Limitless and Siren's {Program} Cheat Sheet. (Spoilers)

Current Programs of Limitless and Sirens. 

Note: All programs no longer listed here have been incorporated into either {Limitless} or {E.X.A.}. Those that are in neither have been rendered obsolete. 


Limitless (John Smith)

1. [AutoRewind] 

- Automatically invokes {Save} on the entry of a new area. 

- Automatically invokes {Auto} upon receiving new equipment. 

- Automatically invokes {Rewind} upon any damage to a user's soulgem. 

- Automatically invokes {Regen} upon receiving a major injury. 

- Automatically refills {Replace} charges once they go below two charges. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Autosave] + [Autoload].

2. [MSG Blocker] 

- Prevents Limitless from retrieving food with MSG from Exa controlled subspaces. 

- Sends a notification to Satis and Inari upon the circumvention of rule. 

3. [Jackhammer] 

- partial rewind of limbs for repeated strikes.


Freyja (Liv Ivaldi-Smith)

1. [Asura Valkyrie] 

- Turns Liv into six-armed, titan and taunts all enemies who can see the Valkyrie. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Valkyrie] + [Asura] + [War Cry]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Adapt}.

2. [Valiant's Rearm] 

- Allows rapid switching of weapons from pre-set loadouts. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Dress] + [Sanguine Bladewing] + [Overlord OS]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Adapt}. 

3. [Honor's Advance] 

- Raises weight of target exponentially by a factor of seven then charges a target. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Valkyrie] + [Rail gun] + [Kitty Punch] + [Brainwash].

4. [Pride's Shield] 

- Unique to Liv Ivaldi-Smith

- Sin Series {Program} - 001 

- Grants a target absolute invulnerability at the cost of stamina and kinetic energy. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Guardian Angel] + [Transmitter] + [Blood Intoxication]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Adapt}. 


Ishtar (Lilly Browning-Smith)

1. [Queen's Stiletto] 

- Compresses mass to boost an object's weight and speed, forming an extremely dense, supersonic projectile. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Rail Gun] + [Gravity Rounds] + [Karma Strike]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Magnitude}.


2. [Tiamat's descent] 

- Champion-ranked construct created from flying magnetized ammunition. Tiamat has preset attack patterns along with immense mass, weight, and speed. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Electrocution] + [Sanguine Bladewing] + [Overlord OS] + [Dress]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Magnitude}.

3. [Warp] 

- Long distance application of {Blink}. Grants limited invulnerability and movement before teleporting. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [In Plain Sight] + [Karma Strike] + [Silent Steps].


4. [Greed's Babylon] 

- Unique to Lilly Browning-Smith 

- Sin Series {Program} - 002 

- Automatically turns every object and person that enters Ishtar's subspace microscopic. 

- component legacy {Programs}: [Transmitter] + [Guardian Angel] + [Future Sight]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Magnitude}. 


Rhiannon (Robyn Lithgow-Smith)


1. [Hellcat Bash] 

- Combines energy from the energy realm and exponentially raises its gravity footprint. Creates a devastating attack that manifests as kinetic force. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Kitty Punch] + [Karma Strike] + [Brainwash]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Fade}.

2. [Fucking Whatever] 

- Raises the weight and manipulates the aerodynamics of bullets to the absolute limit. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Gravity Rounds] + [Sanguine Bladewing] + [Future Sight] + [Rail Gun].

3. [Loli Powered] 

- Empowers the physical body of the caster with energy from another realm. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Blood Intoxication] + [Dress] + [Electrocution] 

- Requires soulgear: {Fade}.


4. [Wrath's Domain] 

- Unique to Robyn Lithgow-Smith 

- Sin Series {Program} - 003 

- Creates an anti-soul field that absorbs both souls and stamina from everyone in the field. 

- component legacy {Programs}: [Transmitter] + [Overlord OS] + [Blood Intoxication]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Fade}


Vela (Josephine Benelli-Smith)

1. [Ethereal] 

- Shrouds the user in near invisibility. Bends light, absorbs echoes, heat, and soul. 

