CHAPTER 5 | Anthem of Erion

Time has elapsed, and during a lingering melancholy, I found myself missing Stephen. A whole month without a glimpse of him. With ample free time at my disposal, I whiled away my hours, amusing myself with games on my mobile phone. But even the most entertaining distractions couldn't quench the longing in my heart. Then, I remembered the peculiar stone he had given me – a curious gift that seemed to hold a mysterious connection.

Addressing the stone as if it were a confidante, I spoke my heart's desires and sorrows. An absurd notion, I thought, yet it brought some solace to my restless soul. Seeking answers to my silent questions, I wondered if all Andromedans possessed such striking charm as Stephen's, my friend and enigmatic companion. Boldly, I admitted my feelings for him, uncertain if he could even hear me. "Perhaps it's safer for him not to know," I whispered as if the stone could understand the complexities of human emotions.

Amidst my musings, I found myself drifting into slumber, embracing dreams of an impending wedding of my sibling – a celebration that loomed on the horizon. The invitation had arrived, and preparations were in full swing. My dear sibling, once a tender child under my care, was about to embark on a new chapter of life, hand in hand with their beloved.

Touched by a wave of nostalgia, I reminisced about our shared past, cherishing each memory with a mix of pride and regret. Regret for the moments of impatience, the trivial arguments over trifles, and the times I failed to express my love. Oh, how I wished I had showered her with affection and understanding before this turning point. But the wheel of time spins relentlessly, and now she would have someone else to protect and care for her. A new guardian to share life's joys and challenges.

With tears welling in my eyes, I pledged to be the best uncle, nurturing and guiding the next generation with love and wisdom. In this journey, I would fill the gaps left by youthful bickering and offer a haven of support and unconditional love. As I gazed at the stone in my hand, I wondered if it held some secret wisdom, some timeless knowledge from the universe, guiding me to the right path.

Yet, despite the uncertain future, I vowed to make every moment count and to cherish every step of this extraordinary journey called life. In the end, it's not the grand events that define us but the little moments that shape our hearts and souls. And as the wedding day drew nearer, I embraced the wisdom of the stone, finding solace in its enigmatic silence.

Still, Stephen and I hadn't crossed paths. I had to settle for sending the wedding invitation through their household helper, hoping he would receive it. As much as it saddened me, there seemed to be little I could do. I had no clue where to find him, and when I asked their helper, even she was unaware of his whereabouts, so I didn't press the matter further.

The day of Krizzie and Randell's wedding finally arrived, and the atmosphere was filled with joy throughout the ceremony. However, as it concluded, Stephen was still nowhere to be seen. My heart sank a bit, but I held onto the hope that perhaps he had other obligations.

Yet, to everyone's astonishment, during the reception, a group of men brought a grand piano into the venue, followed by musicians carrying various musical instruments. Even the newlyweds seemed perplexed by the unexpected turn of events. Suddenly, my heart raced when Stephen appeared on stage.

He spoke, revealing that his gift to the newlyweds was a musical performance. As he sat in front of the piano, the room fell into a hushed silence. The music began to fill the air, and I could feel my heartbeat quicken as I saw his eyes fixed on me. His expression was serious, and I couldn't decipher his emotions.

With every note he played and each word he sang, the intensity of the moment grew. It was as if the music spoke directly to my soul, connecting us in a way words couldn't express. There was an aura of determination around him as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, yet he continued with unwavering dedication.

Then, he announced the father and daughter dance, and once again, he returned to the piano to play a heartwarming melody. As he did so, his gaze remained locked with mine. The sincerity in his eyes touched me deeply, and I felt a mixture of emotions swirling within me.

It was a moment of bittersweet beauty – a gift from Stephen that reached deep into my heart. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his mind. There was so much I wanted to say, but words seemed inadequate in that enchanting ambiance of music and emotions.

As the evening unfolded, I clung to the memory of that captivating performance, holding it close to my heart. Though he remained distant and enigmatic, I cherished the connection we shared, expressed through the language of music and unspoken feelings.

(Cinderella – Steven Curtis Chapman)

In that moment of the father-daughter dance, a deep surge of emotions enveloped the scene. Tears welled up in my eyes, witnessing the heartfelt connection between them. My sister, now bound to another, embarking on a new chapter of her life. I could sense the bittersweet sentiments in our father's heart, for he had always guarded her with unyielding care, like a precious treasure.

Stephen, amidst the music and tender sentiments, seated before the piano, dedicating a song to my father and Krizzie. Yet, as he sang, his voice seemed to quiver with a touch of vulnerability. He poured his soul into the performance, battling the difficulty of certain notes. I observed him as he too glanced my way, his lips trembling with deep emotion.

In the harmonious dance of life, we find ourselves connected by invisible threads, woven through shared experiences and the bonds of love. Stephen's presence here, his performance, was more than just a gesture of celebration. It was a profound reflection of the interconnectedness of our lives, where every action creates ripples that touch others in unforeseen ways.

As the song came to an end, it left a lingering echo in my heart. I felt grateful for the moments shared, for the connections formed, and for the realization that even in the vast universe, our paths crossed for a reason. The anthem ceased, but its resonance continued, carrying within it the essence of love, friendship, and the eternal dance of life.

In that instant of reuniting, our words seemed to dance around unspoken emotions, and our glances spoke volumes that only the ancient universe could discern. There was a lingering sense of longing, yet a profound understanding between us. I questioned his absence, wondering where he had been all this time, but he chose to meet my inquiry with a gentle smile, leaving the answers to be deciphered in the realm of silence.

Concerned, I probed further, "Is something bothering you? You look pale, are you sick?" His smile persisted, veiling the truth behind those enigmatic eyes. Despite my hidden frustration, I could not bring myself to reveal the turmoil within.

"Do you hold resentment against me for our lack of meetings?" he ventured, seeking to understand my heart.

Shaking my head, I confessed, "No, it wasn't resentment. Just a hint of disappointment, perhaps. I attempted to connect through that Andromedan device, yet it appeared futile, for my voice remained unheard." My voice carried a tinge of wistfulness as I recounted the unshared moments.

"Ah, I heard you. But I must rest. Oxygen exposure has taken its toll. Remember, it's not truly oxygen that sustains us on Andromeda. I thought I had adapted, yet the impact on my body persists, much to my surprise. Hehehehe." His smile appeared, but I sensed its contrivance, swiftly replaced by a grave countenance, as if harboring a hidden affliction beyond my grasp.

"I should head home now. Kindly convey my apologies to your parents and the newlyweds. The exposure to oxygen troubles me once more."

Baffled by the enigma unfolding, I witnessed a woman drawing near, guiding him to their vehicle. However, before they could embark, Stephen abruptly lost consciousness. Without a moment's hesitation, I darted toward their location.