullied for being fat, she wasn't always like this right? I mean I started hearing about her the beginning of this year ) I thought to myself. Seeing her reminded me of my own past, for some reason I felt like I was looking at my past self, Aldo it was a different situation.
For me I was skinny and failed in getting a girl, for her she was fat and got bullied for it.
"Huh" she reacted raising her head up to look at me.
"Why are you in detention"
"Uhh umm uhh" she fumbled with her fingers and looked to the ground, it was so obvious she was shy and nervous.
"I've heard all the rumors about you Lexi", with those words she froze and didn't move.
"But I also know who's spreading those fake rumors, I've only seen you from afar so I never got the chance to ask, what did you do to those girls for them to bully you so much"
She looked up at me with a shocked expression but then her eyes swelled up with tears but she was still looking at me with a shocked expression.
"Y ...you don't believe them?" She spoke
"No of course not, anything that b*tch says is almost certainly a lie so... Hey why are you crying?!!"
She suddenly burst out completely crying and sobbing, I was confused at the sudden outburst ( I guess it was a touchy subject ) I thought to myself but then again if someone walked in they would think I did something to her, i thought of what to do but then a memory of how i calmed down Vivian flashed in my head, I moved my seat next to hers, hugged her and patted her head, she cried for a minute or two but finally stopped.
"It must have been hard, living everyday like that, I couldn't do anything before so I turned a blind I, I'm sorry", she slowly pulled away and looked up at me, she seemed to have calmed down, her big blue eyes were looking at me i could see some kind of sparkle in them, like a glimmer of hope.
"Anyway cheer up, people don't bully others for no reason, my guess is you're special that why....."
"Stop lying!!" She yelled, "I hate it when people lie to make me feel better!!" She said in an angry and frustrated tone, she was about to storm of but remembered she was in detention and stopped at the door.
"What makes you think I'm lying?"
She turned around to see me putting my seat back, "Do you really think everybody thinks of you the same way those girls do? Cos I don't"
"Y..y ..you don't know me, you don't know anything about me so stop lying" she said.
"I don't know you but I do know your bully, Talia right? And her buddies Ariana and Sara, I call them the three insecurities".
"So what you're friends with then or something?"
"No but my friends have told me stuff about them, stuff that very few people know, so trust me when I say you're special, knowing those girls they don't just bully anyone".
"What do you mean? She asked as she came closer to sit down, "it's simple those girls bully two kinds of people, those they're jealous of and those they envy".
" I told you to stop lying", "I'm not, I'm guessing your life was normal till they showed up right? You did whatever you wanted with no care in the world,that's why they're bullying you, because they can't do the same".
"What are you talking about"
"Talia is not a picky eater, she ate a lot but that changed with her first boyfriend, he shamed her for her appetite and weight so since then she became like this, she picks on people who she thinks are more beautiful and fit than her and people who are fat, it reminds her of herself".
As the conversation went on Lexi eased up a big and talked about all three insecurities while the teacher was away, she told me how they tortured her every day, like pouring bucket of water on her while she used the bathroom, dumping their leftovers all over her food when she ate and called her a pig or right fat big on her desk, bag and clothes.
We talked till it was time to go home and at least I got her to feel better but on getting to the school gate I met someone I didn't want to meet.
"Hey Jayson, we need to talk" Vivian said