CHAPTER 4 | Ethereal Connections

Under the embrace of an evening sky, I stood in front of my modest abode, yet my heart yearned for a greater dwelling, one of my dreams – a dream I believed would manifest someday. The beauty of dreaming lies not only in the dreams themselves but in the very act of their fulfillment. As I gazed at that desired house, an unexpected sight met my eyes – Stephen, entering its premises. A woman, perhaps his mother, accompanied him. Shyness overcame me, and I hesitated to call out to him in her presence, choosing instead to save my questions for our next meeting when we could delve into the enigmas of life and destiny.

As fate would have it, after three days, I found myself face-to-face with Stephen, the very same man I saw entering the house of my dreams. With curiosity and enthusiasm, I raised my question.

"Stephen, do we happen to live opposite each other?" I inquired, almost answering it myself.

"Huh?! Oh, indeed, we do. Forgive me for not mentioning it earlier. But please, I must implore you not to visit my house. There's a unique energy there that might sap your strength, so I genuinely advise against going there," he uttered, leaving a tinge of disappointment in my heart. While I respected his wishes, a part of me yearned for a more authentic explanation.

"Can't you think of a more compelling reason?" I probed further.

"There is no other reason, truly. I'm simply concerned for your well-being. I can't bear the thought of anything untoward happening to you if you were there," he replied with genuine concern.

"Ah, never mind," I said, allowing my feelings of hurt to be apparent.

"Please, trust me. Don't be upset. I am only considering what's best for you. I fear you might not be able to handle it well if you were to go there," he reassured me. Yet, I chose not to respond any further. I no longer wished to entertain his baseless fears, and my annoyance had grown beyond measure.

"Let's go home; I'm feeling sleepy," I said, standing up. He tried to stop me from leaving, and for a moment, I thought he would finally reveal the real reason why I couldn't visit his place. However, I was mistaken. He stood up as well, his gaze fixed on my eyes—serious, without a hint of deceit. His eyes seemed to explore every inch of my face, lingering on my lips as he gently held them with his thumb. I stood there like a statue, waiting for whatever would happen next. Slowly, he leaned in, and I was ready to surrender to the moment. But suddenly, he stopped, pulling away and reaching for my hand instead. He held it firmly and said, "Believe me." His eyes were intense, and I found myself willing to follow whatever he desired. There was something about his eyes that weakened me. Damn! Is he really an alien?

"I always believe you," I replied, and I saw his slow smile, which put me at ease. In just a split second, he managed to change my mood entirely. We walked on, not realizing we were still holding hands. I noticed the stares from the people passing by, causing me to let go quickly.

"Hmm, it's truly intriguing. Why is it that everything that empowers me weakens you, humans? If only we both drew strength from the same source, then I'd gladly extend an invitation to my abode," he expressed, his smile unwavering.

"You have a point. How many years have you dwelled in our world, yet your body still struggles to adapt?" I inquired.

"When you reached the age of ten, I was already here. It has been fifteen years for me, and you're twenty-five now, right?" he replied.

"Yes, so that implies you're older than me? How old are you, then?" I probed further.

"No, we're of the same age. I, too, was merely ten when I arrived here. Time dances swiftly on Earth. For us, it crawls. At six years old, I caught my first glimpse of you through my telescope. From your birth to childhood, until you reached six, just like me. You managed to catch up in age swiftly, for time hastens in your realm. Ever since I've been observing you daily. As you ventured to school, played in front of your home. I even witnessed your mother disciplining you once. And when we both turned ten, that's when I made the decision to teleport here," he eloquently revealed.

"Why did you choose to approach me only now, despite your long stay here?" I inquired once more.

"Well, in the beginning, I struggled to adapt to your world. Breathing was a challenge since you rely on oxygen, while we thrive on nitrogen. I had to search for a nitrogen inhaler to cope until I grew accustomed to breathing oxygen. And I was initially afraid of people, except for you. I noticed how many were drawn to you, making it difficult for me to approach. But when I saw you alone here in the park, I mustered the courage to come closer. Did you think I was a pickpocket?" he explained.

"I must say worse than a pickpocket," I laughed. "Your explanations are quite impressive and convincing. By the way, Stephen, I extend an invitation to my sister's wedding. I've already informed her, and they gladly added you to the guest list, so there's no backing out now. And are you still afraid of other people?" I inquired.

"Over the last 15 years, I've thoroughly studied human behavior, and I'm no longer afraid of others. It's fascinating to observe their ways. A wedding? This will be my very first time attending such a celebration. I'm thrilled! I'll make sure to prepare a thoughtful gift for your sister. By the way, where's my invitation card?" he said, his excitement evident as he eagerly asked for the invitation card.

"Still, it's not yet ready. I'll give it to you when it's finished, so don't get too excited," I said playfully, my brow slightly furrowed.

"Inviting people without an invitation card ready. Hand it over as soon as it's done, or I'll send you to a black hole," he teased, pretending to threaten me.

"Scary! Alright, when it is ready." I said and act as if fear struck me.

"Oh, Enzo, this is for you." He presented me with a smooth stone, as big as my palm. Its circular shape was perfect, and it glistened beautifully.

"What is this?" I asked, puzzled.

"When you speak to that stone, I will be able to hear your every word, just like a mystical transmission device. It mirrors the way we communicate on my home planet. The intriguing part is you won't hear my voice in return; only Andromedans can decode the whispers within. But fear not, for you may speak into it, and I shall hasten to your side when called. However, do understand that there may be moments when my time is claimed elsewhere, so please don't sulk if I am unable to come," Stephen gently explained.

"Ah, wonderful! Thank you for this unique gift. By the way, haven't you acquired a local Earth transmission device like a cellphone? I'm yet to obtain your contact details," I curiously inquired.

"Ah, I haven't procured an Earth-made cellphone. You are the only one I converse with on this plane. Given our frequent encounters, it seems needless to possess one," he responded, his gaze meeting mine with assurance. I nodded, appreciating the connection we shared in our extraordinary bond.

We journeyed on with joy, boarding a public vehicle to continue our path. As we rode, I couldn't help but notice his weariness, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The distance we walked wasn't great, yet I too found myself perspiring and slightly breathless. Hmp! The heat, coupled with my excessive smoking, took its toll. Upon arriving at the street corner, he insisted I enter the house first. Peering through the door, I caught a glimpse of him as he stepped into his abode. Once more, an everlasting smile graced my face, for in my eyes, he remained irresistibly handsome. His childlike thoughts and playful antics only added to his charm, embracing his youthful allure and baby-faced countenance.