CHAPTER 2 | Stellar Endurance

The following day, I hastened my preparations, nearly running late due to my indulgence in a deep slumber. Upon arriving at the store, I promptly arranged the displays, ready to assist the surge of customers. Time slipped away, the flow of people growing, and during it all, someone approached, igniting a moment of unexpected interaction.

"How much is this shower caddy? There's no price tag," the man inquired.

"Are you referring to the plastic one or the chrome?" I responded, observing him closely as he glanced at my nameplate with surprise.

"The chrome one, Enzo," he said, his smile adding a touch of familiarity that I couldn't quite place. My memory sometimes played tricks on me, a consequence of my smoking habit, perhaps.

"The Rubbermaid is priced at 375, while the EZ is only 259," I informed him. His smile remained, and I couldn't help but find him intriguing, a man of undeniable charm.

"I'll take the Rubbermaid. Enzo, so, that's your name," he confirmed.

"Yes, sir. I'll be pleased to assist you with your purchase. Is there anything else you require?" I offered.

"Actually, nothing else for now. But with your help, I believe I might discover more," he said, and his peculiar nature piqued my curiosity. What a shame, he was truly handsome.

I guided him through the products he wished to explore, even though I sensed his interest might not be genuine. Nonetheless, I maintained my salesmanship, presenting him with various items, even ones unrelated to his initial query. Yet, I indulged in his whims. His captivating smile and handsome visage were hard to resist. I refrained from smiling too much, wary of revealing my admiration for him. Who knew what he might think of me after this chance encounter.

The day waned, and it was time to retreat homeward once more. The evening's arrival barely registered, as if fatigue had eluded my senses. Throughout the day, I couldn't help but immerse myself in the thoughts of the customer I assisted in the morning—a recurring habit whenever an alluring soul crosses my path, a diversion from drowsiness.

In my cherished haven, peace and quiet embraced me, offering a momentary escape from life's pressure. The past had its ups and downs, struggling with frustrations I couldn't express, eventually seeking solace in peaceful slumber. Though I aimed for serenity, life's challenges persisted, and at times, I couldn't help but let out a few curse words upon waking. Yet, in the middle of it all, I found comfort in settling our water and electricity bills, while our family is scrimping to save and overcome the four-month backlog in our house installment payments.

Nestled in my familiar haven at the park, I gazed upward, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Here, it felt like soaring away, transcending reality's confines. In this realm of dreams and imagination, the fruit of my endeavors took shape. As I savored these feelings, reality crept back, gently pulling me from my private reverie.

Upon opening my eyes, I sensed a presence beside me, a soul with eyes closed, just like mine. Strangely, fear did not grip me this time. Nonetheless, I reached for my pen and gripped it as a precaution. With no desire to return home just yet, I made the decision to stay. Soon, he opened his eyes, smiling, and it dawned on me, "Ah! It's him—the same man from the morning and last night."

"Hello, Enzo. I am Stephen, the one who introduced himself to you last night, though it seemed my presence didn't capture your attention," he spoke gently.

"Oh, my apologies sir. I was a bit startled last night, and I didn't realize," I replied.

"No need to address me as 'sir.' You are no longer in the department store. Do you still carry fear within you? Is that why your grip on the pen is so tight?" He noticed my defensive posture with the pen, and a tinge of embarrassment washed over me. Yet, his smile put me at ease, and I sensed kindness in his eyes.

"You seem to carry a load on your shoulders. I've noticed you often here, gazing upwards with eyes closed," he said as if delving into the depths of my thoughts.

"Ah, just a bit. You see, life can be quite unjust," I confessed, with a hint of a smile.

"Wait a moment! How can you declare life unfair? Is it because of the burden of your current troubles?" he questioned.

"Yes, I acknowledge that the world is filled with challenges. But mine, they all seem to descend at once, without a chance to face them one by one," I explained.

"These are mere trials. Don't lose hope so easily," he reassured.

