CHAPTER 6 | Threads of Starlight

Baffled by the enigma unfolding, I witnessed a woman drawing near, guiding him to their vehicle. However, before they could embark, Stephen abruptly lost consciousness. Without a moment's hesitation, I darted toward their location.

At that crucial moment, I pleaded, "Let us take him to the hospital. His condition appears far from well."

Perplexed, the woman replied, "Huh? Ah, yes, let's go!" With my mind preoccupied with concern for Stephen, I didn't bother to ask for her name. We hurriedly made our way to the hospital, where a doctor promptly greeted us.

"My dear, why did you allow Stephen to act as he pleased?" the doctor inquired. Her words carried a sense of familiarity as if Stephen were no stranger to this place. "His complications may have worsened," she continued, shaking her head in disappointment, while the woman struggled to find an explanation.

In the solemnity of the ICU, Stephen's frailty weighed heavily on my heart, and the woman accompanying him understood the gravity of his condition. We found ourselves briefly seated, and unexpectedly, she reached for my hand, her gaze locking mine.

"Enzo, please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused. It was Stephen's wish that we attend your sibling's wedding. I hesitated, knowing he needed to rest and recover in this hospital. His illness has taken a toll on him these past weeks. But he insisted, fearing that you might feel disappointed if he didn't make an appearance. Yet, you see, he's strictly forbidden from venturing into crowded places due to the risk of infections," she revealed, with a sense of sincerity in her voice. It was astonishing that she knew my name.

"Pardon my curiosity, but have we met before?" I inquired, intrigued by her familiarity.

"No, Enzo, but I've known you for a long time. I've known you since you were a child, all because of Stephen. However, I only recently learned your name," she replied, her voice carrying a sense of mysterious familiarity.

I was intrigued, and my curiosity was piqued. "How did you recognize me when we've never met, and I only found out recently that Stephen lived across from us? Could you please enlighten me? I'm somewhat perplexed about what's happening to him," I inquired with earnestness.

Her eyes seemed to hold a wealth of untold stories as if she carried the secrets of the universe within her. "Stephen has spent his entire life confined indoors. You see, he cannot be exposed to any kind of dirt or contamination as it would weaken his fragile body. He isn't like other healthy children, and since birth, he has battled with illness. He used to be constantly sad, longing to venture outside, but I could never bring myself to permit it, fearing any harm that might befall him. He insisted on numerous occasions, and it broke my heart to see him caged within the house. That's when I thought of buying a telescope so he could at least glimpse the outside world and distant places from afar. At first, he resisted using it, but when he spotted a cheerful child, you, through the telescope, he started peering more frequently. I noticed how his smiles became more frequent, and he grew livelier. You brought happiness into his life. But he also felt sadness when you weren't around. I wanted to invite you to our home once, but Stephen refused, fearing you might catch his illness," her words flowing like a gentle stream, carrying the essence of emotions untamed by time.

In that moment of profound revelation, I found myself drawn into the depths of a heartrending tale. The air hung heavy with a mix of fear and boundless love, as Stephen's aunt confided in me, revealing the hidden truths that lay beneath his uncanny existence. The vulnerability in her voice echoed the depths of her heartache and the unwavering devotion she held for her beloved nephew.

"Ah, what illness does Stephen have?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

With a plea in her eyes, Stephen's aunt began her narration, urging me not to forsake her nephew. She emphasized how I became the beacon of his strength, his most cherished, a source of hope that kept him fighting against life's adversities. From the tender years of his childhood, Stephen had cherished me dearly.

"Please, Enzo, stay by his side," she implored. "He finds solace in your presence, a reason to endure the trials that beset him. In the realm of material wealth, I may have riches, but without Stephen, my life is a barren desert."

The tale unraveled, exposing the profound circumstances surrounding Stephen's life. Afflicted with the tragic inheritance of HIV, he bore the burden passed down by his parents, who unknowingly carried the same affliction. And yet, through the unexpected course of events, he was conceived, and with that union, the cruel hand of fate marked his path.

"Enzo, I beg you, do not shun him," she continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "He has known isolation throughout his existence, and often, I was compelled to leave him to tend to our businesses, ensuring the resources for his relentless battles against the illness."

In that poignant moment, I realized the magnitude of my role in Stephen's life. As his most valued ally, he drew strength from our connection, a lifeline that sustained his spirit amid the tempest of suffering. Stephen's aunt's love for him was unwavering, yet he believed himself a burden, convinced that his presence was a source of disgust.

Overwhelmed by the gravity of her words, tears streamed down my cheeks. A blend of fear and unyielding affection surged through me, entwining my heart with Stephen's fate. Now, understanding the untold tale, I resolved to be a steadfast pillar of support for my dearest friend.

With our hands interlocked, Stephen's aunt's grip tightened. Her worry was palpable, her silent plea that I wouldn't forsake Stephen. In that instant, I embraced my role, a companion of light for Stephen's journey, bound together by love's unyielding threads.

In moments of uncertainty, I promised Stephen's aunt that I would never leave his side, no matter what happened. "You see, I truly care for your nephew," I shared with a warm smile, comforting her as tears welled in her eyes. We embraced again, and I pledged to be an unyielding source of strength for Stephen, just as he had been for me.

After our heartfelt talk, we turned our attention to Stephen, peacefully resting like an innocent child, unaware of life's complexities. Deep in my heart, I felt that he would overcome all challenges, guided by a higher power and the unwavering love we showered upon him. Stephen had taught me resilience, and I resolved to face life's trials with newfound courage.

As the day ended, I bid farewell to Stephen's aunt, assuring her that I would return, undeterred by any fears of HIV.

After hours of working, I rushed back to the hospital, eager to be with my friend. However, what I found tugged at my heartstrings. Stephen was caught in turmoil, venting his frustrations on anything within reach. His aunt wept by his side, her heart breaking at the sight.

"Why? Why must you confine me to this infernal place? Huh? There's no cure for my illness, is there? I'm completely aware that I would die soon. All I desire is to spend my remaining days with Enzo. Why? Why is it that you can't allow the very thing that sustains my life? Why won't you allow me to be by his side? LEAVE ME BE!" And in a moment, his strength waned, and he suddenly lost consciousness once more.

As I stood there, all I could do was weep, contemplating the depth of my significance in this world. I realized that others lean on me, and I must embrace resilience for their sake. Failure is not an option, for their defeat would be my own. A shift in my life's perspective was necessary. No more weakness; I must stand firm and resolute in every trial that comes my way. "Hey! Pull yourself together!" echoed Stephen's voice in my mind.