CHAPTER 3 | Nebula Affinity

Stephen's words resonated deep within my soul, "You see, my friend, there are countless facets to life's challenges. If you open your heart and observe those around you, you'll realize the immense fortune that surrounds you."

Grateful for his perspective, I replied, "Thank you, Stephen. Your wisdom shall remain etched in my heart." His gentle tap on my shoulder left a mark of camaraderie, and I stood up, prepared to face tomorrow's dawn.

As we both parted ways, I couldn't help but recognize the transformation within me. Stephen, once perceived as a peculiar stranger, now embodied a wise and compassionate soul. Such otherworldly wisdom that I somehow find difficult to comprehend.

In the passing weeks, my encounters with Stephen became more frequent, and in his presence, I felt an inexplicable envy. There seemed to be an aura of ease around him, an absence of visible burdens. His constant smile was like a soothing balm for my restless soul, a reminder of the simplicity of happiness. Yet, I kept my emotions concealed, wary of unveiling the crush that silently grew within me, for fear of an unreciprocated affection and the potential aftermath, if he were to learn of my 'Serenadian roots' (which means he is gay).

Our conversations covered a myriad of topics, and Stephen's eccentricity only deepened my fascination with him. As time passed, I found myself contemplating the art of his carefree living, an existence seemingly untethered from the worries that plague most souls. I, on the other hand, never hesitated to share my concerns and troubles, indulging in the drama of life's twists and turns.

Amidst our laughter and camaraderie, Stephen wove an unusual tale, his expression solemn as he whispered his punchline. "Let me tell you a secret, just between us. Remember when you asked where I hail from? Well, brace yourself, for I come not from this galaxy. I am, in truth, from Andromeda, Enzo, an outsider to your world."

A burst of uncontrollable laughter escaped my lips, while he maintained his serious demeanor. My amusement seemed to strike a chord within him, leaving a hint of sadness behind. "Don't tell me you doubt my words? I thought we were friends," he uttered, his voice tinged with a note of disappointment.

"Hahahahaha! Of course, my friend. Who are you Mateo Do or Kal-El?" I joked.

"I'm Stephen, not to be associated with those fake aliens! And if we're friends, you should trust me. I'm earnest about hailing from Andromeda," he expressed, with a touch of unhappiness.

Unaccustomed to witnessing such emotions, I embraced his eccentricity. "Alright, alright, I believe you now. Share more about your galaxy. Which planet in Andromeda is your home?" I inquired, and his expression immediately brightened as he embarked on the narrative.

"I dwell on the planet called Erion. It emanates a dazzling radiance, allowing us to be visible across the vast universe, no matter the distance. Erion lies exceptionally far, to the extent that even light, journeying at 186,000 miles (about 299337.98 km) per second, take two million years to reach your world. Can you fathom the expanse of the journey I undertook?" he disclosed.

"What do you yearn for in our world? Do you have any intention of conquering it? Moreover, if it's that distant, shouldn't you be much older by now?" I interjected, immersed in the whimsy of our conversation.

"One question at a time, ask!" the extraterrestrial being exclaimed. "I observed your world through my radioactive telescope, much like you have your telescopes on Earth. But there's a crucial distinction - while your devices merely provide impressions, ours capture actual images. It was through this extraordinary technology that I glimpsed Earth, and consequently, you."

"Day by day, I watched, noting the traces of sadness in your life, and that's what led me here. My intention was never to conquer your world, mind you. Your planet is remarkable, yet fraught with hardships. Your technology may seem primitive to us, as we've long discovered the wonders of 5th-dimensional space, but your resilience in the 2nd dimension is admirable. The way you perceive the 3D world, even though it's only an optical illusion, reveals the depth of your human experience."

"Among all these distinctions, the one quality I treasure in your world is the capacity to love. Unfortunately, such affection remains elusive in my homeland, where love seems to fade into obscurity, overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of Andromedans' lineage," he passionately conveyed, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and longing for the cherished quality he found on Earth.

"I understand your feelings of loneliness, for I too have experienced them. Hahaha, although I must confess, I didn't entirely grasp every word you said. Nonetheless, I appreciate your willingness to share your journey here. So, my friend, Mateo Do/Kal-El, shall we return home? I have work tomorrow, and I'm sure you have your affairs to attend to in Andromeda," I inquired with curiosity.

"Stephen, that's my name, not Mateo Do or Kal-El. I must say, I'm even more handsome than those guys, you know. But that's not the issue here. I find myself unable to return to my home; I'm stuck here. It appears my teleporting ability doesn't quite work in your world," he shared with a tinge of disappointment.

"Hahaha, so your ability is somewhat low-tech. Well, let's head home then. You'll have to endure the most potent mode of travel here on Earth – walking. So, where are you staying during your time in our world?" I asked.

"Ah, just around. I've found a place to stay, so don't worry about me," he replied, standing up and extending an invitation to go home together.

As I arrived home, there stood my mother, waiting for my return. "Son, your sibling is on the verge of giving birth!" My mother urgently conveyed the news, and in an instant, I dashed inside the house.

My mother sought the aid of Aleng Mameng, who assists with childbirth in our area. However, upon seeing my sister, Aleng Mameng confessed her inability to deliver Krizzie's baby due to the feet emerging first.

Without delay, I hailed a taxi to rush her to the hospital. The wait there seemed endless, nearly 30 minutes before we received attention. The doctor informed us that Krizzie required a cesarean section. Overwhelmed by the looming expenses, I felt lost. How could I come up with such a sum?

"Just let it be; there's a solution to every problem. Remember, you're not alone; there's someone watching over you, so hold yourself together," Stephen's words resonated in my mind. I took a deep breath, reassuring myself, "Everything will fall into place; I'm not alone. Someone watches over me; I must remain steadfast."

In the realm of life's unfolding chapters, a new dawn graced Krizzie's world as her firstborn came into existence. I once feared the burden of expenses, but a twist of fate revealed that she and Randell, her boyfriend, had rekindled their connection, and he generously shouldered all the hospital costs. Though anger surged within me for Randell's past abandonment, I found solace in his newfound commitment to my sister and their child, even expressing his desire to marry her. With sincerity, he sought forgiveness from us and made amends for his actions, paving the way for reconciliation.

As time danced on, a few months after Krizzie's blessed delivery, Randell extended an invitation to the wedding. Blessed with a well-off family, monetary worries subsided. We gladly contributed with heartfelt support, embracing the joyous occasion about to come with open arms. After all, the bride-will-be hailed from our clan.

Under the embrace of an evening sky, I stood in front of my modest abode, yet my heart yearned for a greater dwelling, one of my dreams – a dream I believed would manifest someday. The beauty of dreaming lies not only in the dreams themselves but in the very act of their fulfillment. As I gazed at that desired house, an unexpected sight met my eyes – Stephen, entering its premises. A woman, perhaps his mother, accompanied him. Shyness overcame me, and I hesitated to call out to him in her presence, choosing instead to save my questions for our next meeting when we could delve into the enigmas of life and destiny.