"It feels like a never-ending succession of trials. No room to catch my breath," I sighed.

"Perhaps you have experienced a school test, haven't you? Now, imagine if you already know the answers by heart, could it still be called a test? I dare say, no. It would be like possessing the answers beforehand, rendering the need to prepare unnecessary, as you could effortlessly transcribe the solutions. That's what we call cheating.

Such parallels can be drawn with life itself. If you already hold knowledge of the future that awaits you, why should you fret? If you know, with certainty, that you will ascend to kingship someday, why allow today's adversities to perturb you, when the path for tomorrow has already been charted? Your present worries stem from your fair fight. Your struggles arise from the disparity between your expectations and reality. You dread committing mistakes, for you yearn for an impeccable future.

It is not amiss to aspire to a perfect life ahead; however, always bear in mind that there exists no perfection in this world. What will unfold tomorrow is merely the consequence of your actions today. Hence, if you lose your job today, there shall be no work awaiting you tomorrow, will there?" he eloquently expounded in his inimitable style.

"I understand, life can truly be a daunting journey. Sometimes, it feels as if these challenges could drive us to the brink of madness," I mused.

"Is it really that difficult? Perhaps you used to fail your exams back then, and that's why you think that way," he reflected.

"Not at all! During my studies, I consistently ranked at the top of my class," I boasted.

"Hmm, I'll take your word for it," he remained skeptical.

"Indeed, I could even show you my report card as evidence," I confidently offered.

"Well then, why does it feel so challenging now? How did you manage to overcome tests in the past?" he inquired.

"I diligently reviewed and prepared back then, of course," I answered.

"Then apply that to your life. Consider it as if life is giving you a special test. So, review and prepare yourself, so you won't falter," he advised.

"I don't quite understand," I furrowed my brow.

"As I mentioned earlier, the unfolding of the future is intricately tied to the actions of the past. Take a moment to introspect, to review your past actions. How did you confront your challenges in the past? Draw from those valuable lessons and apply them to the current circumstances. Undoubtedly, you have triumphed over obstacles before, haven't you? So, if you have imbibed wisdom from those experiences, rest assured, you can surmount the present trials as well.

If a series of circumstances arise, embrace them as opportunities to discover solutions and treasure the newfound knowledge for the times ahead. Every trial that life bestows upon you should impart invaluable insights, preparing you for the uncertainties of the future. Allow these experiences to enrich your understanding, so that you may navigate the path with readiness and grace. No longer shall you be caught unaware, akin to a naive soul taken aback by unexpected challenges," he explained in his insightful manner, urging one to draw strength and wisdom from life's myriad tests.

In the sanctuary of my favorite spot, where tranquility reigned and solitude embraced me, I found solace in sharing my burdens with Stephen. "This trial feels like the heaviest burden I've ever faced," I confided.

Stephen's eyes sparkled with wisdom as he gently responded, "Indeed, my friend, the weight of your struggle may seem overwhelming because your gaze remains fixed upon your own path. But have you ever considered shifting your perspective to behold the challenges of others?"

His words struck a chord within me as he continued, "You possess a home, with food to sustain you. Yet, reflect upon those less fortunate, who awaken each day in orphanages, yearning for a loving family. Your parents are there, offering support and care, while others wander, questioning what they did wrong to be deprived of a home."

As his insights unfolded, I felt a profound understanding dawning upon me. "And you are not threatened by perilous circumstances; you do not count each minute of existence, wishing for an extra day," he added, compassion filling his voice.

Stephen's words resonated deep within my soul, "You see, my friend, there are countless facets to life's challenges. If you open your heart and observe those around you, you'll realize the immense fortune that surrounds you."

Grateful for his perspective, I replied, "Thank you, Stephen. Your wisdom shall remain etched in my heart." His gentle tap on my shoulder left a mark of camaraderie, and I stood up, prepared to face tomorrow's dawn.