- component legacy {Programs}: [Silent Steps] + [Translucent] + [In Plain Sight].

2. [Sonic Cannon] 

- Turns sound waves into physical projectiles, the louder the sound, the greater the power. 

- component legacy {Programs}: [War Cry] + [Gravity Rounds] + [Rail Gun] 

- Requires soulgear: {Huddle}. 

3. [Shooting Star] 

- Creates a powerful status buff that raises morale and removes the mental brakes of allies. 

- component legacy {Programs}: [Mimic] + [War Cry] + [Brainwash] + [Guardian Angel] 

- Requires soulgear: {Huddle}. 

4. [Envy's Kiss] 

- Unique to Josephine Benelli-Smith 

- Sin Series {Program} - 004 

- Mental subordination of enemies in range below Specter rank and frenzies them.

- All affected targets infect any sentient being upon speaking to initial targets. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Save Me] + [War Cry] + [Transmitter] + [Overlord OS] + [Future Sight]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Huddle}. 


Minerva (Isabella Taurus-Smith) 

1. [Cipher] 

- Encrypts and scrambles Hellsend communications. Affects oral, audio, visual, written, and digital transmissions. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Transmitter] + [Translucent] + [In Plain Sight] + [Mimic] + [Brainwash].

2. [To Arms] 

- Enables the rapid armament of a large group of allies with Endgame rank weaponry. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Valkyrie] + [Rail Gun] + [Gravity Rounds]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Instigator}. 

3. [Army of the Couch Potato] 

- Allows tactical command of a combined-element multi role army. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Sanguine Bladewing] + [Aegis Battalion] + [Brainwash] + [Guardian Angel]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Instigator}. 

4. [Curse of Sloth] 

- Unique to Isabella Taurus-Smith. 

- Sin Series {Program} - 005 

- A digital virus that hacks, infects, and connects every online device to the [Army of the Couch Potato]. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Overlord OS] + [Transmitter] + [In Plain Sight] + [Brainwash] + [Future Sight]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Instigator}. 


Satis (Jasmine Denel-Smith) 

1. [Seraphim] 

- Enhanced defense protocol that stops future attacks from causing serious harm to targets. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Guardian Angel] + [Sanguine Bladewing] + [Overlord OS] + [Transmitter]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Variance}. 

2. [Seven Rounds] 

- Shoots seven projectiles that always hit and deal the highest damage possible. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Kitty Punch] + [Karma Strike] + [Rail Gun] + [Future Sight]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Variance}. 

3. [Search] 

- Improves accuracy in interacting with the Akashic Records. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Future Sight] + [Overlord OS] + [Whisper]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Variance}. 

4. [Lust's Longing]

- Unique to Jasmine Denel-Smith 

- Sin Series {Program} - 006 

- Marks a target with [Search] for all eternity. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Brainwash] + [Valkyrie] + [Overlord OS] + [Karma Strike]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Variance}. 


Inari (Aki Miroku-Smith) 

1. [Crimson Festival] 

- All blood spilled restores stamina. The longer the battle the stronger the caster. Reduces pain sensitivity by 90%.

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Blood Intoxication] + [Transmitter] + [Kitty Punch]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Blood Feast}. 

2. [Blood Requiem] 

- Blood constructs shaped like fox tails that can serve multiple purposes. They can attack, defend, and bind opponents. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Sanguine Bladewing] + [Future Sight] + [Overlord OS]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Blood Feast}. 

3. [Kitsune's Prayer] 

- Offers blood and stamina to empower or weaken the target for one devastating attack. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [War Cry] + [Kitty Punch] + [Brainwash] + [Guardian Angel].

4. [Gluttony's Knives] 

- Unique to Aki Miroku-Smith 

- Sin Series {Program} - 007 

- Automated blood minions equipped with {Vendetta}. Abilities are 70% of those of the caster. 

- Component legacy {Programs}: [Sanguine Bladewing] + [Valkyrie] + [Rail Gun] + [Overlord OS]. 

- Requires soulgear: {Blood Feast}