CHAPTER 8 | Starship

"Don't you believe me anymore?" he asked, his voice trembling. Still, I didn't respond, struggling to hold back my tears. In a sudden turn of events, he collapsed, and I hurriedly went to his side to support him.

"Come on, let's go. I'll take you to the hospital," I said, trying to keep my emotions in check.

As we stood there, at the foothill, Stephen's gaze scanned the surroundings, his voice frail but determined.

"Let's not venture to the hospital. Take me there, Enzo, to the top of the hill, where I can connect with those who'll come for me. My body is already filled with oxygen, and I'm growing weaker. I yearn to see our beloved place, to embrace its beauty with you by my side," he softly pleaded.

I hesitated, unsure of what to do. But my only wish was to make Stephen happy. If we were counting his final hours in this world, I would choose to give him the happiness he yearned for. I would make him happy until his last breath. It was the only thing I could offer him. Gently, I hoisted him onto my back, feeling the weight of his body. The sun began to set, casting its warm glow over the landscape as we ascended the hill together. Along the way, his hand reached out and tenderly touched my face.

"Don't weep, my friend," he said with a whisper. "I can't bear to leave when I see you in tears. In Andromeda, I'll be watching over you, a silent guardian. And though time may lead you to forget, remember, my heart will forever cherish you."

My voice trembled, trying to suppress the emotions swirling inside me. "Please, Stephen, don't speak like that. It feels like you're torturing me. But I'll carry your memory with me, eternally grateful for the moments we shared."

"I apologize, but I want you to know what's in my heart before I go. If I don't say what I need to, I might regret it forever," he said.

"I will not listen," I replied.

"Enzo, I love you." His words sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but sob. My lips trembled, and tears streamed down my face.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you. Say it again," I said, my voice quivering.

"I don't want to. I didn't say anything," he murmured, burying his head in my neck. I managed a smile at his playful act. Truly, he had the heart of a child.

"Are the Andromedans kind?" I inquired.

"We are kind, why do you ask?" he responded.

"Because I worry about you. What if nobody loves you there?" I confessed.

"Are you afraid of losing me?" he asked again.

"Yes, I'm terrified. Please, don't leave. It'll be difficult for me to follow you. They say that Andromeda is the closest galaxy to heaven, so please don't go there. Stay here on Earth; I'll do everything to make you happy, to make you love my world," I pleaded.

"Don't believe what they say, Enzo, that Andromeda is the closest to heaven. To me, Andromeda is heaven itself," he whispered. "Don't be afraid. Be strong for me, please," he said. His lips, close to my ear as he whispered.

"You taught me how to be strong, but... but you didn't teach me how to be brave. Stephen, I'm scared. I don't want you to go. I don't know what to do once you're gone."

"I'll teach you bravery when the time comes. This is the final test – to overcome the sorrow my departure brings. Once you pass this, I can be certain that there's nothing you can't handle anymore." I didn't want to listen anymore. Hearing his weakened voice only added to my pain.

As we reached the summit of the hill, we settled under a tree's shelter, gazing at the mesmerizing sunset before us. Stephen, as he gazes, scanning the horizon, tears are falling from his eyes. But a radiant smile adorned his lips, and I couldn't help but inhale deeply, savoring the moment, etching that smile into my memory. If this were to be our last encounter, I'd consider myself blessed to have witnessed such a smile meant solely for me. Love, as I've come to learn, can be a bittersweet journey, especially when it involves an extraterrestrial like him. He once again lifted the stone he held, and as I took it from his grasp and stood up, a determination surged within me. For him, I'd venture into the intangible, and seek the imperceptible, I'm ready to dwell in a world of illusion, and I'd embrace the unfathomable. I'd soar high, I'd plunge low, transcend human boundaries, and confront the unknown. I'll perish and be reborn for him. Yearning for one more chance, as our time together still felt far too fleeting. My heart yearned to be with him, and I pleaded, imploring fate to grant him to me.

"How can we discern if there's a signal present?" I inquired.

"Once the stone warms up, we'll know a signal awaits," he replied. Tears streamed down my cheeks; my emotions unrestrained.

"It's getting warm. A signal is now within reach. To any Andromedan listening to this, please come for Stephen. He weakens in our world," I whispered, pressing the stone to my mouth.

"They're already aware. Return here. They've heard your words. Thank you for enabling them to come for me," he assured me.

"Do they... truly understand me?" I stuttered amid my sobs.

"Yes, we comprehend all languages. Enzo, I'm feeling cold," he softly shared. Without a moment's hesitation, I drew nearer, holding him in a tight embrace, wrapping him in warmth.

"Are you still cold?" I asked.

"No... Enzo, you mean everything to me. Thank you for inviting me into your world. I'll cherish you for eternity," he whispered, and I held him even closer, sensing his body trembling.

"Stephen, I love you deeply, I don't care if you are an extraterrestrial. It doesn't matter to me; I just love you," I whispered to him.

"Are they taking too long? I'm getting sleepy," he said.

"They're almost here. You need to wait. They're coming; I can already hear them," I replied anxiously. I undressed and covered Stephen with my own clothes. "They're close now, Stephen! Don't fall asleep. They're almost here!"

"I'm so tired, Enzo," he murmured. My mind was about to explode with what I was hearing. No, this can't happen. He has to stay alive for me. I'll do anything, even if it means believing in lies, just to keep him alive. I'm ready to suffer as long as he lives.

"Just a little longer, please wait. They're almost here," I pleaded. I stood up and anxiously paced around. "YOU ALIENS, DAMN YOU! Why are you taking so long? THEY'RE HERE! THEY'RE FINALLY HERE!" I shouted. Then I hurriedly returned to Stephen's side and embraced him tightly. I was losing my sanity, unsure of what to do. It's as if I wanted to hold on to Stephen's life and challenge death itself.

"Enzo, I am truly grateful for your unwavering belief in me. It brings me joy to depart from this world, for even in the brevity of the life bestowed upon me, I shall forever cherish the knowledge that, once upon a time... there was Enzo who believed in all my lies. Thank you. In this vast and cruel universe, Enzo, you are my Andromeda.," he whispered softly, as his hand, still clasping mine, slipped away.

"Stephen! Stephen! STEPHEN! What are you doing? Do not surrender! Do not leave me stranded here. I love you, I cannot bear to be deprived of you. I was ill-prepared for this moment, Stephen?! Hey! Speak to me! They have arrived. I can see them. They have come to pick you up. Please, awaken, Stephen!"

*** In the vast expanse of the cosmos, I find myself teetering on the edge of sanity, lost in the abyss of uncertainty. The search for that elusive cosmic wonder, like chasing a mirage, seems futile. I feel like I am losing hope, adrift in the sea of stars, with no clear destination in sight. It's as if the very essence of my being is slipping away, and the elusive Andromeda feels like a distant dream.

As I traverse the cosmic expanse, a glimmer of hope emerges from the darkness. It's a tiny spark, almost imperceptible, but it calls to me, urging me to press on. Despite the vastness of the universe and the uncertainties that lie ahead, this flicker of hope gives me a renewed sense of purpose. I find solace in the notion that there is still something to discover, a cosmic revelation that awaits.

With each passing moment, the glimmer of hope grows brighter. It guides me through the cosmic labyrinth, leading me toward new discoveries and unexplored territories. In the pursuit of the unknown, I find the essence of exploration and the beauty of discovery. Even amidst the chaos of the cosmos, there is a sense of order and purpose.

As I continue my cosmic quest, hope becomes my guiding star. I may not know where this journey will lead me, but I am certain that it is a journey worth taking. For in the pursuit of the elusive Andromeda, I find hope in what's left—the beauty of the cosmos, the wonders of the universe, and the unending possibilities that lie ahead. And when I finally stand before that celestial wonder, I will know that hope was never lost—it was there all along, guiding me through the darkness and illuminating the path to cosmic revelation.***